South Burnett Regional Council will submit its third application to the Building Better Regions Fund
this month to secure a Federal contribution towards the Kingaroy transformation project

December 11, 2019

South Burnett Regional Council will lodge its third application to the Building Better Regions Fund (BBR) in an effort to secure Federal funds for the transformation of Kingaroy’s CBD.

At Wednesday’s monthly meeting, Councillors voted unanimously to lodge an application to the fourth round of the BBR program, which has been targeted at drought-affected communities.

The Council will seek a $4.5 million commitment from BBR towards its $11.1 million Kingaroy Transformation Project, which could create up to 40 jobs during construction.

The revitalised business centre would feature improved street lighting, CCTV security cameras, upgraded footpaths and other features designed to make the CBD safer and more inviting for both local residents and tourists.

The upgrades in Glendon, Kingaroy, Alford and Haly streets would be designed to encourage greater use of the CBD at nights and on weekends, periods when usage is currently low.

At Wednesday’s meeting, Cr Gavin Jones said he expected to hear criticism of the proposal from residents living outside Kingaroy who believed the town received an unfair level of Council funding.

Cr Jones said the truth was the exact opposite, with most funding since the 2008 amalgamation being directed outside the town.

Cr Ros Heit said she was “in two minds” about whether or not to support the proposal because the region was in drought and many residents were having a tough time making ends meet.

However, she was persuaded by Infrastructure General Manager Aaron Meehan, who told the meeting Council’s contribution to the project would be funded by money it would need to spend whether the BBR application was successful or not.

In the end, Councillors voted unanimously to submit the latest application by the round’s December 19 deadline.

The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry has sought letters of support from businesses to accompany the Council application.


2 Responses to "$11.1m Plan To Transform Kingaroy"

  1. This is wrong,wrong, wrong on so many levels & Gavin Jones would do better to concentrate on his portfolio rather than giving an opinion on how to spend $11.1 million in one town. I have already emailed council my objection to this & asked for proof that it will in any way benefit the SHIRE, the existing businesses, the prospective tourists or any other businesses that may want to operate in the SHIRE. My suggestion was for some public transport, but that councillors may possibly have a better idea. The point, however, is for the money to be spent to benefit the WHOLE SHIRE, not just one town. THEY tried this is in Nanango & that worked so well didn’t it! There is no reason in the world why this money couldn’t be reallocated for a better & fairer purpose. Perhaps other ratepayer swill have some ideas they could put to council as well. I did suggest that they ask ratepayers.

  2. Maureen, where were you when the Council spent $3 million fixing Blackbutt’s drainage problems, $500,000 building a carpark for the Memorial Hall and another $2 million upgrading roads in and around Blackbutt during the past few years? Can you explain how any of that benefitted the rest of the Shire? And why you were so silent about it then, but are loud about it now when the town that paid for a big whack of all that work finally looks like getting some long overdue attention?

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