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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Thursday, 11 November 2021 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day and a number of public services will be held throughout the South Burnett at 11:00am this morning to mark it. Everyone is welcome to attend these services to acknowledge the sacrifices made by our nation's servicemen and women in all the conflicts Australia has participated in (which will all be run this year in a COVID Safe way). Today's Remembrance Day services will also mark the 103rd anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War. 2021 also marks 76 years since the end of WWII.
A commemorative service will be held at the Blackbutt RSL in Muir Street from 10:40am sharp this morning, featuring an address by former Afghanistan veteran and SAS soldier Toby Wilson.
A service of Remembrance will be held at the Barambah Anzac Memorial. Assemble at 10:30am for a 10:45am start.
A service will be held at the Yarraman Cenotaph on the D'Aguilar Highway at 11:00am (wreath-layers should arrive prior to 10:45am), followed by refreshments at Kitty Cook house. Members of the 7th Signal Regiment will be today's special guests.
A service will be held at the Nanango War Memorial at the corner of Henry and Drayton streets from 10:45am this morning (assembly is at 10:40am). The service will be followed by finger foods and refreshments at the RSL.
This year's Kingaroy Remembrance Day service will be held at Memorial Park in Haly Street, Kingaroy, beginning with a parade from Burnett Street to the park's Memorial Rotunda at 10:15am and followed by a ceremony that will run from 10:25am until around 11:30am. After the service, all guests will be invited to Kingaroy RSL for refreshments.
A service will be held at the cenotaph outside the Wondai Town Hall at 11:00am this morning (assembly at 10:40am). The commemoration will be followed by light refreshments at the Wondai Diggers Club in Mackenzie Street.
A service will be held at the Murgon War Memorial on the corner of Lamb and Gore Streets between 10:30am and 11:15am this morning. The day's proceedings will be followed by a light lunch in the Diggers Room to which everyone is invited.
A service will be held at the Goomeri Memorial Clock at the corner of the Wide Bay and Burnett Highways at 10:30am. More details? Phone David Pitstock on 0427-169-043.
Boondooma Homestead on the Durong-Mundubbera Road at Boondooma will be holding a Remembrance Day commemoration beginning at 9:30am this morning, with the service at 11:00am. A highlight of today's commemoration will be the unveiling of 12 new plaques honouring Boondooma's war dead, and the ceremony will be followed by a BBQ lunch and light entertainment. You can read more on our website
Festival Of Small Halls - Kumbia
Entertainers Andrea Kirwin and Tullara will be performing at Kumbia Hall in Bell Street, Kumbia this evening as part of the latest Festival Of Small Halls. A bar and BBQ will be running from 5:30pm to 6:30pm before the doors open, and the concert will get underway at 7:00pm sharp. Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for pensioners or $10 for children 12 and under, and they can be purchased online
Social Dance Classes - Kingaroy
Social dance classes are held in the Apex room of the Kingaroy Senior Citizens Centre in Avoca Street, Kingaroy (opposite SupaIGA) every Thursday night from 6.30pm. The classes cover classic dances such as the Gypsy Tap and Pride of Erin right up to the latest sequence dances, and there are plenty of dancers for a great night of fun, laughter and learning how to dance - all you need to bring are your dancing shoes. More information? Phone Craig on (07) 4162-2818 or (0417) 808-296.
Bush Vaccination Bus - Yarraman and Maidenwell
Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN will be bringing its Bush Vax bus to 7 Emmert Street in Yarraman from 8:30am to 12:00 noon today, then to the Pool Street service road in Maidenwell between 1:30pm and 4:30pm this afternoon. The bus offers free Pfizer vaccinations to residents who want to avoid the worst of the Delta COVID outbreak expected to sweep across Queensland when the borders come down in mid-December. No appointments are necessary. You can also read more about the Vax Bus on our website
South Burnett Rugby League AGM - Kingaroy
South Burnett Rugby League will be holding its Annual General Meeting at its office at Shop 12, 119 Youngman Street in Kingaroy (behind Bass To Barra) at 6:00pm tonight. All interested people are welcome to attend, and pizza and drinks will be supplied.
Pop-Up Vax Clinic - Kingaroy
A pop-up vaccination clinic will be run by the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service at the Kingaroy Showgrounds in Youngman Street, Kingaroy from 7:30am to 6:30pm today. The clinic will administer first and second doses of Pfizer vaccine to anyone aged 12 or older, and walk-ins are very welcome. Entry is via Gate 3 in Youngman Street and exit is via Avoca Street. Note: This clinic will run daily until Friday lunch-time.
Thursday Tai Chi - Nanango
Thursday morning Tai Chi will be held under the shade sails at Ringsfield House's gardens at 41-45 Alfred Street, Nanango at 8:00am this morning. The class is a social group and new members are always welcome. More details? Phone Gary on 0487-853-617.
Thursday Social Golf - Blackbutt
The Blackbutt Golf Club at 51 Langton Road in Blackbutt will be running social golf games from 3:00pm this afternoon. For just $5, guests can play six holes in the great outdoors in a relaxing atmosphere. The bar will also be open and pies, mushy peas and potatoes will be available as well. Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone the club on (07) 4163-0180.
Taras Hall Bingo - Nanango
Bingo games will be held at Taras Hall immediately next to Nanango RSL in Henry Street, Nanango at 8:30am this morning (doors open at 8:30am; eyes down at 9:30am sharp). Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4163-1375.
Murgon Men's Shed
The Murgon Men's Shed will be holding a meeting at their shed in Macalister Street, Murgon (the shed next to the former Murgon Railway Station) today. The Men's Shed meets every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday to work on projects and new members are always welcome.
Nurunderi Yarn - Cherbourg
A yarning circle will be held at Nurunderi TAFE in Collins Road, Cherbourg from 10:30am to around noon today. Topics that will be covered include courses on offer, what has (and hasn’t) worked well, jobs available, training and upskilling needs and more. The event is free, morning tea will be provided and anyone who'd like to take part and/or contribute topics to the discussion are very welcome.
Blackbutt Lions Burger Night
The Blackbutt-Benarkin Lions Club will be holding a Burger Night at their den next to the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 5:30pm tonight. For just $6 you can chow down on a freshly-cooked beef or chicken burger and help raise funds for worthy causes that the club supports. Burger nights are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, and everyone is welcome!
Thursday Night Bingo - Murgon
Bingo games will be held at the Australian Hotel in Lamb Street, Murgon at 7:30pm tonight. There'll be $700 in calls on offer and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone the hotel on (07) 4168-1095
Christmas Craft Day - Mondure
A Christmas Craft Day will be held at Mondure Hall from 9:30am to 2:30pm today. The event will feature craft classes (with kits available to purchase for individual workshops) and the $15 admission also includes lunch and the chance to win a lucky door prize. Everyone is welcome but to help plan the kits and catering, a booking is essential. More details? Bookings? Phone Jen on 0437-421-950.
South Burnett Gem & Fossicking Club
The South Burnett Gem and Fossicking Club will be holding their regular Thursday meeting at their club's workshop in the shed at the rear of 44 Alford Street, Kingaroy from 8:30am to around 2:30pm today. The club embraces all aspects of lapidary (including gem hunting and cutting) and meets every Monday and Thursday. New members are always welcome. More details? Phone 0491-606-427
Kilkivan Great Horse Ride AGM
The Kilkivan Great Horse Ride will be holding its Annual General Meeting in the former Kilkivan Shire Council Chambers in Bligh Street, Kilkivan at 6:00pm this evening. All interested people are welcome to attend.
Goomeri Social Art & Craft Club
The Goomeri Social Art & Craft Club will be holding its fortnightly meeting at Goomeri's Pumpkin Central offices in Moore Street from 9:00am to around 11:00am this morning. Guests are encouraged to bring along their latest creative project (of whatever type) for input from other members and morning tea will be supplied. The club meets every second Thursday and new members are always welcome.
Wesleyan Food Hampers - Nanango
Wesleyan Grace Community Food Hampers will be available at 36 Fitzroy Street, Nanango from 8:00am to 12:00 noon today. Food hampers are available for a modest price ($30 to $40) for people facing financial difficulties.
South Burnett Pantry - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Pantry will be open from 8:30am to 12:00 noon today at 22 Stolzenberg Road in Kingaroy. The Pantry is a not-for-profit registered charity run by a Board of Management and staffed by volunteers, and it helps low income families, couples and singles stretch their shopping dollar further. The Pantry offers $40 pantry hampers that contain most of the food and personal cleaning items that most people need to get through part of the week (though you'll need to shop elsewhere for extras or special items). And anyone who's finding it hard to make ends meet is very welcome to make use of it. More details? Phone James on 0438-071-658. PS: If you'd like to help The Pantry in any way - either by volunteering or donating goods - please contact James about this too, or visit the website.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Kingaroy
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to help solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. A.A. isn't allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution. AA meets in Kingaroy every Thursday from 7:30pm at the "Biscuit Tin", behind St Mary's Church Hall, 15 Albert Street, Kingaroy. For more information, phone (07) 4162-5747.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Thursday, 11 November 2021 
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