Sunday, 02 June 2024
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Biggest Morning Tea - Boondooma
South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff will be running a Biggest Morning Tea to raise funds for cancer research, patient support and cancer education at her family's property Di Di Station at 7195 on the Mundubbera-Durong Road at Boondooma from 10:00am this morning. Guests should bring along a plate to share and some cash for raffles. Everyone is welcome!
Open Mic Jam Session & Social Bowls - Kilkivan
- The Kilkivan Bowls Club in Crescent Street, Kilkivan will be holding a free Open Mic Jam Session from 12:00 noon to around 4:00pm today. The club's bar and hot food will be available from noon, and barefoot social bowls will be happening on the greens from around 1:00pm (green fees for this are $8 for adults or $4 for students). Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone (07) 5484-1270.
Mud Women Mothers & Daughters - Nanango
The South Burnett Regional Council will be running a Mud Women Mothers & Daughters session for women and their daughters (aged 12 or above) at Ringsfield House at 41-45 Alfred Street, Nanango from 10:00am to 12:00 noon this morning. For $30, guests can create unfired clay sculptures and decorate them with crystals, stones, beads, sticks, feathers or shells to construct their own unique family memorabilia items. Places are limited, however, and bookings need to be made online at Eventbrite
Timbertowns Woodworkers - Blackbutt
- The Timbertowns Woodworkers group will be holding their regular Sunday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:30am until around 12:00 noon today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Pottery Class - Kingaroy
As part of this year's Queensland Winter Craft Festival, the Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery will be running a Pottery Class with potter Lyndell Petersen in the 1913 Council Chambers behind the Gallery from 10:00am to around 12:00 noon this morning. Students will be supplied with all the clay, underglazings and firing to make their own individual coffee cup or succulent pot (which will be returned in 3 weeks after firing) and course fees are just $40. More details? Bookings? Phone the Gallery on 0488-793-419 or (07) 4189-9100.
Sunday Afternoon Poker - Kingaroy
- Sunday afternoon Texas Hold'Em poker games will be played at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy today. Registrations start at 2:00pm and play begins at 2:30pm. All games are free to play and there are prizes for first, second and third. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Sunday Roast Lunch - Wondai
Dimities Cottage in Haly Street, Wondai (opposite the Wondai Regional Art Gallery) will be hosting a $20 per head BYO Sunday roast lunch from 12:00 noon today featuring roast pork and vegetables (ie roast potatoes, roast pumpkin, cauliflower in cheese sauce, carrots and peas) with apple sauce and gravy followed by individual tropical pavlova, tea and coffee and - yes! - no washing up afterwards. However, bookings are essential so Chef Graham can properly plan the catering. You can reserve your seat by phoning him on (07) 4168-5744 by Saturday, June 1.
A Two Day Taste Of Permaculture - Crownthorpe
- Bottle Tree Hill Organics will be running the second day of their Taste Of Permaculture course from 9:30am to 4:30pm today at their farm at 1525 Crownthorpe Road in Crownthorpe (near Murgon). The course is designed to introduce participants to permaculture practices and provide small, practical solutions you can work into everyday life, and it will provide an overview of permaculture's principles and patterns and how climate, landscape, soil and water can best be used. The course fee for the full weekend is $100 on you can find out more and/or make a booking by phoning Megan on 0437-792-779.
Brian Avery - Linville
Solo entertainer Brian Avery will be performing at the Linville Hotel in George Street, Linville from 11:00am until 3:00pm this afternoon. The hotel's kitchen will also be operating from 11:00am for lunch and snacks and there's free camping across the road or paid accommodation at the pub if you want to stay overnight. More details? Phone the hotel on (07) 5424-7280
Wondai Neighbourhood Watch
- Wondai Neighbourhood Watch will be holding their bi-monthly meeting at 4:00pm today at the Wondai Diggers Club in Mackenzie Street, Wondai. The meeting will provide updates from local police and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Darren on 0439-838-641.
Linville Markets
The Linville Progress Association will be holding their monthly markets in George Street, Linville (down from the Linville Hotel) from 7:00am to around 12:00 noon this morning. The markets feature great BBQ breakfasts (from 7:00am to 9:30am) and lots of fresh produce, home-made foods, crafts and bric-a-brac and run on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome and potential new stallholders should phone Gail on 0402-845-186 for more information.
Community Meeting - Hivesville
- A community meeting will be held at Memorial Park in Main Street, Hivesville (opposite the hotel) at 1:00pm this afternoon, followed by a sausage sizzle. The meeting will be attended by Mayor Kathy Duff and Cr Heath Sander to discuss local problems and possible solutions, and all Hivesville residents are very welcome to come along and contribute their ideas or have their say.
Motors & Mochas - Kingaroy
POSTPONED: A Motors & Mochas morning will be held at the Kingaroy Machinery Club's grounds in Geoff Raph Drive at Kingaroy Airport from 9:00am to around 11:00am this morning. People who'd like to take part should bring along a car, motorcycle or other vehicle they're particularly proud of, then grab a cuppa and appreciate the diverse range of motors on show. Spectators can also do the same (but without a vehicle). The get-together is free and everyone is welcome! Note: Due to forecast wet weather, today's get-together has been postponed to Sunday, July 21.
2024 Men's Carnival - Nanango
- The Nanango Golf Club on the D'Aguilar Highway north of the CBD will be running their 2024 Men's Carnival today, with two shotgun starts at 8:00am and 12:30pm. Green fees are $25 - which includes lunch - and you can nominate by phoning the caretaker on 0407-642-521 or placing your name on a timesheet at the club. All golfers are welcome!
Kumbia Museum
- The Kumbia and District Historical Society's museum, located in the Federation Heritage Centre behind Kumbia Hall in Bell Street, will be open from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this afternoon. The museum contains an excellent photographic display of local history and is well worth a visit. More details? Phone Gayle on (07) 4164-4175.
Sunday, 02 June 2024
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