October 11, 2023
Joel Fergie, the artist responsible for the stunning mural in Kingaroy’s Hector Munro alleyway, has been back in town working on a another big project.
Joel, aka The Zookeeper, has painted a large Kenworth B-double along the side of the former South Burnett Times building in George Street, Kingaroy.
The building is now owned by Westlink Petroleum and the mural was the brainchild of company director Danny Kreutzer.
“We were always going to get something done,” Danny told southburnett.com.au.
Danny asked Joel to complete the mural after seeing his work “down the road” in the alleyway.
The Kenworth W900 depicted is one of Westlink’s newer trucks in their fleet of 28 vehicles.
Joel began work on the artwork last Thursday and was hoping to wrap it up by Wednesday aftenoon.
It depicts a fuel transporter heading down a road with the Bunya Mountains in the background.
Joel said people had been stopping by and having a chat as the mural progressed.
“There’s been lots of positivity,” Joel said.
Danny said he hoped the artwork might inspire other business owners in the CBD to do something similar.
“I just wanted to make it look nice in the main street,” he said.
Westlink is also improving the rear of the building, which has space for another design.
“I want to get Joel back when that section is done,” Danny said.
Westlink Petroleum traces its roots to the family-run Colinton Service Station, but now has about 80 employees as well as depots at Dalby and Caboolture, and has other diversified business interests in western Queensland.

Joel is such a talented artist. His works in Kingaroy are absolutely stunning.