Saturday, 05 October 2024
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Mountain Bike Championships - Gordonbrook Dam
Day 1 of the two-day AusCycling Queensland Cross Country Mountain Bike Championships will be raced today on the South Burnett Mountain Bike Club tracks adjacent to the picnic area at Gordonbrook Dam. Competitors today will be tackling a short 1.2km course, with racing from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Spectators are most welcome to watch some of the best mountain bike riders in the country in action! There will be hot food and cold drinks for sale.
Resin & Wood Workshop - Wondai
- Wondai Woodworkers will be running a one-day beginners' workshop in Resin & Wood today at Wondai Showgrounds as part of Mental Health Week. Participants will learn the basics of resin pouring and experiment with resin and wood. Cost is $30 per person and bookings are essential. More info? Phone 0459-527-960 or email the club. The club will be hosting the same workshop again tomorrow.
BP Dam Inland Fishing Classic
The first day of the weekend-long Bjelke-Petersen Dam Inland Classic fishing competition will be held at the tourist park on the dam's foreshores today. This popular annual fishing competition is run by the Dam's fish stocking association and always offers a great weekend of family fun with loads of prizes and giveaways. As well, one lucky person will also win a brand new boat, motor and trailer in the major prize lucky draw. Registrations to take part in the competition are just $20 for adults or $5 for juniors. And this year, children entering with a paying adult are free! The final weigh-ins and presentations will be held tomorrow morning. Register from lunchtime on Friday. Spectators are very welcome!
Golden Oldies - Cherbourg
Cherbourg's annual Golden Oldies Reunion for former residents of Cherbourg will be celebrating its 34th birthday at the Cherbourg Community Hall today with a Golden Oldies afternoon from 11:00am to around 5:00pm. This year's get-together has a "Keep The Fire Burning - Blak, Loud and Proud" theme and guests are encouraged to dress in Indigenous colours. The get-together will offer a luncheon and live entertainment. You can obtain more details by phoning Edwina on (07) 4168-1866. RSVP before September 30.
Octoberfest Darts - Nanango
- Today is Day 2 of Nanango & District Darts Association's three days of competitions this weekend at it clubhouse at 12 George Street, Nanango. Men's and Ladies Doubles will be played from 10:00am ($10 per event, nominations by 9:30am). Tomorrow, Men's and Ladies Singles from 10:00am on Sunday ($10 per event, nominations by 9:30am). NB. Players must wear a collared shirt and enclosed shoes. Cash only (no EFTPOS). For more information, phone Dwayne on 0414-187-713 or Caroline on 0427-834-563.
MISfITZ - Kingaroy
Popular South Burnett acoustic duo MISfITZ (aka Rob & Clare Fitz-Herbert) will be performing in the Tobruk Room at the Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy, from 7:00pm until 10:00pm tonight. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-175
Latin Dance Party - Blackbutt
- The Friends of the Forest will be hosting a dance party at the Blackbutt Memorial Hall from 3:00pm to 5:00pm this afternoon as a fundraiser for local wildlife carers. Carolita will be leading an easy, beginners workshop in Latin American dance from 3:00pm-4:00pm. No experience necessary! Entry is $20 (cash only) and funds raised will be used to buy nest boxes and equipment. Refreshments including tea, coffee and snacks will be available. BYO water bottle.
Nanango Country Markets
The Nanango Show Society will be holding their regular monthly Country Markets at the Nanango Showgrounds in Cairns Street from 6:00am to around 12:00 noon today. As usual, the markets will feature a wide variety of craft stalls, new and used goods, plants, poultry and pets, but they'll be operating in a COVID Safe way. The Nanango Markets are the largest rural market in south east Queensland and attract up to 420 stallholders. But new stallholders are always very welcome too! More info? Phone the Market Co-Ordinator on 0427-631-273 during business hours.
Yarraman Men's Shed
- The Yarraman Men's Shed at the end of Mill Street, Yarraman will be holding one of its regular get-togethers from 8:00am to noon today. The Men's Shed is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome. More details? Send them an email
Proston Men's Shed
- The Proston Men's Shed will be meeting at their building at 5-23 Rodney Street, Proston from 9:00am until around 12:00 noon today. The Men's Shed opens on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and new members are always very welcome! More details? Phone the Men's Shed on 0477-235-429.
Cooyar Campdraft
Day 2 of the three-day Cooyar Campdraft will kick off at 5:30am today at Cooyar Showgrounds. Today's events will include rounds of the Ladies Draft and Restricted Open Draft and finals of the Maiden 4 Maiden, Maiden, Ladies, Restricted Open and Open Draft. A Bullock Ride feature will be held tonight, but competitors must be entered in a campdraft event to be eligible. The action will continue on Sunday.
Nanango Men's Shed
- The Nanango Men's Shed at the corner of Mt Stanley Road and Heathermore Lane, Nanango will be open from 8:30am to around noon today for its regular Saturday get-together. The Men's Shed meets most Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome! More details? Phone 0491-102-087.
Dance Party With Rufus Jack - Kingaroy
The Carrollee Hotel in King Street, Kingaroy, will be holding a Dance Party with popular local band Rufus Jack from 8:00pm to 11:30pm tonight. Everyone is welcome and the hotel's kitchen will be open for dinner and snacks. More details? Phone the Carrollee on (07) 4162-1055.
Wheelchair Basketball - Murgon
- South Burnett Wheelchair Basketball is played every Saturday from 10:00am to noon during school terms at the South Burnett PCYC in Macalister Street, Murgon. All equipment is provided but participants must wear enclosed shoes and bring a water bottle. Wheelchair basketball is an all-abilities game and everyone is invited to come along and have a go!
Murgon Men's Shed
- The Murgon Men's Shed will be holding a meeting at their shed in Macalister Street, Murgon (the shed next to the former Murgon Railway Station) today. The Men's Shed meets every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday between 7:30am and 12:30pm to work on projects and new members are always welcome!
Manar Park Farewell Weekend - Boondooma
The Blinco family is hosting a four-day Kings Birthday Farewell Weekend at the Manar Park off-road recreational park. The Blincos' lease is up on October 28 and this could be the last major event held at the facility. There will a 4×4 tour, skid pan, barrel races, and Flamin’ Grillas will be on site to offer breakfast, lunch and dinner on each day. A bonfire and music will be happening on Sunday night to coincide with the NRL grand final. As part of the celebrations a Monster Truck will be at the park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to take people for $5 rides. Manar Park is located on Boondooma Road north of Proston (the turn-off is just past Boondooma Homestead). For more information, visit the website.
Wondai Parkrun
The Wondai parkrun group will be holding their weekly 5km timed runs at Coronation Park in Wondai at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the South Burnett Rail Trail and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event. More details? Send an email.
Ros Gregor Parkrun - Nanango
- The Nanango parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run along the Ros Gregor Trail at Tipperary Flat next to the D'Aguilar Highway south of Nanango at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the trail and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Railway Parkrun - Proston
The Proston parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run at Railway Park in Rodney Street, Proston at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the former railway line and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Parkrun - Blackbutt
- The Blackbutt parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail at Blackbutt from 7:00am this morning. The starting line is adjacent to the Roy Emerson Museum, off Bowman Road. Runners follow a course along the former railway line and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online (it's officially called the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail parkrun) and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Saturday, 05 October 2024
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