Murgon CBD Markets
- The monthly Murgon Markets will be held in Lamb Street in the heart of Murgon from 7:00am until about 12:00 noon today. The markets offer locally made crafts, foods and produce and are always an interesting Sunday morning out. New stallholders are always welcome too! More details? Phone Richie on 0427-133-408.
Sunday Bingo - Wondai
- Bingo games will be held at the Wondai RSL in Mackenzie Street, Wondai this afternoon, with eyes down from 1:30pm. There will be 3 jackpots and 15 games on offer, and the kitchen will be open for light meals. Proceeds will go to help Wondai RSL veterans. More details? Phone (07) 4168-5297.
Weekend Vax Clinics - Nanango & Murgon
- Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service will be running free Pfizer vaccination clinics at Nanango State High School in Cairns Street, Nanango and Murgon State High School in Gore Street, Murgon from 8:00am to 2:00pm today. Walk-ins are welcome - just bring along your Medicare card.
Timbertowns Woodworkers - Blackbutt
- The Timbertowns Woodworkers group will be holding their regular Sunday morning meeting at the Blackbutt Showgrounds in Bowman Road, Blackbutt from 8:30am until around 12:00 noon today. New members who are interested in learning woodwork are always welcome and you can obtain more details by phoning Marcia on (07) 4170-0389
Sunday Poker - Kingaroy
- Sunday afternoon poker games will be played at Kingaroy RSL in Markwell Street, Kingaroy today. Registrations start at 2:00pm and play begins at 2:30pm. All games are free to play and there are prizes for first, second and third. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755
Kumbia Museum
- The Kumbia and District Historical Society's museum, located in the Federation Heritage Centre behind Kumbia Hall in Bell Street, will be open from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this afternoon. The museum contains an excellent photographic display of local history and is well worth a visit. More details? Phone Gayle on (07) 4164-4175.