On Sunday, February 7 Kilcoy members took part in the first round of the annual Webster Shield competition at Toogoolawah.
After the match, Kilcoy now enjoys a handy lead 144 to Toogoolawah’s 108.
The return match will be played at Kilcoy on Sunday, February 28.
The highest scoring Kilcoy team of the round was Greg Staniforth, Jef Welden and Liz Frawley.
Toogoolawah’s highest scorers were Karl Pfreimbter, Len Smyth and Marion Deane.
A big thank you to Toogoolawah for a most enjoyable day!
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Draws for Kilcoy’s Men’s A Singles, Pairs, Fours and Mixed Pairs are now on the men’s board.
Nomination forms for Ladies A Singles and Ladies Pairs Championships, closing Tuesday February 16, are on the ladies board.
Nominations for Ladies District Sides close on February 15 with forms on the ladies board.
Don’t forget if you would like to receive bowls updates via text message please give your mobile number to a committee member to be included.
PS: The Member’s Draw on Friday, February 5 was won by Jamie Mitchell (#110) who unfortunately wasn’t present, so it will jackpot to $40 next Friday. And the raffles were won by Noel Lanes, Laurie Harris and Yvonne Staniforth.
On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Saturday, February 13: Handicap Pairs – names on men’s board, 1:00pm start
- Tuesday, February 23: Ladies Trophy Day sponsored by Marg and John Worrall and Beryl and Col Ferguson.
- Every Tuesday: Mixed Social Bowls – names in by 9:00am for a 9:30am start

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Nanango News
The popular Friday Afternoon Scroungers competition made a welcome return to Nanango’s greens on Friday, February 5.
Lew Saunders (78 points) led Henry Bliesner (58 points) and Greg Pogson (44 points) in the first round for 2016.
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Last Tuesday saw a social competition.
It took the form of two games of 12 ends, with scoring 1 point for each end won plus 4 points for the win.
- Bob Hammond and Jim Fowler – 21 points
- Cec Bracken, Sue Tucker and Glen Yeates – 19 points
- Dave Clapperton and Allan Ward – 17 points
- Greg Pogson and Allan Wright – 14 points
- Trevor George, Henry Bliesner and Brian Havell – 13 points
- Lew Saunders and Mike Wyvill – 12 points
And in Wednesday’s Ladies Social, Ron Rowarth and Evelyn Jensen defeated Muriel Benfield, Judith Rowarth and Di McNeilage 14-4.
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Yarraman News
The Yarraman Bowls Club held its Annual General Meeting last week, and it now has a new executive committee for 2016-2017.
They are:
- President: Wayne Emms – (07) 4163-8901 or email: marway3@bigpond.com
- Secretary: Nev Lawrence – (07) 4170-0880 or email: nev.judy.lawrence@bigpond.com
- Games Director: John Moore – (07) 4692-6273
- Brian Dugdell: Senior Vice President – (07) 4164-6145 or email: briankaydugdell@gmail.com
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One for the diary: the Yarraman Bowls Club will be hosting the Bendigo Community Bank Triples Corporate Trophy Day on Saturday, March 12.
Names need to be in by noon for a 12:30pm start, and nomination fees are $10 per player.
The competition will take the form of two games of 12 ends and it will be 3 bowls triples, with teams allotted by a club draw.
There’ll be no dead ends – respot the jack – and the match will be followed by a barbecue team.
The winning team on the day will go home with a $225 first prize; runners-up with a $150 second prize; and third place getters will get a $75 prize.
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Kingaroy News
On Sunday, February 8 Maureen Semgreen held her annual Trophy Day and 36 bowlers showed up to help her enjoy the event.
Prizes were for 1st and 2nd, with scoring being ends won plus margins
Results in winning order:
- 1st – Merv Wolski, Val Jepperson and Ritchie Patterson (13) def. Wanda Carland, Bob Hammond and Wendy Turner (8) 28-14
- 2nd – Des Richards Daryl Stone and Beryl Woods (13) def. Marj Moore Steve Carland and John Coppard (8) 21-16
- June Olsson, Alex Callender and Danny Holligan (12) def. Maree Millard, Glady Slatter and Trevor Turner (9) 18-15
- Charmaine MacLeod, Dave Barwick and Bob Robinson (12) def. Fred Keding, Wayne Thatcher and Malcolm MacLeod (9) 18-14
- Keith Muller, Bob Bougoure and Alan Irwin (11) def. Evelyn Taylor, Ross Olsson and Ray Maclaren (10) 18-16
- Lauchlan Stone, Maureen Semgreen and Dianne Reed (12) def. K.Woodard-White, N. Lompard and Col Kratzmann (9) 20-21
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Last Thursday’s club-selected Triples saw 20 players take to the greens for two games of Triples and two games of Pairs.
Scoring was 6 points for the win and one point for each end won.
Results in winning order:
- Lyall Lascombe, Paul Marychurch and Col Kratzmann (21) def. Fred Keding, Bob Hammond and John Coppard (6) 26-15
- Bevan Askew and Barry O’Brien (20) def. Erris Vale and Glady Slatter (6) 21-14
- Des Richards, Ross Olsson and Bruce Johnston (18) def. Keith Muller. Hugh Harrison and Alan Irwin (9) 23-13
- H. Harwoo and Ray Maclaren (16) def. Bob Bougoure and Dave Clapperton (11) 22-16
Last Sunday, February 15 was Fred Keding’s Patrons Day.
90-year-old Fred is a regular Thursday bowler and is often seen at the bar having a “quiet one”.
34 Bowlers took part in five games of Triples and one game of Pairs.
- Des Richards, Paul Marychurch and Val Jepperson def. Evelyn Taylor, Daryl Stone and Ritchie Patterson 29-15
- Fred Keding, Wayne Thatcher and Malcolm McLeod def. Bess Thorpe, Glady Slatter and John Coppard 22-17
- Wanda Carland, Marj Moore and Beryl Woods def. Keith Muller, Felipe Munoz and Ray Maclaren 22-16
- Bob Hammond and Barry O’Brien def. Alex Callender and Dave Barwick and Ross Olsson 21-20
- Harry Read, Merv Wolski and Alan Irwin def. Maree Millard, Bob Bougoure and Maureen Semgreen 20-19
- K.White, Darcy Munro and Steve Carland def. Lauchlan Stone, June Olsson and Danni Hollogan 21-20
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The Kingaroy Bowls Club’s six week Autumn Corporate Challenge will be starting on Tuesday, March 15.
Local teams of four will be taking to the greens every Tuesday night between 7:00pm and 9:00pm to battle it out for line honours, and it looks like being quite a fun event.
The Challenge is open to both bowlers and non-bowlers, and it’s suitable for families, young teens, friends and workmates.
And if you don’t have a team, single or couple entries are very welcome too (the club will find a team for you).
There’ll be a one-off $20 team registration fee for the Autumn Challenge, and green fees are $8 per person per night, which includes a light supper.
The Autumn Challenge offers great prizes, lucky draws and raffles, and loan bowls and coaching are provided free.
To help new players get up to speed, Kingaroy Bowls Club will also be holding two free coaching sessions on Sunday, March 6 at 10:00am, and the following Sunday, March 13 at 10:00am.
Just bring along soft-soled shoes, thongs or go barefoot – everything else is supplied.
You can get more details about the Autumn Corporate Challenge by phoning John Lacey on 0409-755-426 or Geoff Clutterbuck on (07) 4163-6409.
You can also get a PDF flyer about the Challenge by clicking here.
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Wondai News
Another one for the diary: this Friday, February 19 the Wondai Bowls Club will be holding Pink Stumps Night Bowls.
The event is a fundraiser for the McGrath Foundation to help place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia, including the South Burnett.
All South Burnett lawn bowlers – and everyone else who’d like to help a worthy cause – are invited to take part.
The evening will kick off with a barbecue dinner at 6:00pm, followed by night bowls matches from 7:00pm.
There’ll be raffles and prizes galore to be had, and the $15 admission includes the dinner.
Non-bowlers can wear soft-soled shoes, thongs are simply go barefoot. It looks like being a fun night out!
More details? Phone Chrissy on 0429-689-100.