by Jim Bond
The weather in the South Burnett has been typically winter … cool mornings, blustery westerly winds and clear blue skies, all making for pleasant days on the bowling greens but with tricky playing conditions.
The Mayor’s Cup was the highlight of bowls on the Brisbane Exhibition Show Holiday in the Somerset Regional Council.
The annual Mayor’s Cup, sponsored by Somerset Mayor Graeme Lehmann, was played at Toogoolawah between Lowood, Kilcoy and Toogoolawah.
For the first time since entering the competition after the council amalgamation in 2008 Kilcoy came out winners.
Other Kilcoy highlights:
- The Kilcoy ladies Pennant teams drew with Glass House at Kilcoy on Tuesday but went down at Glass House the next day in very windy conditions.
- On Saturday – Men’s Pennants hosted Woodford and unfortunately went down on the day.
- Last Tuesday’s Star of the Green: Sharon Walker defeated Darrell Coffee and will play Val Wells on September 1.
- Social play on Tuesday: Winners of the day were Elayne Moat, Nelly Herbert and Noel Lanes who defeated Val Wells, Adam Kelly and Michael Dunn 22-11. Other Scores: Marg Worrall, Kelly Charters and Liz Frawley defeated Jeff Welden, Sharon Walker and Wendy Smith 12-11; Jenny Edwards, Brett Kelly, John Worrall and Fay Vicary defeated Trudi Pratt, Tracey Evans, Pauline Lawson and Terry Pratten 17-15.
On The Blackboard:
- Tuesday, August 25 – Cheesecake Day sponsored by Kim Donovan and Harold Alford. Bowls start at 9.30am.

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Nanango News
President Evelyn had her President’s at home day last Friday week.
Forty-eight players took to the green for a friendly game of bowls. The results were drawn in random from all players so it did not matter if you lost or won.
The highlight was when the visually impaired player’s team scored the maximum eight shots and her comments were: “Two of them were mine!”
- C. Heath, B. Sipple, K. Profke, A. Faulkner 50
- K. Sulter, B. Hall, E. Tilley, G. Wolski 37
- M. Emmerton, M. Millard, H. Bliesner, H. Kedings 36
- A. Smythe, R. Henness, J. Andresson , P. Darlington 35
- B. Hammond, Y. Schulty, K. Dugdell, C. Prygoda 32
- D. Lane, H. Johnson, L. Cecil, S. Drury 30
- H. Sippel, M. Moore, B. Prygoda, M. Hunt 26
- M. Holt, B. Wengels, B. Profke, M. Jahnke 25
- J. Lord, J. Moore, A. Mitchell, B. Henness 23
- E. Jensen, D. McNeilage, S.Yeates, S. Tucker 19
- B. Coyne, D. Currell, V. Rasmussen, C. Mills 19
- J. Saunders, G. Slatter, J. Moore, C. Hatchman 19
Championship Triples: The defending champions of Bob Hammond, Athol Jensen and Jim Fowler were too strong for the team of Bernie Coyne, Cec Bracken and Henry Bliesner, winning 36-7.
Last Saturday was the monthly clash Self-Selected Triples, Nanango v Yarraman, at Nanango. Scoring was two for and end and five for a win.
A pair from Burrum Heads, who were in town to contest the Champion of Champions Zone Final of the Mixed Pairs, teamed up with Madam President Evelyn Jensen to win the day.
There was good support from the other Nanango team members who cleaned up the scoreboard.
- Evelyn Jensen, Clive Taylor and Kay Webster 44
- John McConnell, Henry Bliesner and Glen Yeates 38
- Trevor George, Cec Bracken and Lew Saunders 37
- Bob Hammond, Allan Ward and Bob Hall 35
- Wayne Emms. Kay Dugdell and Helene Johnson 29
- Chris McLeod, John Beattie and Neil Johnston 29
- Brian Havell, Allan Wright and Sue Tucker 27
- Glenda and George Wolski, and Nev Lawrence 23
- Warren Arthur, Doris Drew and Delvin Powys 22
- Jenny Moore, Phantom and John Moore 18
Tuesday’s Men’s Social: A score of note here wasWayne Emms, Trevor George, Lew Saunders 20 def Trevor George, Joe Aglizzio, Bob Hall 19
Wednesday’s Ladies Social: Muriel Benfield, Di McNeilage and Evelyn Jensen 12 def Knellor Sulter, June McKee and Sue Tucker 11.
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Kingaroy News
Sunday Triples:
- Gladys Slatter, Wanda Carland and Bob Robinson 24 def. Col McBride, Marj Moore and Alan Irwin 16
- Maree Millard, Geoff Clutterbuck and Beryl Woods 26 def. Des Richards, Eric Ford and Kev Raffin 22
- Bob Bougoure, Steve Carland and Richie Patterson 20 def. Lindy Clutterbuck, Greg Schulz and Malcolm MacLeod 19
Wednesday Rinks:
- Amanda Le Mesurier, Gladys Slatter, Val Crawford and Diane Reed 27 def. Marj Moore, June Olsson, Beryl Woods and Val Jeppesen 21
Thursday Triples:
- Darcy Munro, Geoff Clutterbuck and Col Kratzmann 30 def. Lyle Dascombe, Ross Olsson and Hugh Harrison 12
- John Lacey, Barry O’Brien and Alan Irwin 20 def. Keith Muller, Paul Marychurch and Bob Robinson 12
- Felipe Munoz, Gladys Slatter and Bruce Johnston 20 def. Maree Millard, Bob Hammond and Alan Rogerson 17
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Yarraman News
There has been very little activity in the Timbertowns town. Yarraman players were heavily involved with their monthly Triples clash with Nanango and supporting Nanango Lady President’s Day.
A very slow green on Friday tested the Scroungers. It suited Brian Dugdell’s game and he top-scored with 17 points. There was a tie for runners-up: Eunice Smith and Wayne Emms with 14.
On the Yarraman Blackboard:
- August 25 – Madam President’s Day
- August 30 – Past President’s Day
- September 5 – Father’s Day, 12:30pm barbecue
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Woodford News
Woodford social bowlers visited Kandanga on Sunday, August 16, for a most enjoyable day. The seafood lunch was cooked to perfection and hospitality was second to none. The Woodford bowlers look forward to hosting Kandanga on September 27.
Woodford will hold their second SjW Mushroom mixed two-day event on the weekend of September 12-13.
The winning team will receive $2000, runner-up $1200 and five round winners $320 each team.
The Sportsman’s prize this year will be $200. Cost includes morning tea, lunch and snacks both days, a cooked breakfast on Sunday and entertainment from 5.30pm on Saturday.
We have a multi-draw raffle with some great prizes and a Calcutta on Saturday morning before bowls. For information please phone Bob Graham on 0487-594-020.
On the Woodford Blackboard:
- Mixed Triples every 3rd and 4th Wednesday each month
- Breakfast Bowls 1st Sunday each month.
- Pub Days whenever there are five Wednesdays in a month, next one on September 30.
- Seafood Day October 1.