July 31, 2015
The 2015 South Burnett Careers Market had something for just about everyone on Thursday.
After a trial change of venue to Kingaroy TAFE’s campus in 2014, this year’s Market returned to its traditional home at Kingaroy State High School’s Indoor Sports Centre.
Exhibitors were in general agreement that being able to centralise all the displays was probably easier for students.
Whether the return “home” had anything to do with it or not, the market was as popular as ever.
Hundreds of senior students from local schools took advantage of the day to look into a wide range of career options – anything from working in the Australian Defence Forces or Queensland police through to health, apprenticeships and agriculture.
Local industries such as Swickers, PCA and Stanwell also had displays outlining the career opportunities they offered.
And this year the South Burnett Regional Council also manned a stand to explain the eight new traineeships they will be offering this year – an initiative announced in this year’s Budget.
There were also many options for further education on show, with representatives from TAFE, Queensland Agricultural Colleges and several universities manning stands to provide information about the extensive range of vocational and professional courses they offer.
As usual, the exhibit by local police was very popular, with many students eager to see what it was like to sit behind the wheel of a patrol car.
But the big winner this year was a driving simulator police had brought from Dalby, which simulated a wide variety of risky driving situations and let students test their capabilities.
This quickly gathered long queues whenever a new influx of students moved into the site.