
Historic Day As Murgon Hoists Flag

Historic Day As Murgon Hoists Flag

An historic moment occurred in Murgon on Thursday morning when the Aboriginal flag was hoisted for the first time in a small park near the Murgon RSL Club.

TRC Funds Business Courses

TRC Funds Business Courses

Small and medium business owners and managers in Yarraman and Cooyar have been invited to take advantage of subsidised training courses starting in December designed to improve business skills and digital marketing expertise.

Shops Available For Lease Soon

Shops Available For Lease Soon

Retailers who would like to set up shop in Murgon will have extra options to choose from soon when the South Burnett Regional Council puts three vacant shops at 62-70 Lamb Street up for lease.

Work Starts On Bunyas Footpath

Work Starts On Bunyas Footpath

South Burnett Regional Council has started work on a new footpath at the Bunya Mountains which will improve safety for local residents and visitors.

Council Sues Over Water Plant

Council Sues Over Water Plant

South Burnett Regional Council has launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the company which built the Gordonbrook Water Treatment Plant.

‘Dark Fibre’ Plan For CBD

‘Dark Fibre’ Plan For CBD

Kingaroy’s transformation project – which began recently – could herald a new era of high-speed internet connectivity for the town’s CBD if an exciting project being explored by the SBRC comes to fruition.

SBRC To Join New Alliance

SBRC To Join New Alliance

South Burnett Regional Council will be part of a new economic development body made up neighbouring councils, Mayor Brett Otto announced at the KCCI breakfast on Thursday morning.

Prompt Action Fixes Storm Issues

Prompt Action Fixes Storm Issues

Electrical equipment at the Gordonbrook Water Treatment Plant was knocked out of action when the plant was struck by lightning during last Saturday’s thunderstorm.

Applications Sought For Committee

Applications Sought For Committee

South Burnett Regional Council is seeking expressions of interest to fill three positions on its independent Corporate Risk and Audit Advisory Committee.

GRC Working To Rebuild Trust: Mayor

GRC Working To Rebuild Trust: Mayor

Gympie Regional Council can’t afford the maintenance of its “beautiful” aquatic centre or the $2 million annual bill to keep the Mary Valley Rattler running, Mayor Glen Hartwig admitted on Thursday.

Another Pink Fundraiser In The Can!

Another Pink Fundraiser In The Can!

The “Pinking Up the South Burnett” promotion to promote the McGrath Foundation received a helping hand earlier this week through the generosity of local residents’ efforts to recycle.

Have A Say On Recycling

Have A Say On Recycling

Yarraman and Cooyar residents will have a last chance this week to have their say about Toowoomba Regional Council’s 2021 Waste Management Strategy.

Spooky Start To Weekend

Spooky Start To Weekend

If the threat of more storms – and the State Election – weren’t scary enough on Saturday, it was also Halloween.

TRC Seeks Oz Day Volunteers

TRC Seeks Oz Day Volunteers

Toowoomba Regional Council is keen to hear from volunteers willing to have a go at planning Australia Day celebrations in their town.