Arianna Offord with Mia … thankful for the quick thinking of endorsed enrolled nurse Allan Platz (Photo: DDHHS)

June 5, 2015

Yarraman bub Mia Offord made a dramatic entrance at Kingaroy Hospital recently.

Little Mia was born on May 20 at 9.05pm on the hospital doorstep after a whirlwind one-hour labour by her mum Adrianna.

One of the first people to welcome the new bub was nurse Allan Platz.

Allan and the emergency department team knew Arianna and her partner Adam were en route from Yarraman, but none of them thought they would also be greeting the 3.3kg bundle of joy.

“It all happened so quickly,” Allan said.

“But thankfully the birth was uncomplicated. It was such a relief to hear the baby start to cry straight away.”

Arianna started having pains earlier that evening. The mother-of-two decided to try a warm bath to relieve the discomfort, followed by a nap.

However, she woke with a start to discover she was in the throes of labour and her contractions were coming fast.

“Once we arrived at the hospital, my partner Adam raced inside to get me a wheelchair and some help,” Arianna said.

When he came back with the chair, Arianna sat down, they took two steps … and Mia popped out.

“I was terrified but Allan from emergency thankfully was there to calm us down and help. If it wasn’t for his quick thinking, I think we would have been in a lot of trouble,” Arianna said.

Arianna was wheeled into emergency and spent two days in the hospital’s maternity unit.

Both she and her newborn are now doing well at home.

“She is just the best little baby,” Arianna said.

“It is definitely a good story and one that we will share with Mia when she is old enough to understand.”

Allan has worked in health for 26 years, and at Kingaroy Hospital for eight years.

“I work in the emergency department mostly dealing with broken bones. I have the utmost respect for our midwives,” Allan said.

“They do an amazing job.”


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