August 1, 2022
A fall in enrolments has forced Tanduringie State School, near Maidenwell, to drop back to a one-classroom school this semester.
The school, which celebrated its centenary in 2015, caters for students from Prep to Year 6.
According to the Education Queensland website, the current enrolment is 20 students.
A Department of Education spokesperson said Tanduringie had experienced enrolment fluctuations over recent years.
“The Department recognises that many schools are subject to fluctuations in enrolments as a result of demographic factors in the communities they serve,” the spokesperson said.
“The Department and the Darling Downs South West Regional Office will continue to monitor the situation.
“Like in all State schools, decisions on future class structures will be made based on enrolments, and communicated with the school community.”
The spokesperson said the Department recognised the important role that State schools played in rural and remote areas of Queensland.
“The Queensland Government supports principals to work with teachers and the school community in forming classes that best reflect the needs of students, including multi-age classes,” the spokesperson said.
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