What's On In The South Burnett Today?
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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Sunday, 02 February 2025 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
South Burnett Soccer Sevens - Kingaroy
The second (and final) day of the annual South Burnett Soccer Sevens will be held at the Kingaroy Soccer Grounds in Oliver Bond Street, Kingaroy today. This giant pre-season carnival - run by the Kingaroy Senior Soccer Club - attracts teams from all over south-east Queensland and is one of the region's major annual sporting events. This year organisers expect there'll almost 400 players competing in men's, women's and Over 35s teams. Today's games will get under way about 8:20am and will run to about 2:00pm, when the Grand Finals will be played. Admission to the Soccer Sevens is 100% free for spectators and there'll be a licensed bar, BBQ and canteen operating at the grounds, too.
Army Cadets Open Day - Wondai
The 135 Army Cadet Unit will be holding an Open Day from 10:00am to 1:00pm today at the 25/49 RQR Army Depot at 86 Bramston Street, Wondai (just past the hospital). Prospective cadets from Kingaroy, Wondai, Proston, Murgon, Goomeri - and places in-between! - are invited to come along. There'll be an opportunity to experience firsthand field craft, first aid, navigation and much more! Army cadets are open to youths (boys and girls) aged from 12 (turning 13 this year) to 17. They train from 9:00am to 4:00pm everu second Sunday. For more information, phone 0408-623-621. You can also read more about what a previous Open Day was like (and see photos) on our website
Wondai Neighbourhood Watch
Wondai Neighbourhood Watch will be holding their bi-monthly meeting at 4:00pm today at the Wondai Diggers Club in Mackenzie Street, Wondai. The meeting provides information about crime prevention and everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Darren on 0439-838-641.
Soul Journey Psychic Expo - Kingaroy
The second annual Soul Journey Psychic Expo will run from 10:00am to 3:00pm today at the Kingaroy RSL Club in Markwell Street. There'll be psychic mediums, spiritual healers, crystals, jewellery and local artists. Entry is by gold coin donation. For more details, or to book a stall, contact Robyn by email
Clay Target Shoot - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Clay Target Club will be holdings it regular monthly shoot at the club's grounds in Aerodrome Road from 9:30am this morning.
Linville Monthly Markets
The Linville Progress Association will be holding their monthly markets at Linville Community Hall from 7:00am to around 12:00 noon this morning. The markets have a great BBQ breakfast and lots of fresh produce, home-made foods, crafts and bric-a-brac and run on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome and potential new stallholders should contact the association by email
Kumbia Museum
The Kumbia and District Historical Society's museum, located in the Federation Heritage Centre behind Kumbia Hall in Bell Street, will be open from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this afternoon. The museum contains an excellent photographic display of local history and is well worth a visit. More details? Phone Gayle on (07) 4164-4175.
Sunday Sesh With The Sat'n Suns - Nanango
The Sat'n Suns will be getting their country on in the courtyard at the Commercial Hotel in Drayton Street, Nanango from noon to around 3:00pm today. The hotel's kitchen will also be open for lunch and dinner or snacks. More info? Phone the Commercial on (07) 4163-1208.
Community Pickleball - Woolooga
Woolooga Community Hall is hosting community pickleball every Sunday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the hall at 8 Thomas Street, Woolooga. Everyone is welcome to come along, including beginners. All equipment is provided at the court, so just bring water!
Free Sunday Lunch - Kingaroy
A free community lunch is available every Sunday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm at The Old Railway Station building, O'Neill Square, in Kingaroy. The Community Serving Community Meals Project is co-ordinated by the South Burnett Support Alliance and relies on volunteers from the local community.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Sunday, 02 February 2025 
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