by Jim Bond
Whether the weather is the excuse I don’t know, but things been a bit quiet on the bowls rinks this week.
It’s a bit difficult playing bowls in ugg boots and woolly jumpers, and temperatures of 3-4 degrees in the morning with wind later in the day has baulked a few old timers.
All the same, enough hardy bowlers have braved the elements to show that when times get tough, the tough go bowling.
And here’s where they’ve been doing it this past week:
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Kingaroy News
Jackpot pairs are still one of the most popular competitions at Kingaroy, and last Sunday twelve teams participated in the monthly competition.
With each player only using two bowls, the need for accuracy and consistency is paramount.
Two games of 18 ends were played, with the amount of wins and the combined winning margin determining the eventual winners.
The standard of play was high and only three teams were able to record two victories.
- Overall winners: Col Kratzmann and Dave Barwick – 2 wins, Margin 18.
- Runners up: Kev Raffin and Peter Taylor – 2 wins, Margin 7
- Third: Wanda and Steve Carland – 2 wins, Margin 5
The Weekly Triples on Thursday saw 24 bowlers on the green. Ideal weather conditions prevailed and the games were played in good spirits.
- Col McBride, Hugh Harrison and Alan Rogerson def. Briggitte Kung, Paul Marychurch and Dave Clapperton 20-11
- Keith Muller, Peter Neilsen and Geoff Clutterbuck def. Darcy Munro, Merv Wolski and Alan Irwin 30-9
- Keith Kratzmann, Gladys Slatter and Richie Patterson def. Fred Keding, Barry O’Brien and Bruce Johnston 25-11
- Evelyn Taylor, Lyle Dascombe and Col Kratzmann 24 def. Des Richards, Bob Bougoure and John Coppard 24-16
And finally, in the first round of the Men’s B Singles, Harry Read def. John Lacey 25-17
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Nanango News
There was quite a tussle with the Scroungers last week.
Hard to toss Greg Pogson was in this game and he topped the scoreboard with 61. Next best was Josh Fisher on 55.
Last Tuesday was Men’s Trophy Day, with conditions of play one for an end and six the for a win.
- John Lacey and Glen Yeates – 33 pts
- Lindy Clutterbuck and Bruce Johnson – 32 pts
- Bob Hammond and Richie Patterson – 32 pts
- Brigitte Kung and Ray MacLaren – 29 pts.
- Lew Saunders and Kev Raffin – 28 pts
- Des Richards and Allan Wright – 27 pts
- Ces Bracken and Brian Havell – 23 pts
- Joe Aglizzio and John Coppard – 23 pts
- Greg Pogson and Alan Rogerson – 18 pts
- Bob Hall and Dave Barwick – 18 pts
- Paul Marychurch and Col Kratzman – 15 pts
- Peter Nielson and Ken Steiger – 14 pts
- Barry O’Brien and Henry Bliesner – 12 pts
- Trevor George and Geoff Clutterbuck – 11 pts
On Wednesday the final of the Ladies A Grade Singles was played. It turned out to be a runaway win for Sue Tucker, who downed Julie Saunders 25-5.
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Kilcoy News
There was quite a big day on the greens last Monday. It was Ladies One Day Fours, sponsored by the Kilcoy Bowls Club Show Catering Crew.
- Winners: Ronnie McDermott, Mandy McIntyre, Megan Garfield and Gina Ryder
- Runners Up: Trudi Pratt, Marg Dahl, Tim Powell and Kathy Hill.
- Mystery Prize: Rose McCormack, Kym Mogler, Marg Johnson and Yolande Ackroyd.
The Club Championships Honor Board is also starting to fill up for this year:
- Ladies Pairs Final: Jenny Edwards and Kim Donovan def. Gina Ryder and Tracey Evans 28-14
- Mixed Pairs Final: Max Morrow and Tracey Evans def. Bill Edwards and Trudi Pratt 25-22
On the blackboard at Kilcoy:
- Wednesday, June 10: Pub Day – a full field expected
- Sunday, June: Breaky Pairs – breakfast at 8:45am, bowls at 9:30am

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Yarraman News
There hasn’t been a lot happening in Yarraman over the last week.
Their new competition – Jackpot Scrougers – was the main event on this weeks program, and Robbie Douglass showed them how to do it.
He scored 29 points to edge out Wayne Emms on 28.
One championship match was played as well: the first semi-final of the club’s Mixed Pairs.
Bill and Lorri Holmes defeated John and Jenny Moore 18-15.
John and Jenny got off to a good start but wilted after seven ends. From there it was all Holmes and Holmes.
Maybe the long ends did he trick.
On the blackboard at Yarraman:
- Next Saturday, June 13: the second round of the monthly triples clash between Nanango and Yarraman will be played at Nanango.
- Weekly comps at Yarraman include the Womens Trophy Day on Wednesday, and the Scroungers Jackpot at 3:00pm on Friday. The jackpot now stands at $81.
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Footnote: Because of long weekend production issues, this column is a day later than usual and southburnett.com.au would like to apologise to Jim’s regular readers for this slight delay. His column will be back to its normal Saturday publication date next week.