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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Saturday, 05 October 2013 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
South Burnett & Cherbourg On Show
South Burnett and Cherbourg On ShowSouth Burnett And Cherbourg On Show will be running all across the South Burnett and Cherbourg from Friday, October 4 to Monday, October 7. More than 40 different events are being held throughout the long weekend. Many are free, many others are heavily subsidised, and all of them are a lot of fun. They cover everything from art exhibitions to tours, wining and dining to family fun days, and sporting competitions through to openings and reunions. You can get the complete list of all South Burnett And Cherborg On Show events on this page of our website
Nanango Art Society Art Fest
The Nanango Art Society will be holding their first Art Fest from today through until Sunday, October 13. The Art Fest will feature 3 major art competitions (a mural, a sculpture and an art competition) and there'll also be daily workshops, art and sculpture activities and demonstrations. More details will be published as they become available, or you can contact Karren in the meantime on (0487) 198-144 or by emailing her.
Nanango Country Markets
The Nanango Show Society will be holding their regular monthly Country Markets at the Nanango Showgrounds in Cairns Street from 6:00am to around 12:00 noon today. As usual, the markets will feature a wide variety of craft stalls, new and used goods, plants, poultry and pets. The Nanango Markets are the largest rural market in south east Queensland and routinely attract 320 to 420 stallholders. But new stallholders are always very welcome too! More info? Phone the Market Co-Ordinator on (0427) 631-273 during business hours.
Back To Wengenville Day
A "Back To Wengenville Day" will be held at the site of Wengenville, in the foothills of the Bunya Mountains, and at Maidenwell today to remember the vanished timber town. The South Burnett Regional Council will be unveiling special signs to commemorate the town at 9:30am. After the official unveiling, everyone will return to the Maidenwell Hall for morning tea and to inspect photographs, a scale model of the town and other memorabilia. Former Wengenville residents who are planning to attend on Saturday, but have not yet RSVP’d, are asked to contact John and Sandy Learmont on 0409-625-865 as soon as possible.
Art Exhibition Opening - Kingaroy
The Nimue Art Gallery in King Street, Kingaroy will be opening "Here And Beyond" - a new joint exhibition by well-known South Burnett artists Karol Oakley and Joanne Tollefson - from 11:00am to 3:00pm today. The exhibition showcases new works by both artists which have been inspired by their travels around Australia and overseas, and it includes pastels, water colours and oils. After today's opening the exhibition will remain on display until the end of the month. Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Cherry at the gallery on (0409) 622-772.
Leisa Kerris - Nanango
Entertainer Leisa Kerris will be performing at the Nanango RSL in Henry Street, Nanango from 7:30pm to 11:30pm this evening. Admission is free. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4163-1375.
Pork Day - Goomeri
The Goomeri Golf Club on Goomeribong Road, Goomeri will be holding their annual Pork Day competition today - a three-person ambrose open to golfers and non-golfers alike, and in any combination. Names need to be in by 10:30am for a shorgun start at 11:00am, and the $16 entry fee includes lunch. Everyone is welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Neville on (0439) 535-848 or Peter on (07) 4168-4410
RSPCA Movie Night In The Park
Here's something different! The RSPCA will be holding an Outdoor Family Movie Night at Memorial Park in Haly Street, Kingaroy at 6:00pm tonight as a fundraiser for the shelter. For $10 per adult, $5 per child or $25 for a family pass you can watch the family comedy Mr Popper's Penguins under the stars and get to help all creatures great and small at the same time. In addition to the movie there'll also be pizza, coffee, cold drinks and popcorn available. Everyone is welcome!
Dance - Tablelands Hall
A dance (and dance lessons, if you need them) will be held at Tablelands Hall from 6:30pm until late tonight (supper is served at 6:30pm; dancing will follow afterwards). The dance will feature old time and new vogue numbers and admission includes the supper. Entry is $10 for adults, $5 for high school students and $2.50 for anyone else. Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Joan on (07) 4168-6116. Note: Next month's dance will be held on the second Saturday of the month due to a booking conflict at the Hall; but it will return to its normal first Saturday of the month slot in November.
Maidenwell Folk Music Gathering
The first day of the three-day Maidenwell Folk Music Gathering will be held in and around the Maidenwell Hotel from 8:00am this morning (when activities will kick off with poetry recitals and barista-prepared coffees) through until late tonight. Apart from a wide selection of walk-up folk music being performed on the hotel's verandahs and at a Chalkboard Concert inside the hotel tonight, there'll also be a small number of market stands featuring anything from photography to Aboriginal art, face painting to bamboo and flute-making and cigar box art; and also several music-related workshops too. There's free camping with gold coin donation hot showers available in the nearby Maidenwell sportsgrounds, and admission to the Gathering is totally free as well. More details? Contact Jane on (0400) 631-677 or visit the Facebook page
Batter Up - Nanango
The Burnett Softball Association will be running its "Batter Up" program at the Burnett Softball Grounds at 18 Burnett Street, Nanango from 9:00am to 2:00pm today. "Batter Up" is an introduction to softball for primary school-aged children and a lot of fun. Today's program costs $65 (which includes a softball and a softball glove) but the first 25 registrations are free. Registrations must be received by September 23. More details? Phone Brett on (0457) 498-084.
Smooth & Groove - Kingaroy
Popular entertainers Smooth & Groove will be performing at the Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy from 7:30pm to 11:30pm this evening. Admission is free. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
Dance - Inverlaw Hall
A dance will be held at Inverlaw Hall on the Burrandowan Road (roughly 20km from Kingaroy) from 8:00pm until late this evening. Music will be supplied by a local band and there'll be the usual great supper and novelties, along with a big Lucky Door draw. Admission fees are $10.00 for adults, $3.00 for high school students and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone David on (0459) 228-882.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Saturday, 05 October 2013 
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