July 1, 2024
A report commissioned by Kilkivan & District Community Care Association (KDCCA) proves the social and financial value of investment in local place-based aged care support, the group says.
KDCCA president Rosie Fitzgerald said the group commissioned consultant Mabel Wood McLeod to prepare the report in a bid to strengthen recognition of its Rise & Shine project.
The association currently delivers aged care home packages and services in Kilkivan, Goomeri, Tansey and Woolooga.
Its proposed Rise & Shine housing project would use Council-owned land in Kilkivan for the construction of “affordable, mixed income living choices” so residents could “age-in-place”.
It would also include a community hub in the former Catholic Church building recently bought by the association.
“We realise that a good idea and community support aren’t enough to put a project front and centre on the political agenda to attract partnerships and funding,” Ms Fitzgerald said.
“However, hard evidence that our efforts over five years show a social return on investment of $2.97 million will be hard to ignore.”
The report estimated a $17.27 return in tangible and intangible benefits for every dollar invested.
Ms Fitzgerald says the results justified the community’s vision for a holistic approach to aged care, which incorporates four pillars: local home care package delivery, community transport, communication and social interaction, and housing choice.
She said the report estimated that from an initial investment of $6.53 million, the housing project proposal could expect an internal rate of return of 11.36 per cent.
The report concluded the results suggest the project is likely to generate returns that exceed the cost of investment, whether funded by the government or private financial institutions, and present an extremely low risk.
The full report can be found on the KDCCA’s website
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