The Australia Day citizenship ceremony in Kingaroy (Photo: SBRC)

January 27, 2023

Seven South Burnett residents became Australian citizens during Kingaroy’s Australia Day activities on Thursday.

The new citizens came from five countries: the Philippines, Thailand, Canada, Vietnam and the United Kingdom.

Mayor Brett Otto said Australia Day was an opportunity for all Australians, whether they were citizens by birth or by choice, to join national events to Reflect, Respect and Celebrate.

“There is no greater privilege than our citizenship. It’s a life-long commitment to Australia’s shared values, including respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual, the rule of law and democracy, and equality of opportunity for all people,” Mayor Otto said.

“Australian citizenship ceremonies are an important part of our nation’s celebrations and hold special significance for those becoming citizens and the broader Australian community.

“Traditionally, more people become citizens on Australia Day than any other day of the year.

“Each year we are privileged to welcome new Australians to our growing community as part of Australia Day celebrations.”


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