May 2, 2024
April was the Parkinson’s Awareness month and the South Burnett Parkinson’s Support Group marked the occasion with a purple-themed morning tea recently at Murgon’s Welfare Drop In Centre.
Co-ordinator Carmen opened the meeting and welcomed the 19 people in attendance, many of whom had come along wearing purple (the international colour adopted for Parkinson’s Disease).
Bob Darby, from the Murgon RSL Sub-Branch, acted as the day’s compere and judged the group’s “Purple Parade”.
New Division 5 Councillor Heath Sander also attended, introducing himself and talking about issues that Council was currently addressing.
These included a decision to abolish the employment of outside contractors and to use local companies wherever possible in order to help reduce costs.
Attendees enjoyed morning tea, provided by Murgon RSL’s Auxiliary, and people celebrating birthdays were given chocolates.
The highlight of the day was the purple hat and outfit parade.
Each of the nine winners was given a nickname and a purple-coloured prize.
The Parkinson Support Group’s next social meeting will be held at Graham House at 21 Taylor Street East in Murgon on Monday, May 27.
The meeting will start at 10:00am at a cost of $5 per person.
For more information on the Parkinson’s Support Group, contact Carmen on (07) 5486-1268.
[Photos: Julie Berry]