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What's On In The South Burnett - our region's most comprehensive daily calendar
 Friday, 14 February 2025 
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South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
Valentine's Day
Today is Valentines Day. According to legend, the real Saint Valentine was a Roman Christian who lived during the 3rd century AD when Emperor Claudius II declared all Christians guilty of treason because they refused to declare "Caesar is Lord!" in public. Valentine was thrown into prison where one of the guards was a good man who'd adopted a blind girl. He asked Valentine if his God could help his daughter, so Valentine prayed and the girl was given her sight. The guard and his whole family were then baptised. But when the Emperor heard about this he was so furious about Valentine making converts in prison he sentenced him to death. The legend goes that just before being led out to his execution, the young Christian wrote a note to the jailer's daughter and signed it "from your Valentine". Over the centuries this has gradually led Valentines Day to be associated with love and romance. It's also traditionally one of the busiest days of the year for florists - so if you want to arrange flowers for your loved one the best advice is book early!
The Two Sides Of Love - Nanango
Louise The Diva (aka Louise Winton) and Cheryl Gamble will be celebrating Valentine's Day with a musical journey through love's highs and lows from 7:00pm tonight at the Nanango Theatre Company's opera house on the corner of George and Elk streets, Nanango. Tickets for the two-act musical play can be booked online
Valentine's Dining Night - Yarraman
Heritage House at 26 Millar Street in Yarraman will be holding their monthly $20 meal night from 6:00pm this evening. Heritage House's monthly two-course dinners are always a fun night out with entertainment and a licensed bar, but to help plan the catering you'll need to phone (07) 4163-8111 to make a booking. Tonight's dinner will have a Valentine's Day theme. RSVP by February 7.
Valentine's Day Degustation Dinner - Nanango
The Commercial Hotel in Drayton Street, Nanango, will be hosting a romantic eight-course dinner from 5:45pm tonight. There'll be live music from "The Piano Man" Jordan Holden and a free drink on arrival. Bookings are a must as there's limited seats available! Phone (07) 4163-1208 to book a spot.
Valentine's Day - Wondai
Dimitie's Cottage Cafe, in Haly Street Wondai, is putting on a special Valentine's Day candlelight dinner tonight from 6:00pm with a special menu including Normandy schnitzel, pecan-crusted lamb cutlets and Thai zucchini cakes. Cost is $70 per couple but bookings are a must! Phone (07) 4168-5744.
Valentine's Day - Linville
The Linville Hotel, at 34 George Street, is promising a relaxed country evening with your loved one from 5:00pm to 7:00pm this evening. No bookings required.
Valentine's Day - Yarraman
The Royal Hotel, at 18 Toomey Street, Yarraman, is offering a special three-course dinner from 6:00pm tonight for Valentine's Day. Cost is $55 per person which includes a complimentary drink. Book by phoning (07) 4163-8219
Valentine's Day Date Night - Nanango
The Fitzroy Hotel, in Fitzroy Street, Nanango, is putting on a romantic "date night" tonight to mark Valentine's Day. There'll be live music by Natalie Fenton and a special two-course meal available for $45 (book before Friday to also receive a complimentary drink). Phone (07) 4163-1506. NB. The pub's regular menu is also available.
Valentine's Day Dinner - Kingaroy
Kingaroy's Commercial Hotel, on the corner of Haly and Glendon streets, is hosting a special Valentine's Day dinner this evening. Choose from a two or three-course meal, and every couple will receive a gift on arrival! Book online to reserve a table.
Valentine's Day At The Carrollee - Kingaroy
The Carrollee Hotel's kitchen has created a special Valentine's Day menu with a variety of special meals intended to impress. Book a table on (07) 4162-1055.
Valentine's Day At Kingaroy RSL
Rachel Smith will be serenading couples from 5:00pm to 10:00pm tonight in the Tobruk Room at the Kingaroy RSL Club in Markwell Street, Kingaroy. Admission is free. More details from the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Dinner With The Dead - Wondai
Soul Moon Energies cafe, at 48 Mackenzie Street, Wondai, is hosting a Valentine's Day three-course dinner with a difference from 6:00pm to 9:00pm this evening. The dinner features psychic medium Linny Jude. More info? Phone (07) 4169-0091.
Netball Come & Play Day - Nanango
Nanango & District Netball Association is hosting a "Come & Play" Day from 4:00pm to 5:00pm this afternoon to introduce the Woolworths NetSetGo netball program for girls and boys aged 5-10. The day is open to everyone in the South Burnett and will include giveaways and a special "Birdie" guest or two. More information is available on Facebook
Kingaroy QCWA Meeting
Kingaroy QCWA meets on the second Friday of every month at the clubrooms at 122 Kingaroy Street, Kingaroy. QCWA is more than cooking and craft! It's a chance to meet new friends and help the community. More info? Phone Lynne on 0407-965-094.
Friday Night At The Shed
The Shed in Little Drayton Street, Nanango (just next to the Scott Car Park) will be open from 7:00pm until late tonight for local musicians and anyone else who enjoys music to come along, bring their instruments and jam in a relaxed and informal setting, or just sit on the Shed's lounges, listen in and enjoy the wide variety of talent on offer. The Shed fires up every Friday night, has tea and coffee-making facilities, and there's no admission charge. Everyone is welcome! More details? Phone Jane on 0400-631-677.
Friday Line Dancing - Kingaroy
Line dancing classes will be held at the Anglican Church Hall in Alford Street, Kingaroy (opposite the police station) from 9:30am to 12:00 noon today. A $5 dancing fee applies (which includes morning tea) and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone Vicki on 0427-461-538
Musical Afternoon - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Senior Citizens Club will be hosting a musical afternoon at the Town Common Hall in Oliver Bond Street, Kingaroy, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm today featuring Noel & Diane Steinhardt on guitar, vocals and saxophone. Admission is just $5 - which includes afternoon tea - and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone (07) 4163-6191.
South Burnett Autism Support Group
The South Burnett Autism Support Group will be holding its second Friday of the month meeting at the Salvation Army Hall at 107 Kingaroy St, Kingaroy at 6:30pm this evening (child care is available for a small fee). New members are always welcome! More info? Phone Gary on (07) 4164-1256.
Karaoke Night - Murgon
The Murgon Services Club in Lamb Street, Murgon, has karaoke on the second Friday of every month from 7:00pm. The club's bistro will also be open for dinner or snacks. More details? Phone the club on (07) 4168-1819.
Friday Morning Bingo - Murgon
Bingo games will be held at Murgon RSL's Welfare Drop-In Centre at 44 Stephens Street West, Murgon from 9:00am this morning (eyes down at 10:00am). There'll be some great prizes on offer and everyone is welcome. More details? Phone (07) 4313-3018.
Wondai Line Dancing
Wooroolin Line Dancing has come to Wondai! Classes are being held at the Lutheran Church Hall, 37 Edward Street, Wondai, every Friday morning: Golden Oldies 9:00am-10:00am; beginners / intermediate 10:15am-11:15am; and intermediate 11:30am-12:30pm. $10 for all three classes (or $5 for one class). More info? Phone Paula 0498-210-073.
Back To Basics Music Muster - Proston
The third day of the five-day Back To Basics Music Muster will be held at 1385 Proston-Boondooma Road (13km west of Proston) today. The Muster will feature performances from Alice Benfer, Rob Breese, Jeff Brown, John Lynch, Trudy & Ged Hintz, Brian Howard, Reece Blinman, Allan Gumm and Ashley Cook plus extra guest artists, walk-up acts and bush poetry. There's free bush camping on site and toilets (but no showers) and campfires are allowed. A canteen will be operating plus a coffee van but guests should BYO seating and liquid refreshments. Tickets are $40 per head per day or $95 for a five-day pass (under 16s free) but must be booked in advance. Tickets can ordered by phoning the organisers on 0412-884-482 or booked online.
Kingaroy RSL Bingo
Bingo games will be running at Kingaroy RSL from 9:30am this morning (eyes down at 10:30am). There'll be multiple jackpots on offer, along with book games and raffles, and proceeds will go to help local good causes. Everyone is welcome. More details? Phone the RSL on (07) 4162-1755.
Nanango Kennel Club
Nanango Kennel Club holds basic and advanced dog obedience classes at the Alan Downie Sports Fields in Burnett Street, Nanango, from 7:00pm every Friday night. More info? Phone 0437-109-162.
Ashton's Circus - Kingaroy
Ashton's Circus will be at the Kingaroy Showgrounds from February 7-16. Tickets can be booked online
Jack Attack - Nanango
Nanango Bowls Club's social lawn bowls experience for beginners and old bowlers alike is on from 6:00pm tonight at the club at 2 Henry Street. "Jack Attack" is a shorter game and equipment and coaching will be provided to non-bowlers. Please wear flat-soled shoes, or just come barefoot or in socks! More info? Phone the club on 0438-754-125.
Fitness & Friends - Murgon
Fitness & Friends is a fun group of walkers which gathers at Graham House Community Centre, 21 Taylor Street East, Murgon, every Thursday and Friday morning at 6:30am for a brisk 30-minute walk. More info? Contact Graham House on (07) 4169-8400.
Friday Social Golf & Dinner - Proston
The Proston Golf Club, on Brigooda Road, Proston, will be holding a Friday afternoon social golf game today. Names need to be in by 2:00pm for a 2:30pm tee-off, and everyone is welcome. Cold beer and snacks will also be available at the clubhouse from noon, and the club's very popular Friday night dinner will be running after 5:30pm. Bookings for dinner are essential (before 1:00pm!) and can be made online More details? Phone 0474-741-822.
South Burnett Pantry - Kingaroy
The South Burnett Pantry will be open from 8:30am to 12:00 noon today at 1A (Lot 3) Railway Terrace in Kingaroy. The Pantry is a not-for-profit registered charity run by a Board of Management and staffed by volunteers, and it helps low income families, couples and singles stretch their shopping dollar further. The Pantry offers $40 pantry hampers that contain most of the food and personal cleaning items that most people need to get through part of the week (though you'll need to shop elsewhere for extras or special items). And anyone who's finding it hard to make ends meet is very welcome to make use of it. More details? Phone James on 0438-071-658. PS: If you'd like to help The Pantry in any way - either by volunteering or donating goods - please contact James about this too, or visit the website.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Murgon
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for membership. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution. AA meets in Murgon every Tuesday and Friday at 12:30pm at the Baptist Church at 94 Macalister Street. For more information, phone 1300-222-222.

South Burnett CTC - Working For Our Community
 Friday, 14 February 2025 
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