Some of the silk scarves made at a recent QCWA workshop in Kingaroy (Photo: Kumbia QCWA)

May 13, 2016

Interested crafters gathered at the Kingaroy QCWA recently for a Silk Painting Workshop under the guidance of Kumbia branch president Catherine Woodham.

The thought of needing artistic talent had some wondering what their scarves would be like.

They were assured they would take home three things from the day – a silk scarf they had painted, a sampler on which they tried out a range of techniques and memories of a fun day.

The photo is evidence of their hidden talents with such a huge variety of designs and colours.

The fun and friendship of these Silk Painting Workshops has been enjoyed in Kumbia Rooms, Murgon Rooms and Kingaroy.

Planning is underway for Kingaroy Twilight and Proston workshops as well.

The fun of silk scarf painting is spreading with these workshops being popular with non-QCWA members as well as being a good opportunity to promote what QCWA does.

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The Kumbia community came together on Anzac Day for a moving service honouring men and women who have fought and continue to fight in defence of our freedom.

The main road in Kumbia was lined with people who applauded the veterans as they proudly marched behind the Caledonian Pipe Band.

Following close behind was a long procession of marchers made up of representatives from the Kumbia State School, Kumbia churches and most of the community groups in and around Kumbia, including members of the QCWA Kumbia Branch.

Gympie and South Burnett Division President Mollie Kratzmann and Catherine Woodham laid a wreath.

After the service, morning tea was served in Kumbia Memorial Hall where the walls were decorated with a wonderful display of essays, projects and colouring in from Kumbia State School students.

The students are encouraged and supported by parents and teachers to participate in this Anzac Day Competition conducted by QCWA Kumbia Branch. This year, approximately three-quarters of the students participated in this event.

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QCWA Kumbia Branch is getting behind Queensland communities and families affected by drought.

The branch will be planning a range of community events in the coming months. These events will give each community an opportunity to come together, fundraise and support those affected by drought.

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Kumbia Branch entered a Group Display in the Kingaroy Show this year.

Branch members were thrilled to be awarded First Prize and Champion.


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