The new Fair Go Dairy logo

March 16, 2021

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has authorised the Queensland Dairyfarmers’ Organisation (QDO) to use its “Fair Go Dairy” licensing scheme for five years.

Under the scheme, QDO will grant processors a licence to use the ‘Fair Go Dairy’ logo on qualifying dairy products.

These products must contain at least 80 per cent unprocessed milk that was produced by Queensland dairy cows and purchased from a Queensland dairy farmer for more than or at a price QDO considers as fair.

“We consider the ‘Fair Go Dairy’ scheme will likely result in a small degree of public benefit,” ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh said.

“The scheme is likely to give consumers more information about the price paid to the farmers supplying the milk for participating products. It may also be a useful tool for dairy processors to signal to consumers what they are paying Queensland farmers.”

A number of smaller processors in Queensland are likely to qualify for the scheme and have expressed an interest in participating.

So far, no major milk processors in Queensland have indicated they will participate in the scheme.

In 2021-22 QDO has calculated processors will have to pay farmers a minimum price of 73.8 cents per litre to participate.

The ACCC’s authorisation is granted until 2026.


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