South Burnett Community Orchestra Concert - Nanango
The South Burnett Community Orchestra will be holding the second performance of its mid-year concert this afternoon at the Nanango State High School Hall in Elk Street, Nanango. Doors open at 1:30pm, and the concert will start at 2:00pm. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for children and tickets can be booked online or purchased at the door. Today's "Music Is Life" event is being held in memory of SBCO violinist Sonya Pearson who tragically died in a traffic crash in March this year, and the concert will be supported by a big multi-draw raffle offering great prizes. All ticket and raffle proceeds raised today will go to support the LifeFlight Foundation.
Proston Khanacross
The Proston Car Rally Club will be holding the second day of their weekend-long Proston Khanacross at their race track today (the club's track is located 7.5km west of Proston at 757 Proston-Boondooma Road). Racing will commence at 8:00am this morning and wrap up in the afternoon. Up to 50 cars attend Proston Rally Club meetings from all over Queensland and NSW and spectators are very welcome. There'll also be a BBQ and soft drinks stand running throughout the event, as well as a hearty breakfast supplied by the Proston Lions club available early this morning. Hot showers, toilets and free camping are available on site too. Admission to the Rally just a gold coin donation for spectators and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone 0458-689-446.
Blackbutt Country Markets
The Blackbutt Lions Country Markets - run on the third Sunday of every month - will be held at Les Muller Park in Hart Street, Blackbutt from 7:00am until around mid-day today. The markets offer a wide range of locally produced arts, crafts and freshly harvested foodstuffs from more than 40 stallholders and everyone is welcome along!
Sunday Afternoon Poker - Kingaroy
- Sunday afternoon Texas Hold'Em poker games will be played at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy today. Registrations start at 2:00pm and play begins at 2:30pm. All games are free to play and there are prizes for first, second and third. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Amos Pellas - Linville
South Burnett entertainer Amos Pellas will be performing at the Linville Hotel in George Street, Linville from 11:00am to around 3:00pm this afternoon. The hotel's kitchen will also be open for lunch, dinner and snacks and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone (07) 5424-7280.
Timbertowns Woodworkers - Blackbutt
- The Timbertowns Woodworkers group will be holding their regular Sunday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:30am until around 12:00 noon today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Training & Working Bee - Benarkin
Sled Dog Racing Queensland will be holding a training day and working bee in the Benarkin State Forest off the D'Aguilar Highway in Benarkin from 10:00am to 1:00pm this morning in preparation for their up-coming Timber Towns Trail Races. The club's tracks are located down Forestry Road near the Forestry Shed, and new members are always welcome.
Sandy & Gav - Kilkivan
- The Kilkivan Hotel in Bligh Street, Kilkivan will be hosting another of their monthly Sunday afternoon sessions in the hotel's beer garden from 2:30pm until late this afternoon, featuring the duo Sandy & Gav. There's no admission and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone the hotel on 0447-872-028.
Pick Your Own Rosellas - Woolooga
Petersen's Farm at 2 Reilly Road, Woolooga - Australia's largest rosella farm - will be holding a Pick Your Own Rosellas Day at their property from 9:00am this morning up to 3:00pm this afternoon. With the 2024 rosella harvest winding down, the farm will supply a bucket and cutters for you to use and you should bring your own gloves, wear a hat and closed-in shoes. Children are not allowed to pick and there are no pets and no smoking allowed in the farm's premises, but everyone is welcome.
Kumbia Museum
- The Kumbia and District Historical Society's museum, located in the Federation Heritage Centre behind Kumbia Hall in Bell Street, will be open from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this afternoon. The museum contains an excellent photographic display of local history and is well worth a visit. More details? Phone Gayle on (07) 4164-4175.