What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MAY 2013
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Monday, 06 May 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Art Exhibition Opening - Blackbutt
The Friends Of Cultcha will be opening their latest monthly exhibition at the Blackbutt Library in the Archie Muir Centre in Hart Street, Blackbutt at 7:00pm this evening. This month's exhibition will feature works by local artists and - as usual - tonight's opening will be accompanied by wine, cheese and all the fun of a Friends' event. Admission is $8 (with all proceeds going to Blackbutt charities) and there'll be a lucky door raffle, but admission to the exhibition during the remainder of the month is free. The show will remain on display from 8:30am to 4:30pm Mondays to Fridays and 9:00am to 12:00 noon every second Saturday until the end of the month.
Wondai QCWA Meeting
The Wondai branch of the QCWA will be holding their regular first Monday of the month meeting at the QCWA Rooms in Mackenzie Street, Wondai at 10:00am this morning. All interested people are welcome.
South Burnett Youth Choir Practice - Wondai
The South Burnett Youth Choir will be holding their regular Monday afternoon practice session at The Studio at the rear of the Wondai Regional Art Gallery from 3:30pm to 6:30pm this afternoon. The SBYC is open to young people aged 13 to 18 and new members are always welcome. More details? Phone Jane on (0411) 118-510 or (07) 4169-0068.
Hivesville QCWA Meeting
The Hivesville QCWA will be holding their regular monthly meeting at the Hivesville QCWA Rooms in Main Street, Hivesville at 10:00am this morning. Entry is free and members are asked to bring a plate to share for lunch. Everyone is welcome to attend! More details? Phone Judy on (07) 4168-9892.
Ultimate Makeobver Workshop - Kingaroy
Gold Coast image consultant Rita Noon will be holding an "Ultimate Makeover Workshop - Inside & Out" at the Kingaroy RSL's Tobruk Room in Markwell Street, Kingaroy from 6:00pm to 9:00pm this evening. Guests will learn how to 'tame your wardrobe'; learn what to keep and what to remove, what to buy and what to leave, and what to wear as well as what to discard. They'll also find how less pieces - cleverly chosen - can be used to make up more outfits and create the perfect wardrobe; and how they can use Natural Medicine to improve physical health, emotional health and the health of their family. Admission is $10, but a booking is essential. You can make one by phoning Rita on (0419) 330-836
Medieval Pottery Class - Nanango
The Winds Of Change Gallery in George Street, Nanango (just across the road from the Cultural Centre) will be running a Medieval Pottery Class at 10:00am this morning. Clay and firing facilities are available on-site and the class fee is $5. More details? Phone the Gallery on (0409) 060-315
Nanango Senior Citizens Club Meeting
The Nanango Senior Citizens Club will be holding their regular first Monday of the month meeting at the Nanango Cultural Centre in George Street, Nanango at 1:00pm this afternoon. However the Centre doors will open at 10:00am so that members can play cards and indoor bowls prior to the meeting, have a cuppa and a chat and generally socialise (BYO lunch). New members are always welcome! More details? Phone Joyce on (07) 4163-1249.
Cards & Bowls Afternoon - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Senior Citizens Club will be holding their regular Monday afternoon indoor bowls and cards competitions at their centre on the corner of Avoca and Kingaroy Streets, Kingaroy (opposite Super IGA) from 1:00pm to around 4:00pm today. The $2 admission includes a cup of tea and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone (07) 4163-6191.
Monday Evening Bingo - Blackbutt
Bingo games will be held in Uniting Church Hall in Coulson Street, Blackbutt from 7:00pm this evening. Everyone is welcome.
Monday Evening Zumba - Nanango
Zumba dance fitness classes will be held at the Nanango Skating Rink in George Street, Nanango at 6:00pm this evening. The class fee is $5 and everyone is welcome.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Monday, 06 May 2013 
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