South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff (Photo: Supplied)

May 14, 2024

South Burnett women have been invited to look over the criteria for a string of $1000 bursaries being offered by the National Council of Women in Queensland.

The different criteria required for each are explained on the NCWQ website

There are many bursaries to choose from; some are aimed at students, and some at older women returning to the workforce.

Of special interest to local residents could be:

For female students residing in the South Burnett Regional Council area. The bursary recognises the additional difficulties faced by students living away from major cities, with studies often requiring time away from home and families.

In recognition of the difficulties experienced by country students wishing to pursue their education, this bursary is for a female student in their first year of tertiary studies.

Applications for the bursaries opened on April 15 and will close on June 3.

Applications must be completed online.


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