Wednesday, 14 February 2024
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Valentines Day
- Today is Valentines Day. According to legend, the real Valentine was a Roman Christian who lived during the 3rd century A.D. when Emperor Claudius II declared all Christians guilty of treason because they refused to declare "Caesar is Lord!" in public. Valentine was thrown into prison where one of the guards was a good man who'd adopted a blind girl. He asked Valentine if his God could help his daughter, so Valentine prayed and the girl was given her sight. The guard and his whole family (some 46 people) were then baptized. But when the Emperor heard about this he was so furious about Valentine making converts in prison he sentenced him to death. Just before being led out to his execution, though, the young Christian wrote a note to the jailer's daughter and signed it "from your Valentine". Over the centuries this has gradually led Valentines Day to be associated with love and romance. It's also traditionally one of the busiest days of the year for florists - so if you want to arrange flowers for your loved one the best advice is book early!
Valentines Day Dinner - Kingaroy
- Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy will be offering a two-course Valentines Day Dinner from 6:00pm this evening, offering a choice of two mains and a dessert tasting platter for $35 per person. You can book seats by phoning the club on (07) 4162-1755.
Valentines Day Dinner - Cooyar
- The Cooyar Hotel on the New England Highway at Cooyar will be offering a two-course Valentines Day Dinner from 6:00pm to 8:00pm tonight. Tickets are $49.99 per person and bookings are essential: (07) 4692-6220
Valentines Day Lunch and Dinner - Blackbutt
- The Radnor Hotel at the corner of Coulson and Hart Streets, Blackbutt will be offering a free glass of bubbly and Lindt chocolates with every main meal ordered for lunch (Noon to 2:00pm) or dinner (6:00pm to 8:00pm) today. You can book a table by phoning (07) 4163-0203.
Valentines Day Meal Deal - Yarraman
- The Royal Hotel in Toomey Street, Yarraman will be offering a Valentines Day special for lunch and dinner today: buy one meal and get the second one at half price. More details? Phone the hotel on (07) 4163-8219.
Valentines Day Dinner - Nanango
- The Commercial Hotel in Drayton Street, Nanango will be offering a three course Valentines Day Dinner this evening, offering a free glass of bubbly for women and a free pot of beer for men along with am entree, a choice of two mains and dessert for $45 per person. You can book a table by phoning (07) 4163-1208.
Valentines Day Bubbles - Wondai
- The Cecil Hotel in Mackenzie Street, Wondai will be offering guests a free glass of bubbly with every meal served at lunch or dinner today. More details from the hotel: (07) 4137-7716.
Valentines Day Dinner - Wondai
- Dimities Cottage in Haly Street, Wondai (opposite the art gallery) will be offering a three course Valentines Day Dinner from 6:00pm tonight, offering a choice of three entrees, three mains, three de3sserts and tea/coffee for $70 per head. Places are limited, though, so a booking is essential: (07) 4168-5744.
Valentines Day Champers - Murgon
- The Royal Hotel at the corner of Lamb and Gore Streets, Murgon will be offering complimentary champagne with every meal served today. More details? Phone (07) 4168-1799.
Valentines Day - Murgon
- The Murgon Services Club in Lamb Street, Murgon will be offering a special Valentines Day menu today, offering a three course meal plus a complimentary pot-size drink for $33 a head. You can book a table by phoning (07) 4168-1819.
MBDA Meet & Greet - Murgon
- The Murgon Business and Development Association will be holding a Meet & Greet at the Barambah Bush Caravan Park at 332 Borcherts Hill Road, Murgon from 6:00pm onwards tonight. The meeting will introduce the caravan park's new owners (Maureen and Peter Croxford) as well as local candidates for the up-coming South Burnett Regional Council elections on March 16, Jason Kinsella from Visit South Burnett and Jason Virtue from Regional Business HQ. The meeting fee is $10 per head to cover a BBQ dinner and drinks, and everyone is welcome.
Yarraman Men's Shed
- The Yarraman Men's Shed at the end of Mill Street, Yarraman will be holding one of its regular get-togethers from 7:00am to 1:00pm today. The Men's Shed is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome. More details? Send them an email
Back To Basics Music Muster - Proston
- The first day of the five day Back To Basics Music Muster will be held at 1385 Proston-Boondooma Road (13km west of Proston) today. The Muster will feature performances from Vanessa Sanger, Luke O'Shea, Rob Breese, Kerry Kennedy, Howdy, Jeff Brown, Alice Benfer, Reece Blinman, Lach McKay, The Rusty Ringers, Clarrie Weller, Clyde Cameron and Bob Walters plus walk-up acts and bush poetry. There's free camping onsite and toilets (but no showers) and open fires are allowed. Coffee and food vendors will also be onsite, but guests should BYO seating and liquid refreshments. Tickets to the Muster are $40 per head per day or $95 for a five-day pass but must be booked in advance. Tickets can ordered by phoning the organisers direct on 0412-884-482 or on the Muster website.
Wednesday Morning Tennis
- The Blackbutt Tennis Club in Hart Street, Blackbutt will be holding 45-minute social tennis games from 7:30am this morning. Anyone of any age and fitness level is welcome, and a racquet will be supplied if you don't have one. Cost is $5 and bookings aren't required. More details? Phone 0458-539-821.
Wednesday Night Dance Classes
- Dance classes will be held at Inverlaw Hall on Burrandowan Road at Inverlaw from 7:30pm tonight. The classes are a great way to learn ballroom dancing classics like the Quick Step, Jazz Waltz, Swing Waltz, Evening Three Step and many more, and class fees are just $4. More details? Phone David on 0459-228-882.
SBRC Meeting
- The South Burnett Regional Council will be holding its February General Meeting meeting at the Warren Truss Chambers inside its Glendon Street offices in Kingaroy from 9:00am this morning to ratify decisions of its sub-committee meetings and attend to other items of business. Interested people can view the meeting in person or via a livestream on the Council's website.
Nanango Men's Shed
- The Nanango Men's Shed at the corner of Mt Stanley Road and Heathermore Lane, Nanango will be open from 8:30am to around 12:30pm today for its regular Monday get-together. The Men's Shed meets most Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome! More details? Phone 0491-102-087
Kilkivan Touch Footy
- Touch football games will be played at Weier Oval off the Wide Bay Highway just north of Kilkivan's CBD from 6:00pm tonight. Playing fees are just $2 and everyone is welcome!
Proston Men's Shed
- The Proston Men's Shed will be meeting at their building at 5-23 Rodney Street, Proston from 9:00am until around 12:00 noon today. The Men's Shed is open every day (except Sundays) and new members are always very welcome! More details? Phone the Men's Shed on 0477-235-429
Timbertowns Woodworkers
- The Timbertowns Woodworkers group will be holding their regular Wednesday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:00am until around 12:00 noon today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Genealogy Group - Kingaroy
- The South Burnett Genealogical and Family History Society will be meeting at Kingaroy Library in Glendon Street, Kingaroy from 9:00am to 12:00 noon this morning to provide free instruction on how to research your family history. Anyone interested in tracing their ancestry is very welcome. More details? Send an email
Wednesday Devonshire Teas - Blackbutt
- The Blackbutt-Yarraman QCWA will be running a Devonshire Tea at their rooms at 65 Coulson Street in Blackbutt from 10:00am to 12 noon this morning. For just $10 you can enjoy a Devonshire Tea with a bottomless cup, and $5 packs of scones are also available. More details? Phone 0402-848-737
Kilkivan Over 50s Club
- Kilkivan's Over 50s club will be holding its monthly meeting at the supper room at Kilkivan Hall in Bligh Street from 9:30am this morning. New members are always welcome. More details? Phone 0448-841-253.
Wooroolin QCWA Craft Meeting
- The Wooroolin QCWA will be holding their regular monthly crafts meeting at the Wooroolin QCWA Rooms on the Bunya Highway, Wooroolin at 10:00am this morning. All interested women from Wooroolin and district are very welcome to join them for a great morning of crafts and an afternoon tea and a chat afterwards. More details? Phone Janice on 0457-143-729.
Kingaroy Men's Shed
- The Kingaroy Men's Shed will be holding their regular Wednesday morning meeting at the old Motor Pool building off Geoff Raph Drive at Kingaroy Airport from 9:00am to around noon today. The group meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday morning and new members and visitors are always welcome.
Wednesday Yoga Class - Yarraman
- A yoga class will be held at the Yarraman Memorial Hall in Browne Street, Yarraman at 6:30pm tonight. The class is held weekly and new members are always welcome. More details? Phone Jane on 0408-988-100.
QCWA & Community Choir - Wondai
- The Wondai QCWA & Comm8unity Choir will be holding their weekly practice session at the Wondai Regional Art Gallery in Haly Street, Wondai at 3:00pm this afternoon. New members are always welcome.
Wednesday Night Poker - Kingaroy
- Wednesday night Texas Hold'em poker games will be played at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy tonight. Registrations start at 5:30pm and play begins at 6:30pm. All games are free to play and there are prizes for first, second and third. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
Nanango Theatre Company Volunteers Night
- The Nanango Theatre Company will be holding a Volunteers Night for people who'd like to assist the Theatre Company's productions at their playhouse at the corner of Elk and George Streets, Nanango from 7:00pm this evening. The theatre company have a variety of volunteer roles including caterers, set and prop builders, ticket sellers, ushers, stage managers, administrators, fund raisers, wardr9obe creators and actors, and supper will be served while these roles are outlined. Everyone with an interest in amateur dramatic productions is welcome. More details? Phone Jon on 0407-631-611 or Val on 0497-032-528
Valentines Day Breakfast - Proston
- Emma's Coffee Shop in Blake Street, Proston will be offering a special Valentines Day All-Day Breakfast of pancakes or waffles accomnpanied by a large coffee for $13 per head. The shop is open from 7:30am to 4:00pm. More details? Phone 0473-850-290.
Murgon Men's Shed
- The Murgon Men's Shed will be holding a meeting at their shed in Macalister Street, Murgon (the shed next to the former Murgon Railway Station) today. The Men's Shed meets every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday to work on projects and new members are always welcome.
South Burnett Pantry - Kingaroy
- The South Burnett Pantry will be open from 8:30am to 12:00 noon today at 1A (Lot 3) Railway Terrace in Kingaroy. The Pantry is a not-for-profit registered charity run by a Board of Management and staffed by volunteers, and it helps low income families, couples and singles stretch their shopping dollar further. The Pantry offers $40 pantry hampers that contain most of the food and personal cleaning items that most people need to get through part of the week (though you'll need to shop elsewhere for extras or special items). And anyone who's finding it hard to make ends meet is very welcome to make use of it. More details? Phone James on 0438-071-658. PS: If you'd like to help The Pantry in any way - either by volunteering or donating goods - please contact James about this too, or visit the website.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Murgon
- Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to help solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. AA isn't allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution. AA meets in Murgon every Wednesday and Friday at 12:30pm at the Baptist Church at 94 Macalister Street, and members who can't make it in person can join in the meeting online via Zoom. For more information (or help with a Zoom connection) phone 0427-137-140.
Wednesday, 14 February 2024
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