Wednesday Bingo - Kumbia
- RSL Bingo will be played at Kumbia Hall in Bell Street today, with a daytime session starting at 10:00am (for a 10:30am start) and an evening session running at 6:00pm (for a 6:30pm start). Today's bingo games will be offering Jackpot Prizes starting at $50, a Lucky Door prize, a meat raffle, food and drinks and they're being run with assistance from Kingaroy RSL. Everyone is welcome!
Stitch & Chat - Wondai
- The Stitch & Chat social group will be holding their monthly meeting at the Wondai Library in Mackenzie Street, Wondai at 2:00pm this afternoon. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month and members are encouraged to bring along their hand stitched project and have a chat. Everyone is welcome. More details? Phone the Wondai Library on (07) 4189-9252
SBRC Standing Committee Meeting - Kingaroy
- The South Burnett Regional Council will be holding its monthly Infrastructure Standing Committee Meeting at the Warren Truss Chambers inside its Glendon Street offices in Kingaroy from 9:00am this morning. Interested people can view the meeting via a livestream on the Council's website.
Wednesday Night Dance Classes - Inverlaw
- Dance classes will be held at Inverlaw Hall on Burrandowan Road at Inverlaw from 7:30pm tonight. The classes are a great way to learn ballroom dancing classics like the Quick Step, Jazz Waltz, Swing Waltz, Evening Three Step and many more, and class fees are just $4. More details? Phone David on 0459-228-882.
Murgon Men's Shed
- The Murgon Men's Shed will be holding a meeting at their shed in Macalister Street, Murgon (the shed next to the former Murgon Railway Station) today. The Men's Shed meets every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday to work on projects and new members are always welcome.
Timbertowns Woodworkers - Blackbutt
- The Timbertowns Woodworkers group will be holding their regular Wednesday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:00am until around 12:00 noon today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Wednesday Night Poker - Kingaroy
- Wednesday night poker games will be played at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy tonight. Registrations start at 6:30pm and play begins at 7:00pm. All games are free to play and there are prizes for first, second and third. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
Yarraman Men's Shed
- The Yarraman Men's Shed at the end of Mill Street, Yarraman will be holding one of its regular get-togethers today. The Men's Shed is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome. More details? Send them an email
Wednesday Morning Bingo - Murgon
- Bingo games will be held at the Australian Hotel in Lamb Street, Murgon at 10:30am this morning. There'll be $500 in calls on offer and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone the hotel on (07) 4168-1095
Rugby Union Training Session - Wondai
- The South Burnett Thrashers will be holding a training session for rugby union players who'd like to take part in next year's Darling Downs B Grade competition at the Wondai Sportsgrounds off the Bunya Highway north of Wondai's CBD at 5:30pm this afternoon. You can also read more about this on our website
Alcoholics Anonymous - Proston
- Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to help solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. AA isn't allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution. AA meets in Proston every Wednesday from 6:00pm to around 7:30pm at the old railway station at Railway Park in Rodney Street, and members who can't make it in person can join in the meeting online via Zoom. For more information (or help with a Zoom connection) phone 0427-137-140.
South Burnett Pantry - Kingaroy
- The South Burnett Pantry will be open from 8:30am to 12:00 noon today at 22 Stolzenberg Road in Kingaroy. The Pantry is a not-for-profit registered charity run by a Board of Management and staffed by volunteers, and it helps low income families, couples and singles stretch their shopping dollar further. The Pantry offers $40 pantry hampers that contain most of the food and personal cleaning items that most people need to get through part of the week (though you'll need to shop elsewhere for extras or special items). And anyone who's finding it hard to make ends meet is very welcome to make use of it. More details? Phone James on 0438-071-658. PS: If you'd like to help The Pantry in any way - either by volunteering or donating goods - please contact James about this too, or visit the website.