October 13, 2022
An extension of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s “Smile4Biz” program is part of an $8.76 million mental health campaign launched by the State Government on Thursday.
Small Business Minister Di Farmer said Mental Health Week was a good time for business owners to stop and consider the impact recent pressures were having on their wellbeing.
The Small Business Wellness campaign will include radio, digital and social media advertising to remind small business owners they are their business’ greatest asset and to reach out if they need help.
The campaign includes six new wellbeing coaches who will be located in Cairns, Mackay, Townsville, Toowoomba and North and South Brisbane, joining the existing statewide network of more than 40 rural, tourism and small business financial counsellors.
“The expanded network of counsellors and coaches will provide free, independent, confidential, one-on-one support to address the stressors and psychological support needs of small business owners,” Minister Farmer said.
The package also includes a $3 million Small Business Support Service Fund to assist with alleviating stresses for small business owners.
“We are also extending the very successful proactive education program ‘Small Business Smile4Biz’ developed by the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce,” Minister Farmer said.
“We are working with the Queensland Mental Health Commissioner and CCIQ to enable more chambers to activate a ‘Smile 4 Biz’ program to deliver local mental health support that is tailored to their local needs.”
- More information about the Small Business Wellness Package is available online
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REMINDER: The KCCI’s Smile4Biz gala evening for local business owners is on Friday night (October 14) at Kingaroy Town Hall.
There will be finger food by JC Catering and entertainment by Rufus Jack.
Dress is formal and tickets are available online
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If you or someone you know needs help, call:
- Lifeline on 13-11-14
- Kids Helpline on 1800-551-800
- MensLine Australia on 1300-789-978
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300-659-467
- Beyond Blue on 1300-224-636
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