What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MAY 2013
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Tuesday, 07 May 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Maidenwell QCWA Meeting & Mothers Day Lunch
The Maidenwell branch of the QCWA will be holding their regular monthly meeting at the Maidenwell Hall Supper Room from 8:45am this morning (when things will kick off with a welcoming cuppa) through until this afternoon. The branch meeting itself will commence at 9:30am and all ladies in the Maidenwell and Bunya Mountains areas are very welcome to come along and meet the other branch members! You can obtain more details by phoning Glenda on (07) 4164 6137 or by emailing her. Note: Because this Sunday is Mothers Day, today's meeting will be followed by a $10-per-head Mothers Day Lunch in Maidenwell Hall at 12:00 noon.
Kingaroy Writers Association Meeting
The Kingaroy Writers' Association will be meeting between 9:30am and 12:00 noon this morning at the Uniting Church Hall on the corner of Alford and Youngman Streets in Kingaroy. Members meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to share their work with other members and take part in writing and word exercises. Membership is $5 per annum and meetings are $2 to cover tea and coffee (bring a plate for a shared morning tea experience). New members are always very welcome! More details? Phone Geoff on (07) 4162-1885 or Jessica on (07) 4162-8476.
Coffee & Cake Morning - Wondai
The Lively 50's & 60's Singles Social Group will be holding a coffee and cake social morning at Dimities Cottage in Haly Street, Wondai between 10:00am and 12:00 noon today. Lively50s&60s is a social group for women and men between 50 and 69 to allow them to get together for fun, social activities and merriment. Membership is 100% free - just pay for your food, tea or coffee. You can obtain more information by visiting the group's website (set the region to "South Burnett").
Kumbia QCWA Meeting
The Kumbia QCWA will be holding their regular first Tuesday of the month meeting at the Kumbia QCWA Rooms in Bell Street. The meeting will start with a cuppa at 9:30am before getting down to business at 10:00am. New members are very welcome! More details? Phone Lil on (07) 4164-4218 or Mollie on (07) 4164-4191.
Blackbutt Singers Practice Morning - Yarraman
The Blackbutt Singers will holding their regular Tuesday morning practice session at the Yarraman Community Hall in Browne Street, Yarraman at 9:30am today. New members are very welcome. More details? Call Maree on (07) 4163-0581
Bendigo Bank Community Forum - Blackbutt
The Blackbutt branch of Bendigo Bank will be holding a community forum at the Blackbutt Memorial Hall in Coulson Street, Blackbutt at 6:30pm this evening to update shareholders and interested members of the public about the branch's current position, its future plans, and how local groups can apply for grants, sponsorships and donations. Everyone is welcome, and you can obtain more details by phoning the branch on (07) 4163-0734.
Tuesday Evening Zumba - Nanango
Zumba dance fitness classes will be held at the Nanango Skating Rink in George Street, Nanango at 6:00pm this evening. The class fee is $5 and everyone is welcome.
Indoor Bowls Night - Nanango
The Nanango Indoor Bowls Association will be holding their regular weekly indoor bowls matches at the Nanango Cultural Centre in George Street, Nanango at 7:30pm this evening. New players are always very welcome. More details? Phone Keith on (07) 4163-1522 or Denise on (07) 4163-2263
South Burnett Chorale Practice Night - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Chorale will be holding their regular Tuesday night practice meeting at the Church of Christ Hall at the corner of Haly and Burnett Streets in Kingaroy from 7:30pm to 9:30pm this evening. New members are always very welcome! More details? Phone Di on (07) 4162-1647
Wondai Wolves Training Night - Wondai
The Wondai Wolves RLFC will be holding their regular Tuesday night training sessions at the Wondai Sportsgrounds off the Bunya Highway just north of the CBD this evening. Juniors train from 4:30pm to 5:30pm, followed by seniors at 6:00pm.
South Burnett Saints Training Meeting - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Saints AFL Club will be holding their regular Tuesday evening training session at Lyle Vidler Oval in Youngman Street, Kingaroy at 5:45pm this afternoon.
Country Crafters Meeting - Blackbutt
The Blackbutt Country Crafters will be holding their regular Tuesday morning meeting at the Uniting Church Hall in Coulson Street, Blackbutt from 9:30am to 2:00pm today. The group caters for people interested in crafts and new members are always welcome. More details? Phone June on (07) 4170-0054 or Roslyn on (07) 4163-0682.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Tuesday, 07 May 2013 
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