May 6, 2014

More than 1000 drivers were stopped and breath-tested by Kingaroy police during April but only three were charged with drink-driving.

Senior Sergeant Duane Frank, from Kingaroy Police, said this was a good result … for April, at least.

The total number of traffic crashed in the Kingaroy area was also down with only four people injured during the month.

“However people need to be continually vigilant about road safety every day they drive,” Snr Sgt Frank said.

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Snr Sgt Frank said crowds at the Kingaroy Show over the weekend were very well-behaved.

“We had a couple of minor alcohol-related disturbances, and that was all,” he said.

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A very small electrical fire in an oven at the Red Rooster restaurant in Kingaroy this morning caused no damage. Fire crews were called to the scene but were not required.