Mountain Bike Championships - Gordonbrook Dam
Day 2 of the two-day AusCycling Queensland Cross Country Mountain Bike Championships will be raced today on the South Burnett Mountain Bike Club tracks adjacent to the picnic area at Gordonbrook Dam. Competitors today will be tackling the 6.2km Olympic course, with racing from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Spectators are most welcome to watch some of the best mountain bike riders in the country in action! There will be hotfood and cold drinks for sale.
Burnett Inland Big Map - Kingaroy
- Disaster Relief Australia is bringing its Big Map project to the South Burnett this month with meetings in Kingaroy and Murgon. Today's workshop will be held from 9:00am to 3:30pm at the Kingaroy Performing Arts Centre (KPAC at Kingaroy State High School in Markwell Street). The local area will be highlighted on a giant floor map to identify areas at risk from extreme weather events with the aim of building resilience and readiness in the community. Register by email
Linville Markets
The Linville Progress Association will be holding their monthly markets in George Street, Linville (down from the Linville Hotel) from 7:00am to around 12:00 noon this morning. The markets feature great BBQ breakfasts and lots of fresh produce, home-made foods, crafts and bric-a-brac and run on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome and potential new stallholders should phone Gail on 0402-845-186 for more information.
Wondai Neighbourhood Watch
- Wondai Neighbourhood Watch will be holding their bi-monthly meeting at 4:00pm today at the Wondai Diggers Club in Mackenzie Street, Wondai. The meeting will provide updates from local police and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Darren on 0439-838-641.
BP Dam Inland Fishing Classic
The second (and final) day of the weekend-long Bjelke-Petersen Dam Inland Classic fishing competition will be held at the tourist tark on the dam's foreshores today. This popular annual fishing competition is run by the Dam's fish stocking association and always offers a great weekend of family fun with loads of giveaways. In addition, one lucky person will also win a brand new boat, motor and trailer in the major prize lucky draw. Registrations to take part in the competition are just $20 for adults or $5 for juniors. And this year, children entering with a paying adult are free! The final weigh-ins and presentations will be held today. Spectators are very welcome!
Cooyar Campdraft
Day 3 of the three-day Cooyar Campdraft will kick off at 5:30am today at Cooyar Showgrounds. Today's events will include the Novice, Junior and Juvenile Drafts.
Resin & Wood Workshop - Wondai
- Wondai Woodworkers will be running a one-day beginners' workshop in Resin & Wood today at Wondai Showgrounds as part of Mental Health Week. Participants will learn the basics of resin pouring and experiment with resin and wood. Cost is $30 per person and bookings are essential. More info? Phone 0459-527-960 or email the club.
Octoberfest Darts - Nanango
- Today is Day 3 of Nanango & District Darts Association's three days of competitions this weekend at it clubhouse at 12 George Street, Nanango. Men's and Ladies Singles will be played from 10:00am today ($10 per event, nominations by 9:30am). NB. Players must wear a collared shirt and enclosed shoes. Cash only (no EFTPOS). For more information, phone Dwayne on 0414-187-713 or Caroline on 0427-834-563.
Kumbia Museum
- The Kumbia and District Historical Society's museum, located in the Federation Heritage Centre behind Kumbia Hall in Bell Street, will be open from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this afternoon. The museum contains an excellent photographic display of local history and is well worth a visit. More details? Phone Gayle on (07) 4164-4175.
Sunday Afternoon Poker - Kingaroy
- Sunday afternoon Texas Hold'Em poker games will be played at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy today. Registrations start at 1:30pm and play begins at 2:30pm. All games are free to play and there are prizes for first, second and third. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Timbertowns Woodworkers - Blackbutt
- The Timbertowns Woodworkers group will be holding their regular Sunday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:00am until around 12:00 noon today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome.
Free Sunday Lunch - Kingaroy
- A free community lunch is available every Sunday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm at The Old Railway Station building, O'Neill Square, in Kingaroy. The Community Serving Community Meals Project is co-ordinated by the South Burnett Support Alliance and relies on volunteers from the local community.
Community Pickleball - Woolooga
- Woolooga Community Hall is hosting community pickleball every Sunday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the hall at 8 Thomas Street, Woolooga. Everyone is welcome to come along, including beginners. All equipment is provided at the court, so just bring water!
Manar Park Farewell Weekend - Boondooma
The Blinco family is hosting a four-day Kings Birthday Farewell Weekend at the Manar Park off-road recreational park. The Blincos' lease is up on October 28 and this could be the last major event held at the facility. There will a 4×4 tour, skid pan, barrel races, and Flamin’ Grillas will be on site to offer breakfast, lunch and dinner on each day. A bonfire and music will be happening tonight to coincide with the NRL grand final. As part of the celebrations a Monster Truck will be at the park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to take people for $5 rides. Manar Park is located on Boondooma Road north of Proston (the turn-off is just past Boondooma Homestead). For more information, visit the website.