What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MAY 2013
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Sunday, 26 May 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Annual Red Shield Appeal Doorknock - Kingaroy
The Salvation Army's annual Red Shield Appeal will be held today, and teams of volunteers will be knocking on doors in Kingaroy in an effort to help the Salvos reach their 2013 fund-raising target. The doorknock helps the Salvation Army continue their valuable social work programs in the South Burnett in areas like crisis housing; support for families in need; alcohol, drug and gambling rehabilitation programs; aged care services and telephone counselling - and the Red Shield Appeal also helps fill in the 25% gap that the Federal Government doesn't pay for. If you'd like to help the Salvos with a little bit of door-knocking yourself, volunteer collectors and drivers will be assembling outside the Westpac Bank in Alford Street, Kingaroy at 8:00am this morning (the Salvos have plenty of drivers but could really do with some more collectors). And after a short two-hour stint, you'll be rewarded with a sausage sizzle, a free drink and some McDonalds vouchers as "thank you" from the Red Shield Appeal crew, as well as the inner satisfaction of knowing you've done something good to help the less fortunate in our community.
Town Hall Forecourt Concert - Kingaroy
Former Redgum members John Schumann and Hugh McDonald along with their band The Vagabonds will performing "It'll Be Alright In The Long Run" - a free community concert - at the Dr Ellen Kent-Hughes Forecourt in Glendon Street, Kingaroy at 6:00pm this evening. The concert is being jointly sponsored by Centacare South Burnett, the Queensland Alliance for Mental Health, RHealth and Stanwell Corporation to promote mental health and well-being and it will be a rare chance to see these iconic Australian musicians perform live on stage singing Redgum classics like "I Was Only 19", "I've Been To Bali Too", "The Long Run" and "Diamantina Drover" (amongst many others). Free buses will be running to Kingaro and you can reserve a seat and get pick-up and drop-off locations and times by phoning (07) 4162-5439. There'll also be a BBQ and soft drinks available on site. Note: This concert was last seen in the South Burnett in February 2012.
Hivesville Country Markets
The Hivesville Country Markets will be held at the Hivesville Sports Grounds from 7:00am to around 12:00 noon today. These family friendly monthly markets feature a variety of stalls including fresh local farm produce, plants, crafts, knick-knacks, live chickens and lots of food. There'll also be mini auctions running throughout the morning, along with a jumping castle and pony rides for the kids and plenty of free parking in the grounds. New stallholders are very welcome too, and you can obtain more details by phoning Trish on (0459) 493-511 or Greg on (07) 4168-9545.
Goomeri Pumpkin Festival
The 17th Annual Goomeri Pumpkin Festival will be held in Goomeri from 6:00am this morning through until around 5:00pm this afternoon. This whacky festival has steadily grown to become the largest annual event in South Burnett, attracting 15,000 visitors last year and completely swamping the charming town of Goomeri itself (which has an everyday population of around 500). As usual, the 2013 Pumpkin Festival will feature a wide range of market and novelty stalls; all-day live entertainment; Giant Pumpkin and Best Decorated Pumpkin competitions; and - of course! - the Great Australian Pumpkin Roll down Policeman's Hill at around 2:00pm in the afternoon with a Lucky Spot prize of $1000 and lots of other cash prizes for section winners. Other great things to look out for include cooking demonstrations; a Pumpkin Power Shot Put competition with cash prizes; Guy McLean; antique car and bike displays; a $1000 Pumpkin Mash Cash Raffle; billy tea, damper and stew in Dickinson Park (along with an all-day BBQ and lots and lots of food stalls); market stalls in the streets; roving entertainers; and lots, lots more! The Pumpkin Festival is one of the zaniest events in Australia as well as the messiest (but funniest) explosion of pumpkins the world's ever known. It's also great fun for all the family, and admission is 100% free. More details? Phone (07) 4168-1925.
Kingaroy Lions Trail Ride - Minmore
The second (and final) day of the weekend-long Kingaroy Trail Ride will be held at Minmore 36km west of Kingaroy from 8:00am this morning through until late this afternoon (look for the signs off the Bunya Highway past the Kingaroy Golf Club). This annual 2-day event is a fundraiser for the Kingaroy Lions and Careflight and last year attracted more than 450 riders. It's a non-competitive trail ride open to all classes of dirt bikes (no quads) and today it will feature the famous 55Km Sandy Creek loop. A novice and Pee Wee circuits will also be in operation. Free camping is available with hot showers and toilets, as well as on-site food catering through to lunchtime today. Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Neil on (0478) 831-567, join the Ride's Facebook group or email the organisers. You can also get a PDF brochure outlining fees, rules, the track's location and many other useful things by clicking here.
Sunday Shooting - Wondai
The Wondai Rife Club will be holding a three-range shooting competition at their complex on Rifle Range Road at the end of Bramston Street from 9:00am this morning (registrations begin at 8:30am). New members are very welcome.
Lunch In The Country Smorgasbord - Wondai
Dimities Cottage at 49 Haly Street in Wondai will be holding another of their regular Lunch In The Country Smorgasbords from 12:00pm to 2:00pm today. The cost is a modest $15.00 per person for a really great feed (BYO), but bookings are advisable if you want to be certain of a seat: (07) 4168-5744
Sunday Markets - Kilkivan
The weekly Kilkivan Markets will be held in Lester Millar Park in Kilkivan from 7:00am until around 11:00am this morning. The markets feature an array of locally produced fruit, vegetables and merchandise and new stallholders are always welcome! More details? Phone Dulcie on (07) 5484-1032
Timbertown Woodworkers Group Meeting - Blackbutt
The Timbertown Woodworkers Group will be holding their regular Sunday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:00am until around 12:00pm today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Permaculture Talk - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Community Garden group will be holding a free permaculture talk at the Kingaroy Senior Citizens Centre at the corner of Alford and Kingaroy Streets, Kingaroy (opposite SuperIGA) from 11:00am to 1:00pm this morning. Today's talk will be about earthworms and the role they play in soil creation, and it will be followed by lunch in the garden. Everyone is welcome! (Note: These Sunday talks will continue for the next two Sundays, but with a different topic each week).
GT Jam Session - Yarraman
The Royal Hotel at 18 Toomey Street in Yarraman will be holding their regular fourth Sunday of the month GT Jam Session between 2:00pm and 6:00pm this afternoon. The event is compered by Gavin and Tony Cisneros and Paul Harrison from popular local rock band Too Ezy and is open to all amateur musicians following any musical style (eg: country, covers, pop, folk etc). Admission is free. More details from the hotel on (07) 4163-8219.
Open Jump Day - Nanango
The Nanango Hack & Pony Club will be holding an Open Jump Day at the Pony Club Grounds near the Nanango Race Course today. The event is open to anyone regardless of age and whether or not they're a member of the club, but normal Pony Club rules about safety and tack will apply. There'll be six events plus a practice round on the program, with ribbons to 6th place. A conteen will also be operating all day. More details? Phone Judy on (0447) 168-209.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Sunday, 26 May 2013 
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