Blackbutt Range Re-Opens Today
- After almost 18 months of reconstruction effort, the Blackbutt Range is expected to re-open to two lanes of traffic today. This will put an end to the need to queue at the top or bottom of the range to wait for single-lane passage - something South Burnett residents and visitors have had to tolerate since large chunks of the road were washed away in the January 2011 floods. The reconstruction of the Blackbutt Range road is expected to continue through until the end of the year and there may be occasions when brief closures are necessary (blasting, for example). But - for the most part - the road will begin returning to normal from today onwards. POSTPONED: The Dpt of Main Roads advised today that due to recent wet weather, the full re-opening of the road has been set back until June 22nd.
Art Exhibition Opening - Kingaroy
- The Kingaroy Art Gallery in Haly Street, Kingaroy will be opening its June exhibition at 6:00pm this evening (official opening is 6:30pm). This month's exhibition will feature abstract and semi-abstract works by Celia O'Conner on large canvasses in the main gallery (the first time in three years that Celia's works have been exhibited locally). There'll also be a display of paper tole works by Rosemarie Matthews in the secondary gallery. And rather than traditional wine and cheese for opening night, tonight's catering will take the form of a High Tea with lots of nibbles, tea and Pimms. Admission is free and the works will remain on display from 10:00am to 4:00pm daily through until July 6th. Everyone is welcome. More details from the Gallery: (07) 4162-6273.
Friday Social Golf - Kingaroy
- The Kingaroy Golf Club on the Bunya Highway at Kingaroy will holding their regular Friday 9-ers 9 hole social golfing sessions for men and women from 8:00am until dusk today. Everyone is most welcome (including non-members) and green fees are $11 for members or $14 for non-members for the nine holes - but this also includes a card draw for prizes in the clubhouse in the evening (there's also a Jackpot card draw on the last Friday of each month). More details? Phone the Golf Club on (07) 4162-1720
Endeavour Foundation Bingo - Kingaroy
- The Endeavour Foundation will be holding bingo games at Kingaroy RSL from 10:00am this morning. More than $1,000 in jackpots will be on offer. More details from the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
Friday Night Dinner & Social Darts - Nanango
- The Nanango and District Darts Association will be holding their regular Friday night social darts games at their club house at the end of George Street, Nanango from 7:15pm onwards this evening. They'll also be offering inexpensive home-cooked dinners from 6:30pm if you want to chow down beforehand. The club's licenced bar will be operating too, and both visitors and potential new members are very welcome.
Kingaroy QCWA Meeting
- The Kingaroy branch of the QCWA will be holding its regular second Friday of the month meeting at the Kingaroy QCWA Rooms in Kingaroy Street (just next to the RSL) at 10:00am this morning. New members are always welcome! More details? Phone Hazel on (07) 4162-1194.
TGIF Party - Nanango
- The South Burnett's most popular emcee DJdirex will be holding a "TGIF Party" session at the Fitzroy Hotel in Fitzroy Street, Nanango from 8:00pm until late tonight. You can request any music you like - Mike has a h-u-g-e repertoire - and admission is free. More details from the hotel on (07) 4163-1506.