Queensland Premier Campbell Newman

June 5, 2014

Just two days after announcing that it would pass on to pensioners Federal Government cutbacks, the State Government has back-flipped.

Premier Campbell Newman said today the State Government had listened to Queenslanders’ concerns and would act.

The decision means pensioners who benefit from concession payments will not suffer any reduction in payments as a result of cuts announced in the Federal Budget.

If the State Budget decision had not been reversed, it would have meant South Burnett pensioners would have paid an extra $30 on their Council rates.

“Pensioners and older Queenslanders have told us that they simply can’t wear the cost of filling the gap between Queensland’s increased contribution, and the Commonwealth Government’s concessions cuts and increased fees and taxes,” Mr Newman said.

“That’s why today I’m announcing that we’ve not only listened to Queenslanders, but we’ve acted, within the space of two days, to reinstate the full level of pensioner and senior concessions.

“Passing on part of the Commonwealth’s cuts to pensioner concessions is clearly not an acceptable outcome for Queenslanders.”

Mr Newman said the Commonwealth should be bearing the burden of these cuts, not Queenslanders.

“We will be continuing to send a clear message to the Commonwealth that Queenslanders won’t stand for these kinds of cuts,” he said.

Treasurer and Minister for Trade Tim Nicholls said the State Government was still considering the impact of Commonwealth decisions on the State Budget, but Queenslanders had put a strong case for the government not to pass on the unexpected cuts delivered by the Commonwealth.

“It is the Commonwealth Government that’s caused this problem with pensioner cuts and increased charges,” Mr Nicholls said.

“We’re very conscious of the ‘double whammy’ impact of the Federal Government’s changes to pensions and the removal of concessions funding,” Mr Nicholls said.

“So we will be looking at all opportunities to withhold and recoup funding from Commonwealth programs and initiatives that they ask States to contribute to from time to time, to make up for the shortfall they’ve created.”


3 Responses to "Budget Backflip Good News For Pensioners"

  1. Premier Campbell Newman how inconvenient for you that pensioners forced this backflip. If you had cared you wouldn’t have attempted this action. You caused a huge amount of stress to people who really did not deserve this treatment. I believe this was a political stunt to try and force the hand of the Federal Government and we the pensioners were used. This is a disgrace. I hope we have sent a message loud and clear you will not forget. This also includes the Federal Government. We will not forget come election time.

  2. The recent increase in government revenue extraction will continue to wreak havoc amongst low to medium income earners throughout Australia. Today we see a two-class system starting to emerge as the tax burden tilts in favour of well-connected and influential business interests, lobbying successfully for tax concessions. This backflip is a smoke and mirrors approach in appeasement whilst not addressing the underlying problem of taxation equality.

  3. Jack Black, I agree with your comments the division between the rich well-connected and influential business interests and the average person on the street grows out of proportion by the day. From my observation the majority of people in government plus a number of councils develop over inflated egos. We are being manipulated beyond measure and while people accept this our rights will continue down a slippery slope to oblivion.

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