Project workers Victor King, from Cherbourg; Charlie Paiwan, from Murgon; project supervisor Sandra Davies; and Paul Delaney, from Murgon 

September 8, 2013

While BlazeAid was getting all the publicity earlier this year, there was another group working away on local flood-damaged farms away from the spotlight.

The “South Burnett 2013 Flood Recovery Community Action Group Project” consisted of a supervisor and 45 job seekers laboring on local farms as part of the flood recovery process.

The project was jointly organised by South Burnett CTC and the South Burnett Regional Council.

Assistance was provided to more than 20 farmers during a 25-week project.

Council staff, CTC representatives, farmers and the workers themselves marked the conclusion of the project with a graduation ceremony and barbecue in Kingaroy on Friday.

Funding for the project came from Job Services Australia.

“We have had a great deal of feedback from the farmers about the great job you did,” Lizz Geppert, from CTC Employment,  told the project graduates.

“You guys worked very hard and did a great job.”

South Burnett CTC CEO Nina Temperton said the project was a successful collaboration between CTC and the South Burnett Regional Council.

“It was a hands-on immediate and appropriate response to a problem that the community had. No one allowed red tape to stand in the way,” he said.

Cr Kathy Duff with farmers Tracy and Dean Rockemer, from Booubyjan
Lizz Geppert and Barb O’Hanlon, from South Burnett CTC, and South Burnett Regional Council Natural Resources and Parks manager Greg Griffiths