What's On In The South Burnett Today?
MARCH 2012
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Wednesday, 14 March 2012 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Wooroolin Womens Pamper Day
Yes! It's back again for 2012! A special, completely free Pamper Day for rural women will be held at the Wooroolin Hall on the Bunya Highway at Wooroolin from 9:00am to around 2:30pm today. The event has been organised by BIEDO as a way to bring a little stress relief into lives of rural women, and all ladies who attend will be given morning tea and lunch. They'll also be able to listen to some great guest speakers and there'll be lots of free information available about how to keep well, stay active and combat depression (amongst many other things). Over the last four years Pamper Days have proven to be an overwhelming success with more than 2100 women attending since 2007. All Wooroolin and district women are most welcome to come along! However to assist with catering you'll need to put in an RSVP beforehand. You can do this by contacting BIEDO Rural Services Officer Karen Seiler on (0488) 723-130
Timbertown Woodworkers Group Meeting - Blackbutt
The Timbertown Woodworkers Group will be holding their regular Wednesday meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:00am until around 4:00pm today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Lighten Up - Kingaroy
Made a New Years resolution to lose weight, get more active or become a bit healthier? Then the fifth Lighten Up To A Healthy Lifestyle workshop that will be held at the Kingaroy Town Common Hall in Oliver Bond Street, Kingaroy from 11:00am to 1:00pm today is probably for you. The seven weekly workshops in this course are designed to to help you improve your level of physical activity; your understanding of food labels; your current diet and your self-esteem - and they're absolutely free!. All workshops will be facilitated by Community Health Nurse Stephen Bratt and everyone is welcome - but an RSVP is essential because places are limited. You can find out more details and/or reserve a place yourself by phoning Stephen on (07) 4162 9220 or Caitlin Isaac at RHealth on (07) 4162 5230 (or by emailing her). NB: Program workshops will be held at the same time and place over the coming two weeks.
Wednesday Morning Bridge - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Bridge Club will be holding their regular Wednesday morning bridge games at the Artie Kerr Centre (right next to the Dept. of Transport) in Kingaroy Street, Kingaroy from 9:00am to 1:00pm today. New players are most welcome (training is available for new players too, if needed). More details? Phone Richard on (07) 4163-6842 or Helen on (07) 4162-2128
Murgon Rotary Club Meeting
The Murgon Rotary Club will be holding their regular Wednesday evening dinner meeting at the Murgon Services Club in Lamb Street, Murgon from 6:30pm onwards tonight (meeting starts at 7:00pm). New members are always welcome! More details? Phone (07) 4168-1180.
Indoor Bowls & Cards Day - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Senior Citizens Club will be hosting indoor bowls and cards (500) competitions at its centre on the corner of Avoca and Kingaroy Streets, Kingaroy between 9:00am and 4:00pm today. Indoor bowls competitions commence at 9:00am and cards at around 1:00pm, and the $2 admission includes a cup of tea. Everyone is welcome! For more details phone (07) 4163-6191.
Great White Poker - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy RSL in Kingaroy Street, Kingaroy will be hosting Great White Poker games this evening. Registration starts at 6:00pm and the first cards are dealt at 7:00pm. More details from the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Nanango Probus Club Meeting
The Nanango Probus Club will be holding its regular monthly meeting at the QCWA Rooms in Fitzroy Street, Nanango (opposite Foodworks) from 9:30am onwards this morning. The club meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month and meetings usually feature guest speakers talking on a variety of topics, as well as a great morning tea and chats. The group also arrange a number of special outings during the course of the year. New members are always very welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Pat on (07) 4171-0662
Bowls Club Bingo - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Bowls Club at 141 Youngman St, Kingaroy will be running bingo matches from 7:30pm this evening with $800 in prizes on offer. More details from the club on (07) 4162-1404
South Burnett Tourism Association AGM - Wondai
The South Burnett Tourism Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting at the Wondai RSL in Mackenzie Street, Wondai at 6:00pm this evening (meeting starts at 6:30pm). Anyone with an interest in the development of tourism in the area is very welcome to attend. More details? Email SBTA Secretary Noreen Brier by clicking here.
Yoga In The Park - Nanango
The South Burnett PCYC and Active Parks Community Recreation Programs will be running the second of six Yoga In The Park programs in the park behind the South Burnett Aquatic Centre in Henry Street, Nanango from 9:30am to 10:30am this morning. The class is completely free and designed for people who've never tried yoga before. More details? Phone the PCYC on (07) 4168-1889.
Kingaroy Sporting Club AGM - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Sporting Club will be holding their Annual General Meeting at the Kingaroy RSL in Kingaroy St, Kingaroy at 6:00pm this evening. All interested people are welcome to attend.
Meet The Candidates Forum - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group and the Wide Bay Burnett Environmental Council will be hosting a special "Meet The Candudates Forum" at the Kingaroy RSL's Tobruk Room at 7:00pm this evening. The purpose of the forum is to allow Nanango electorate voters to find out how the different candidates standing for the seat in the up-coming State election regard issues like CSG and UCG mining, management of National Parks, protection of wildlife, sustainable water management and protection of the environment in general. Candidates who'll be speaking at tonight's forum include John Dalton (Independent), Grant Newson (Queensland Greens) and Carl Rackemann (Katter's Australian Party). However the three other candidates (Deb Freckloington (LNP); David Thomson (Queensland Party) and Viginia Clarke (ALP)) have apologised because they have other engagements tonight, so they'll be submitting statements about their parties' policies on these matters instead. Admission is completely free and teas and coffee will be provided. More details? Contact KCCG President Gary Tessmann on (0428) 621-991.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Wondai
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other to help solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership, and AA isn't allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. AA Murgon meets in Wondai at the Lutheran Hall at 39 Edward Street every Wednesday at 7:30pm. More details? Phone (07) 4168-9715 or (0407) 150-216.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Wednesday, 14 March 2012 
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