Natural Resources Minister Andrew Cripps

March 27, 2014

The State Government has allocated $750,000 to assist local councils upgrade stock routes.

Natural Resources Minister Andrew Cripps said the recent dry conditions in regional Queensland had meant graziers were using the stock routes more often, putting an extra strain on watering points.

“This additional capital works funding means councils can make more reliable water points available for grazing and travelling cattle across the 72,000km network by replacing troughs and tanks, installing water pumps and upgrading windmills along the routes,” Mr Cripps said.

He said the government had also made an online stock route management system available to councils so they could access information faster and more easily track the passage of cattle across the State and better manage their stock routes

“More than 14,000 cattle are currently registered under a permit to either graze or travel across Queensland’s stock route network, spanning ten council areas,” he said.

“The Department of Natural Resources and Mines’ online system was launched late last year and has modernised the management of Queensland’s stock routes.

“The system allows councils to make more informed decisions when considering permit applications and to complete travel and agistment permits and water agreements online.”

More information on Queensland’s stock route network and the new online management system is available online

The location of stock routes, reserves and stock watering facilities can also be viewed on the Farming version of the Queensland Globe