April 19, 2024
The State Government has passed tough new legislation which could lead to jail terms for the owners of dogs that attack and cause serious injuries or deaths.
The changes, passed in State Parliament on Thursday, include:
- Maximum fines for failure to take reasonable steps to ensure a dog does not attack will double to more than $92,000;
- Maximum fines up to $108,000 and up to three years’ jail for the owner of a dog that kills or seriously injures a person; and
- Bans on five dog breeds: Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Japanese Tosa, American pit bull terrier or pit bull terrier, and the Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario.
The changes come after a review of the Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008 and recommendations of a taskforce including the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, local councils, the Local Government Association of Queensland and RSPCA Queensland.
The changes will be supported with $7.57 million funding to provide more effective government action in response to dog attacks.
The funding will also include a community education and awareness campaign rolled out over three years to build responsible dog ownership.
Agriculture Minister Mark Furner said the government would “help people with at-risk dogs to comply to make the community safer”.
At last, a serious crackdown on owners of vicious dogs.
I have been bitten three times in my lifetime, twice in Australia and savaged by a huge Collie in England. In a past life I was a GP who actually did house calls but one does not expect to be bitten by the patient’s pet dog.
As a result, I am not all that enamoured by big dogs, of which I am wary.
So, does that mean the State Gov will fine itself when someone is bitten by a dingo on Fraser Island?
Now this is a joke. It’s still up to Council to uphold the regulation which, from previous experience, they won’t.
After months of aggressive behaviour from a neighbourhood dog, which ending up biting myself and killing my family dog, the council refused to do anything about the issue. The attacking dog is still able to get out of the yard, and was even seen a few days ago in the street.
Dingo’s are NOT Dogs … it was recently announced with numerous studies & research, the Dingo is a separate breed.