Regional Flavours 2013
Crowds flocked to the South Burnett stands at Regional Flavours at South Bank last year

March 11, 2014

The South Burnett Regional Council plans to work with local tourism business to promote the region at two iconic Brisbane events, the Ekka and Regional Flavours.

Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said the feedback from last year’s Ekka and Regional Flavours was overwhelming.

“These events are an ideal opportunity to showcase what we have to offer in this region,” he said.

“Council will work with our local tourism businesses and producers to ensure we have produce and information to hand out at these events.

“I attended last year’s Ekka. The feedback from the public, both from Brisbane residents and those from regional areas, was that they really appreciated that representatives were there from Council.

“Some of our councillors will also be attending these events again this year.”

Regional Flavours will be held at South Bank on July 19-20.

The Ekka is held from August 8-17.

“The Ekka this year is longer than ever, with it running over two weekends,” Mayor Kratzmann said.

“This gives the South Burnett a great opportunity to promote our region to even more people. The flow on effect is an increase in tourists coming to the region.”