What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MAY 2013
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Friday, 10 May 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Nanart Opening Night - Nanango
Nanart (the 13th annual Nanango Arts Festival) will be officially opened at 7:30pm this evening at an all-star "after 5" affair at the Nanango Cultural Centre at the corner of George and Drayton Streets in Nanango. As has been the case over the last few years, the Opening Night will feature a large exhibition of original art, photography, sculpture and crafts drawn from all over the South Burnett and south-east Queensland, coupled with an all-you-can-eat spread of local foods and wines. Add in some live entertainment and a few other surprises and it's easy to see why this event is one of the highlights of Nanango's annual social calendar! Tonight's function is a prelude to 2 full days of non-stop arts action in the town. Admission to the Opening Night is $10 for adults and $5 for under-16s and tickets will be available at the door. Everyone is most welcome to attend! More details? Phone Lois on (07) 4163-1973 or send her an email. You can also obtain more information on the Festival's website.
Endeavour Foundation Bingo - Kingaroy
The Endeavour Foundation will be holding bingo games at Kingaroy RSL from 10:00am this morning. There'll be four jackpots on offer, as well as a raffle. Everyone is welcome.
Art Exhibition Opening - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Art Gallery in Haly Street, Kingaroy will be opening their latest exhibition at 6:30pm this evening. This month's exhibition is composed of three different shows: works by South Burnett art group Monday Artists (ie Annie McBride, Thelma Archibald, Evelyna de Kerkof, Trish Erkens, Joy Carter, Jan Meany, Suzi Wells, Janet Mulcahy, Dot Rowland, Ursula Macklay and Anna Aird) in the main gallery; a photographic exhibition by a well-known South Burnett photographers Max Walters and Ivor Dimmock in the rear gallery; and works by the Jumping Ant Arts group in the second gallery. This month's exhibition went on display last Friday, but after tonight's official opening it will remain on display until June 3rd. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. More details? Phone the Kingaroy Art Gallery on (07) 4189-9264 or (07) 4189-9172.
Blue Light Disco - Nanango
The Nanango Blue Light Disco committee will be holding their regular second Friday of the month U18s Blue Light Disco at the Nanango Skating Rink in George Street, Nanango from 6:00pm to 9:00pm tonight. A canteen will be operating too. Admission is $5. More details? Phone Nanango Police on (07) 4163-1211.
Lesser Evils - Nanango
The Nanango Theatre Company will be staging the next-to-last performance of their latest production "Lesser Evils" at the Nanango Opera House at the corner of Elk and George Streets, Nanango at 7:00pm this evening. The new play is an original story about modern life by South Burnett playwright Liz Schneidewin, and it mixes comedy and drama in a rollicking and engaging show that captivated preview audiences. Tonight's performance is a Supper Night and tickets are $20 for adults or $15 concessions. The season will wrap up with a final $25-a-head Wine & Cheese Night tomorrow. Tickets can be obtained from the Nanango Visitor Information Centre at the George Street Energy Museum or by phoning (07) 4171-0100. Unless sold out, some tickets will also be available at the door 30 minutes before each performance. Photo: Brad Boynton and Shane Seaton in a scene from "Lesser Evils", which will be performed at the Nanango Opera House tonight.
Country Music Practice Night - Nanango
The Nanango Country Music Friends will be holding their weekly practice night at the Wesleyan Church in Cairns Street, Nanango at 6:30pm this evening. The group is open to people of all skill levels who enjoy playing country music, and you can find out more details by phoning (07) 4163-2469.
Friday Social Golf - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Golf Club on the Bunya Highway at Kingaroy will holding their regular Friday 9-ers 9 hole social golfing sessions for men and women from 8:00am until dusk today. Everyone is most welcome (including non-members) and green fees are $11 for members or $14 for non-members for the nine holes - but this also includes a card draw for prizes in the clubhouse in the evening (there's also a Jackpot card draw on the last Friday of each month). More details? Phone the Golf Club on (07) 4162-1720
Karaoke Night - Wondai
The South Burnett Lively 50s & 60s Singles Social Group will be attending a Karaoke Night at the Warana Hotel at 42 Mackenzie Street, Wondai from 7:30pm until late this evening. Everyone is welcome along to this fun night of singing and dancing and admission is free. More details? Phone Geoff or Sue on (0468) 694-438 or email them. You can also find out about the group's other social events on their website.
Kingaroy QCWA Meeting
The Kingaroy branch of the QCWA will be holding its regular second Friday of the month meeting at the Kingaroy QCWA Rooms in Kingaroy Street (just next to the RSL) at 10:00am this morning. New members are always welcome! More details? Phone Hazel on (07) 4162-1194.
Tarscha - Kingaroy
Entertainer Tarscha will be performing at the Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy from 7:30pm to 11:30pm this evening. Admission is free. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
South Burnett Pantry - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Pantry will be open from 11:00am to 1:00pm today at 22 Stolzenberg Road in Kingaroy. The Pantry is a not-for-profit registered charity run by a Board of Management and staffed by volunteers, and it helps low income families, couples and singles stretch their shopping dollar further. The Pantry offers $35 pantry hampers that contain most of the food and personal cleaning items that most people need to get through part of the week (though you'll need to shop elsewhere for extras or special items). And anyone who's finding it hard to make ends meet is very welcome to make use of it. More details? Phone Joane on (0427) 496-684 or Ruth on (0447) 812-789. PS: If you'd like to help The Pantry in any way - either by volunteering or donating goods - please contact Joanne or Ruth about this too, or visit the website.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Friday, 10 May 2013 
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