Saturday, 09 September 2023
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Blackbutt Avocado Festival The 2023 Blackbutt Avocado Festival will be running all day today, with activities stretching from Blackbutt's CBD down to the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, and running from 9:00am through until late tonight. A 100-stall market will be operating outside the Blackbutt Memorial Hall all day, where there'll also be the traditional Avocado Rolling competition for big cash prizes, along with Avocado Tossing and Avocado Judging. And inside the hall, there'll be avocado cooking demonstrations by visiting chef Jason Peppler and five guest speakers talking on topics ranging from permaculture to avocado nutrition. On the Showground's oval, skydivers will be attempting to land on a giant avocado. And elsewhere, visitors can watch woodcutting competitions near the XXXX Gold Woodcutters Bar; take a helicopter ride; or enjoy a wide range of live music from South Burnett entertainers that will be playing all day. The giant Avocado Festival Street Parade will wend its way along the highway to the Showgrounds at around 1:00pm. Nearly all today's Avocado Festival activities are free and the event is designed to be family-friendly.
Nanango Spring Race Meeting
The Nanango Race Club will be holding their annual Spring Race Meeting at the Lee Park Raceway off the D'Aguilar Highway just south of Nanango from 10:00am to around 5:00pm today. Today's races will have a "Spring Florals" fashion theme and everyone is encouraged to dress up in their most stylish outfits and/or accessories to be in the running for some great prizes. The race club's licensed bar and BBQ will be operating under the extended covered area; the race club canteen will be open for sit-down dining; and there'll be plenty of bookmakers and an on-course tote available in the betting ring to take your wagers, plus bucketloads of under-cover seating. A lot of people like to use the Spring race meeting for relaxed get-togethers and you're welcome to picnic on the lawns or even bring your own marquee if you like. This will be a 5 race meeting and free buses will be running to the races from Kingaroy's Glendon Street Bus Depot (12:00 noon) and the rear of Nanango's Fitzroy Hotel at 12:25pm. The first race will leave the barriers around 1:00pm but gates will open at 10:00am so go-getters can get a head start on that all-important socialising. Admission today is completely free and everyone is welcome!
Heritage Nanango Country Music Muster
The third day of the 2023 Heritage Nanango Country Music Muster will be held at the Nanango Showgrounds in Cairns Street, Nanango today and the Muster will move into top gear with a mammoth Invited Artists Concert that will play from 9:00am right through to 10:00pm tonight. Confirmed artists for this year's Muster include Kiara Rogers, Owen Blundell, Brian Letton, Gina Timms, the Cottani Sisters, Jeff Brown, Glenn Jones, Royden Donahue, Tom Maxwell, Justin Standley, Peter Denahay and Dean Perrett. Admission today is $40 - or $25 if you come after 3:00pm - and young people aged 14 to 17 can get tickets for half price (under-14s accompanied by an adult can get in for free). Camping will also be available at the Showgrounds and fees range between $8 and $10 per night for unpowered or powered sites. However, a booking for any camp site is essential because the Muster usually packs the Showgrounds to capacity. You can make one and/or get more details about this year's event on the Nanango Show Society's website or by phoning the Show Society on (07) 4163-1273.
Dance - Inverlaw Hall
A dance will be held at Inverlaw Hall on the Burrandowan Road (roughly 20km from Kingaroy) from 8:00pm until late this evening. Music will be supplied by Mystique and there'll be the usual great supper and novelties, along with a Lucky Door draw. Admission fees are $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for high school students and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone David on 0459-228-882 or Louisa on 0409-547-906.
Proston Men's Shed
- The Proston Men's Shed will be meeting at their workshop buildings at Railway Park in Rodney Street, Proston for their regular Saturday morning get-together today, kicking off with a cuppa at 9:00am and continuing on until noon. New members are always very welcome. More details? Phone Geoff on 0439-694-000.
Bush Banquet - Wattle Grove
The Nanango Kindergarten will be hosting a Bush Banquet at 5:00pm this evening at the Washpool in Wattle Grove as a fundraiser. The evening will feature a gourmet 3 course dinner, live music, dancing, a bar, an auction and a fire pit. Tickets are $90 per head and they can be obtained from the Kindy on (07) 4163-1551 or booked online. Note: A $10 bus service and free overnight camping options are also available - ask the kindy for more details.
Wooroolin Community Markets
- The Wooroolin Community Markets will be held inside the Wooroolin QCWA Rooms on the Bunya Highway at Wooroolin from 6:00am until around 12:00 noon this morning as part of today's Wooroolin celebrations (see entry elsewhere on this page). The markets offer stalls, a sausage sizzle, fresh produce, plants and crafts and are run on the 2nd Saturday of every month except January. Stall fees are just $7.50 and new stallholders are always welcome. More details? Phone Janice on 0439-073-160
Kumbia Community Markets
The monthly Kumbia Community Markets will be running at the Kumbia Memorial Hall in Bell Street, Kumbia from 8:00am to around noon this morning (set-up is from 7:00am). The markets run on the second Saturday of every month inside and outside the hall and feature bric-a-brac, crafts, food and live entertainment. New stallholders are always welcome, too. More details? Email the organiser
Kingaroy Men's Shed
- The Kingaroy Men's Shed will be holding their regular Saturday morning meeting at the old Motor Pool building off Geoff Raph Drive at Kingaroy Airport from 9:00am to around noon today. The group meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday morning and new members and visitors are always welcome.
Seafood Smorgasbord - Wondai
Dimities Cottage at 49 Haly Street in Wondai will be holding another of their monthly all-you-can-eat Seafood Smorgasbords from 6:00pm this evening (dinner starts at 6:30pm). The buffet features all your favourite hot and cold seafoods fresh from the trawlers, as well as non-seafood dishes, desserts, tea and coffee. Cost is $65 per head (BYO) and since these dinners are nearly always a sell-out, bookings are essential if you want to be certain of a seat: (07) 4168-5744. (Note: Bookings will close at 12:00 noon on September 7)
Saturday Line Dancing - Wooroolin
- Line dancing classes will be held at Wooroolin Hall on the Bunya Highway at Wooroolin this morning. Classes will run from 9:00am to 10:00am (beginners) and 10:30am to 12:30pm (improvers) and a small dancing fee applies to either class. Everyone is welcome.
Barambah Shed Men - Goomeri
All men and young blokes have been invited to the 51st meeting of the Barambah Shed Men, which will be held this afternoon at Darryl Howley's shed at 9 Labudda Street, Goomeri. Guest speakers are Darryl - who's lived in Goomeri all his life and has been involved in many community projects - and Dimas Bakini, an exercise physiologist from Kingaroy who began his life in Australia as a Sudanese refugee. Everything will get under way at 4:30pm and the $15 cost includes a meal, dessert, soft drinks and tea/coffee (under 15s are free). For catering purposes, though, an RSVP by Monday, September 4 to Chris 0499-775-022, Ron (07) 4168-5183 or John 0428-684-951 would be greatly appreciated.
Yarraman Markets
The Yarraman Progress Association's Yarraman Markets will be held on the vacant block at the corner of the D'Aguilar and New England Highways (ie opposite Bendigo Bank) in Yarraman from 7:00am until around 12:00 noon today. The markets - now held on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Saturday each month - feature trash and treasure stalls, car boot sellers, local produce and hand-made goods, as well as food stalls. Everyone is welcome and if you'd like to book a stall yourself - it's only $10! - phone 0498-540-340.
Murgon Men's Shed
- The Murgon Men's Shed will be holding their regular Saturday meeting at their shed in Macalister Street, Murgon (the shed next to the former Murgon Railway Station) today. The Men's Shed meets every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday to work on a variety of projects and new members are always welcome.
Proston Rally & Burnouts
The Proston Car Rally Club will be holding their quarterly Proston Rally at their racing track this weekend (the club's track is located 7.5km west of Proston at 757 Proston-Boondooma Road). Racing will commence around 109:00am this morning and there'll also be burnouts from around 5:00pm, with racing wrapping up around 2:00pm tomorrow afternoon. Up to 50 cars attend Proston Rally Club meetings from all over Queensland and NSW and spectators are very welcome. There'll also be a cash-only canteen and bar running throughout the event, and a hearty breakfast will be available early on Sunday morning. Hot showers, toilets and free camping are available on site too. Admission to the Rally just a gold coin donation for spectators and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone 0402-517-909
Proston Lions Spring Garden Fete
The Proston Lions will be hosting their Spring Garden Fete in Rose Park at 12 Okeden Road, Proston from 8:00am to 12:00 noon this morning. The fete will feature a mini flower show with prizes (bring your prettiest flower, bunch of flowers or potted plant); market stalls; novelty competitions with a gardening theme and guest speakers plus a sausage sizzle, multi-draw raffle, Devonshire morning teas, hot chips and cold drinks. Admission is free and market stall spaces are just $5. More details? Phone Helen on 0457-094-145 or Del on 0428-689-329.
Yarraman Men's Shed
- The Yarraman Men's Shed at the end of Mill Street, Yarraman will be holding one of its regular get-togethers from 10:00am to 4:00pm today. The Men's Shed is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome. More details? Send them an email
Family Colour Fun Run - Murgon
The South Burnett PCYC will be holding a Family Colour Fun Run along the South Burnett Rail Trail in Murgon from 8:00am to around noon this morning to celebrate Child Safety Week. The run is free, there'll be a BBQ and fun prizes for best dressed. Market stalls are also welcome. You can register individually or as a team at the South Burnett PCYC. More details? Phone the PCXYC on (07) 4168-1889.
Wellness Workshop - Nanango
- A Shine By Design Wellness Workshop will be held at the Nanango Cultural Centre in George Street, Nanango from 9:00am to 1:00pm today. The workshop aims to show participants how to build a stronger, healthier and happier life and it is jointly sponsored by the Federal Government and the South Burnett Regional Council. Tickets are $10 and they can be booked online
Wondai Parkrun
The Wondai parkrun group will be holding their weekly 5km timed runs at Coronation Park in Wondai at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the South Burnett Rail Trail and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event. More details? Send an email.
Ros Gregor Parkrun - Nanango
- The Nanango parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run along the Ros Gregor Trail at Tipperary Flat next to the D'Aguilar Highway south of Nanango at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the trail and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Rail Trail Parkrun - Proston
The Proston parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run at Railway Park in Rodney Street, Proston at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the former railway line and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Parkrun - Blackbutt
- The Blackbutt parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail at Blackbutt from 7:00am this morning. The starting line is adjacent to the Roy Emerson Museum, off Bowman Road. Runners follow a course along the former railway line and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online (it's officially called the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail parkrun) and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Chiggy's Skateboarding Workshop - Blackbutt
CTC Youth Services will be running a skateboarding workshop for young people aged 12 to 24 at the Blackbutt Skate Park at the end of Roy Emerson Way in Blackbutt from 10:00am to 2:30pm today. Everyone is welcome and all gear will be provided. More details? Phone CTC Youth on (07) 4162-7788.
Connie Sempf - Linville
- Well-known Blackbutt entertainer Connie Sempf will be performing over lunch at the Linville Hotel in George Street, Linville from 11:30am to 3:30pm this afternoon. The hotel's kitchen will be open for lunch, dinner and snacks and if you want to stay over, the pub now has accommodation available. Alternately, there's free overnight campsites available across the road. More details? Phone the hotel on (07) 5424-7280.
Cooyar Debutante Ball
The annual Cooyar Debutante Ball will be held at Cooyar Hall on the New England Highway, Cooyar from 7:00pm until late tonight. The ball will feature live musiocx and dancing, along with a great supper and licensed bar. Entry fees apply and everyone is welcome.
High Street Cafe - Blackbutt
- As part of this year's Avofest, the Blackbutt-Yarraman QCWA will be offering Devonshire Teas at their rooms at 65 Coulson Street in Blackbutt from 9:00am to 3:00pm today. For just $10 you can enjoy a Devonshire Tea with a bottomless cup, and $5 packs of freshly-baked scones are also available. More details? Phone 0402-848-737
Uncle Salty - Kingaroy
Sunshine Coast entertainers Uncle Salty will be performing at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy from 7:00pm until 11:00pm tonight. Admission is free. More details from the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Marcus Hartung - Kingaroy
- Entertainer Marcus Hartung will be performing at the Commercial Hotel at the corner of Glendon and Haly Streets, Kingaroy from 8:00pm until late tonight. The hotel's kitchen will also be open for dinner or snacks. More details? Phone the Commie on (07) 4162-1380.
Festival Of The Dams - Lake Boondooma
The first day of the 2nd round of the Festival Of The Dams fishing competition will be held at Lake Boonbdooma from 7:00am this morning though until final judging around lunch-time tomorrow. This competition is a teams event (with one entry per team and a maximum of 40 teams) accompanied by a myriad of rules. More details? Get info on the Fishing Freshwater website
Saturday Morning Tennis - Blackbutt
- The Blackbutt Tennis Club will be running social tennis games at their courts in Hart Street, Blackbutt (just down from the Radnor Hotel) from 7:30am this morning. New players are always welcome. More details? Phone Roy on 0407-378-795.
Saturday, 09 September 2023
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