What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MAY 2013
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Sunday, 19 May 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
South Burnett Car Club Show & Shine Swap Meet - Nanango
The South Burnett Car Club will be holding a Show & Shine Swap Meet at Stags Oval off the D'Aguilar Highway south of Nanango's CBD from 9:00am this morning through until late his afternoon (though entrants and swap sites can get through the gates from 7:00am this morning to set up). The Show & Shine is open to all types of cars and bikes and trophies will be presented to the winners around 1:00pm. Swap sites, meanwhile, will be offering all sorts of automotive-related trash and treasure. Entrants and swap sites will have to pay a $10 entry fee (which covers 2 adults) but visitors can get into the grounds for a slim $2 and children under 13 can get in for free. More details? Phone Peter on (0429) 468-282.
Sunday Markets - Kilkivan
The weekly Kilkivan Markets will be held in Lester Millar Park in Kilkivan from 7:00am until around 11:00am this morning. The markets feature an array of locally produced fruit, vegetables and merchandise and new stallholders are always welcome! More details? Phone Dulcie on (07) 5484-1032
South Burnett Feather Club 38th Annual Show & Sale - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Feather Club - an organisation which aims to further the development of show poultry - will be holding its 38th Annual Show And Sale at the Kingaroy Showgrounds in Youngman St, Kingaroy from 8:00am onwards this morning. The Feather Show usually attracts more than 450 entries (covering 30 different breeds) from as far afield as Gympie, Monto, Brisbane and Bundaberg, and this year looks like being no different. In addition, each year the Club showcase a particular breed at the Show as a special feature of the event - this year, it will be Wyandottes - and offer special prizes for exhibitors who can bring along fine examples of it. Judging of all entries will commence as soon as the gates open and trophies will be presented to the winners at about 2:00pm. This show is a biggie for chook fanciers and everyone with an interest in poultry is most welcome to come along! Morning tea will be available as well. More details? Visit the Feather Club's website.
South Burnett Trail Horse Riders 22km Ride
The South Burnett Trail Horse Riders will be staging a 22km intermediate level ride along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail today as part of Yarraman's Centenary Of The Arrival Of The Railway celebrations. All riders are welcome - ride fees are $5 for ATHRA members and $25 for non-members - and you should muster at Heritage House at 26 Millar Street in Yarraman at 8:30am. Riders should also bring along a packed smoko kit for the rest stop. More details? Phone Heritage House on (07) 4163-8111.
Mayor's Community Breakfast - Moffatdale
A Mayor's Community Breakfast will be held at Dusty Hill at Waterview Drive in Moffatdale from 9:00am to 12:00 noon this morning to raise funds for Relay For Life. Former olympic swimmer Julie McDonald will be a special guest speaker at the event. Tickets are $40 and can be obtained by phoning Bronwyn Barry at the SBRC on (07) 4189-9155 by 3:00pm Friday May 17.
Timbertown Woodworkers Group Meeting - Blackbutt
The Timbertown Woodworkers Group will be holding their regular Sunday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:00am until around 12:00pm today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Portrait Photography Workshop - Nanango
The Nanango & District Camera Club will be holding a Portrait Workshop at Tipperary Flats on the D'Aguilar Highway south of the CBD from 1:00pm onwards today. Portrait photography is an exacting discipline all its own, so the workshop will be led by distnguished photographer Alwyn Kucks AAPS, SSAPS, PSQA assisted by David Bayley to provide expert tuition. There'll also be two professional models available for participants to practise with. The last portrait workshop the Camera Club held in 2012 was a big success and many people who attended said the tricks and techniques they'd picked up in a single afternoon were well worth it. Today's workshop will follow a similar format. The workshop fee is $10 for members or $15 for non-members, and everyone is welcome! You can obtain more details by phoning Keren on (07) 4163-7210 or by emailing her.
Blackbutt Lions Country Markets
The Blackbutt Lions Country Markets - run on the third Sunday of every month - will be held next to the Blackbutt Community Hall in Coulson Street, Blackbutt from 7:00am until around mid-day today. The markets offer a wide range of locally produced arts, crafts and and freshly harvested foodstuffs and everyone is welcome along!
Biggest Morning Tea - Maidenwell
UPDATED The Maidenwell branch of the QCWA will be holding one of Australia's "Biggest Morning Teas" at the Maidenwell Hall today to raise money for the Queensland Cancer Council. The get-together will kick off at 9:30am and apart from a delicious morning tea, there'll also be a "Bring and Buy Table" with a great variety of things to buy. Last year's Biggest Morning Tea was a great success and everyone is welcome - admission is just a gold coin donation. NB. An earlier version of this event listing had an incorrect time
Debbie Robertson - Nanango
Popular entertainer Debbie Robertson will be performing at the Nanango RSL in Henry Street, Nanango from 7:30pm until late tonight. Admission is free. More details from the RSL on (07) 4163-1375.
Million Paws Walk - Kingaroy
The annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk - a fundraiser for the Kingaroy RSPCA - will be held at Memorial Park in Haly Street, Kingaroy from 8:00am this morning (when Walk registrations will commence - the walk gets underway at 9:00am) until around 2:00pm this afternoon. Owners can bring their well-behaved dogs along for either a 2km or 4km circuit walk - which takes about an hour or so - and then follow things up with the family by enjoying a community sausage sizzle, an egg-and-spoon race, costume awards, or taking part in the many other things that will be on offer. These include a mobile hydrobath offering deeply discounted $13 baths for your pooch; $25 micro-chipping; face-painting for children; market stalls; great coffee; and much more. Entry to the walk costs $15 for adults, $7 for children under 16, $10 for concessions or $35 for a family of four and all proceeds of this morning's efforts will go to the Kingaroy RSPCA to help their important work looking after the South Burnett's unwanted and/or abused pets. Everyone is welcome to this great social morning - last year more than 50 walkers took part - and you can obtain more details and/or register by phoning the RSPCA on (07) 4162-5501 or by visiting the Million Paws Walk website. PS: If you pre-register for this event you can save money. Pre-registration fees are $12 for adults, $6 for children, $8 for concessions or $28 for a family. PPS: Haven't got a well-behaved dog (or any dog at all) but still want to take part? If you give the RSPCA a call beforehand, they'll set you up with a shelter dog for the walk. It's a great way to give them exercise and who knows? You may meet a new lifelong friend. You can also read about what last year's Million Paws Walk was like on our website.
Clean Up Farms Day
The South Burnett's annual "Clean Up Australia Day" effort - which was postponed this year by the Australia Day floods and their aftermath - will be held today on farms around the northern part of the region that are being assisted by BlazeAid volunteers. Today's effort has been rebadged as "Clean Up Farms Day" and volunteers should register by contacting the South Burnett Regional Council on (07) 4189-9104.
Free Healthy Sunday Breakfast - Kingaroy
Here's something different! Lynne Sierakowski of Nutrition Plus will be offered a completely free heathy Sunday breakfast at 187 Kingaroy Street, Kingaroy (ie the Kingaroy Pharmacy) from 10:00am to 11:00am this morning to increase community awareness of how important a great nutritious start to the day is for everyone of every age. For catering purposes, though, an RSVP would be greatly appreciated. You can make one by phoning (0405) 441-393.
Permaculture Talk - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Community Garden group will be holding a free permaculture talk at the Kingaroy Senior Citizens Centre at the corner of Alford and Kingaroy Streets, Kingaroy (opposite SuperIGA) from 11:00am to 1:00pm this morning. Today's talk will be about bees, and it will be followed by lunch in the garden. Everyone is welcome! (Note: These Sunday talks will continue for the next three Sundays, but with a different topic each week).

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Sunday, 19 May 2013 
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