Liz Ward … founder of DCI

May 4, 2017

Southern Queensland Country Tourism – the organisation that assists with South Burnett tourism promotion – is holding a free digital workshop for local tourism operators next week.

The workshop will be held at “The Bunyas” at the Bunya Mountains from 9:00am to 4:30pm on May 8.

It will be facilitated by Liz Ward, from Digital Coaching International.

Liz is the former CEO of the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse, a digital resource for tourism operators and media.

The aim of the workshop is to build digital “capability” amongst operators to influence the decision-making of would-be visitors who are reviewing their travel choices online.

It will also cover commercial partnerships, booking technology, websites, and pricing for profitability.

For more information, contact Cherie Croker on (07) 4632-1988 or by email 


2 Responses to "Digital Workshop At Bunyas"

  1. The Southern Queensland Country Tourism organisation doesn’t seem to realise that the Bunyas are not the only venue in the South Burnett to hold events such as this! If they are going to be promoting all of our region, and I have my doubts on that matter, then why not think about holding workshops, seminars and Information sessions in centres of population rather than at the more marginal areas?

    It’s not as if the Bunya region needs advertising. It’s long been a destination to both locals and visitors. A destination that I still enjoy and admire.

    We need to have all of our region well represented to the tourist industry so that enterprise can be encouraged for growth to occur. Bring in the tourist dollar and create more jobs. Selling the merits of the national forests and benefits of shaded communes with nature is a no-brainer. It’s the hidden attractions that that are here that need to be highlighted and encouraged.

    The money the Council pays to this organisation should be showing a far greater return to the ratepayers than what does now! I for one will be watching to see what benefits materialise from these ratepayer-funded junkets.

  2. In reply to your letter Ray: I went to this workshop purely to gain knowledge of digital marketing. I am not a partner of SQCT but I am in hospitality and tourism. This workshop was free for any interested parties to attend and it was very informative. The attendance for the workshop was low – a shame, as to have to pay for some ‘one to one discussion’ from people in the know with the digital market wouldn’t be cheap.

    The Bunya Mountains have reached destination status. They have a good mix of local, interstate and international tourists and I say good luck to them.

    There are many attractions in the South Burnett that are underrepresented or underutilised that need time and money to get them running properly. I agree that more funding that is focused on the South Burnett is badly needed. A lot of people talk about this and that’s about all that happens.

    If the South Burnett wants to key into the success of the Bunyas we need to work smarter and not harder. It’s about offering products and services that the traveling public are prepared to pay for and have a good experience that they can take away from our part of the world and tell their friends.

    I’ve never waited for SQCT or anyone else for that matter to do the marketing for me. If I see an opportunity to venture into new marketing opportunities, I’ll take it.

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