What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MAY 2013
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Friday, 03 May 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Business Breakfast - Kingaroy
Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington (pictured) with be holding a Business Breakfast at Accents Restaurant at 30 Alford Street, Kingaroy at 6:45am this morning for a 7:00am start. Former Redgum lead singer and guitarist John Schumann will be a special guest speaker at the event. In 2009-10, Schumann worked with the Australian Defence Force’s Directorate of Mental Health on a program to address post-traumatic stress disorder in the army. He's also worked with the Victorian Bushfire Recovery and Reconstruction Authority, helping to deliver mental health programs to men. He'll be sharing his insights about the South Burnett's own path to recovery after the Australia Day floods and the two foll-up floods, and it should be an ineresting talk. Everyone is welcome! Tickets are $20 per person (to cover catering costs) and you can obtain them by phoning the Electorate Office on (07) 4162-1381 or by emailing the office.
Play School Concerts - Kingaroy
What's the biggest news for pre-schoolers this week? Play School is coming to town! Humpty is putting on two 40-minute shows at The Market Place, corner Bunya Highway and Ivins Street, Kingaroy, today with the other Play School toys including Jemima, Big Ted, Little Ted and Meeka. There'll be songs to sing and dance along with. Sessions are at 10:00am and 11:30am but bookings are essential. All tickets are $16.50 (under 12 months at the time of the concert free). Tickets are available from Kingaroy Toyworld, 158 Haly Street, Kingaroy (cash sales only). NB: No prams, pushers or video cameras are allowed in the auditorium.
Lesser Evils - Nanango
The Nanango Theatre Company will be staging the third performance of their latest production "Lesser Evils" at the Nanango Opera House at the corner of Elk and George Streets, Nanango at 7:00pm this evening. The new play is an original story about modern life by South Burnett playwright Liz Schneidewin, and it mixes comedy and drama in a rollicking and engaging show that captivated preview audiences. Tonight's performance is a Supper Night and tickets are $20 for adults or $15 concessions. Other performances will be held at the same time and venue tomorrow night and next Friday May 10 before the season wraps up with a final $25-a-head Wine & Cheese Night on Saturday, May 11. A matinee performance will also be held at 2:00pm tomorrow afternoon. Tickets can be obtained from the Nanango Visitor Information Centre at the George Street Energy Museum or by phoning (07) 4171-0100. Unless sold out, some tickets will also be available at the door 30 minutes before each performance. Photo: Brad Boynton and Shane Seaton in a scene from "Lesser Evils", which will be performed at the Nanango Opera House tonight.
Endeavour Foundation Bingo - Kingaroy
The Endeavour Foundation will be holding bingo games at Kingaroy RSL from 10:00am this morning. There'll be four jackpots on offer, as well as a raffle. Everyone is welcome.
Art Exhibition Opening - Wondai
The Wondai Regional Art Gallery on the roundabout at Wondai will be opening their latest monthly exhibition with a wine and cheese tasting at 6:00pm this evening. The centrepiece of tonight's show is the travelling exhibition 'Eclecticism', which has so far appeared at the Gympie Regional Art Gallery and Hervey Bay Regional Art Gallery. It's made up of selected works executed by Wide Bay-Burnett artists - including several South Burnett artists - and has drawn very good reviews wherever it's been seen. Meanwhile, acrylics by Terry Readman will be on show in the front gallery; "Fabulous Fakes" by Jan Lewis will be on show in the Third Gallery; and students from the Wondai Kindergarten will be mounting their own small show in Kidz Korner. As usual, the opening will also feature great hot and cold finger foods and punch, along with wine tastings from Moffatdale Ridge. Admission is $5 and everyone is very welcome to attend! More details? Phone the Gallery on (07) 4168-5926 Note: After tonight's opening the exhibition will remain on show from 10:00am to 4:00pm every day until the end of the month.
Just Friends - Kingaroy
Popular entertainers Just Friends will be performing at the Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy from 7:30pm to 11:30pm this evening. Admission is free. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
Hivesville QCWA Meeting
The Hivesville QCWA will be holding their regular monthly meeting at the Hivesville QCWA Rooms in Main Street, Hivesville at 10:00am this morning. Entry is free and members are asked to bring a plate to share for lunch. Everyone is welcome to attend! More details? Phone Judy on (07) 4168-9892.
Blue Light Skating - Nanango
The Nanango Blue Light Disco committee will be holding their regular first Friday of the month U13s Skating Night at the Nanango Skating Rink in George Street, Nanango from 6:00pm to 9:00pm tonight. A canteen will be operating too. Admission is $5. More details? Phone Nanango Police on (07) 4163-1211.
Country Music Practice Night - Nanango
The Nanango Country Music Friends will be holding their weekly practice night at the Wesleyan Church in Cairns Street, Nanango at 6:30pm this evening. The group is open to people of all skill levels who enjoy playing country music, and you can find out more details by phoning (07) 4163-2469.
Friday Social Golf - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Golf Club on the Bunya Highway at Kingaroy will holding their regular Friday 9-ers 9 hole social golfing sessions for men and women from 8:00am until dusk today. Everyone is most welcome (including non-members) and green fees are $11 for members or $14 for non-members for the nine holes - but this also includes a card draw for prizes in the clubhouse in the evening (there's also a Jackpot card draw on the last Friday of each month). More details? Phone the Golf Club on (07) 4162-1720
South Burnett Pantry - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Pantry will be open from 11:00am to 1:00pm today at 22 Stolzenberg Road in Kingaroy. The Pantry is a not-for-profit registered charity run by a Board of Management and staffed by volunteers, and it helps low income families, couples and singles stretch their shopping dollar further. The Pantry offers $35 pantry hampers that contain most of the food and personal cleaning items that most people need to get through part of the week (though you'll need to shop elsewhere for extras or special items). And anyone who's finding it hard to make ends meet is very welcome to make use of it. More details? Phone Joane on (0427) 496-684 or Ruth on (0447) 812-789. PS: If you'd like to help The Pantry in any way - either by volunteering or donating goods - please contact Joanne or Ruth about this too, or visit the website.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Friday, 03 May 2013 
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