Saturday, 28 September 2024
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Wondai Spring Garden Expo
The first day of the weekend long Wondai Spring Garden Expo will be held at the Wondai Sports Grounds off the Bunya Highway just north of Wondai's CBD from 8:00am to 4:30pm today. The Expo is one of the largest gardening shows of its type in south-east Queensland and always draws hundreds of keen gardeners every September. As well as a huge range of plant and garden-related product displays, the Expo will also feature a number of guest speakers talking on a variety of gardening topics throughout the day. There'll be plenty of food and drink available, too. Admission is $5 per day or a two-day pass for $8 (Under 15s free). You can get more details and/or book a stand of your own on the Garden Expo's website or by phoning Jodi on 0413-115-495.
Wondai Country Markets
The Wondai Regional Art Gallery's monthly Wondai Country Markets will be operating at Coronation Park in Wondai's CBD from 7:00am to 12:00 noon this morning. The markets feature stallholders selling fresh fruit and vegetables, arts and crafts, useful knick-knacks and clothing. There'll also be live entertainment; lots of other stalls selling great gifts and goodies; and special hand-made treasures from local artisans. The BBQs will also be firing up from around 6:45am to dish out hearty breakfasts for early bargain hunters. New stallholders are always very welcome (stall fees range from $10 with power and water available, if needed), and you can obtain more details by phoning the Wondai Regional Art Gallery on (07) 4168-5926.
High Tea and Cent Auction - Kingaroy
- St Mary's Catholic Parish will be hosting a high tea and cent auction in the church grounds at 15 Albert Street, Kingaroy, from 2:00pm this afternoon. As well as the high tea, there will be a competition for the prettiest cup and saucer (BYO), a produce and plant stall, raffles and a lucky door prize plus a tea towel display in the hall. Entry for the day is $10. Cent auction tickets will be sold on the day. All funds raised will go towards the painting of St Mary's Church. More info? Phone 0408-742-522.
History Of The Dolls & Teddies - Kumbia
- There'll be a special focus on Teddy Bears and Dolls in the Kumbia Memorial Hall from 1:00pm to 4:00pm today - and every day until Saturday, September 28. Afternoon tea will be available for sale. $5 entry at the door. BYO dolly or teddy to join in!
Nanango Mini Market
The Nanango Mini Market, which runs on the 4th Saturday of each month (except January) outside the Churchyard Opp Shop at the corner of Drayton and Burnett Streets in Nanango, will be running from 7:00am to around noon this morning. Apart from offering great bargains at great prices - ranging from plants to craft work, DVDs, bric-a-brac, glassware, books, jewellery, photographic work and mosaic art - the markets also have a $3 sausage sizzle, $1.00 soft drinks ($2 for a coke) and gold coin donation tea and coffee if you get peckish. Entry is free and new stallholders are also very welcome, with stall fees starting at just $5. More details? Phone Sue on 0419-319-981.
Proston Men's Shed
- The Proston Men's Shed will be meeting at their building at 5-23 Rodney Street, Proston from 9:00am until around 12:00 noon today. The Men's Shed is open every day (except Sundays) and new members are always very welcome! More details? Phone the Men's Shed on 0477-235-429
U16s Australian Championships - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Junior Motorcycle Speedway Club (the "Junior Bees") are hosting a big weekend of racing at its Kingaroy Showgrounds track. Riders from across Australia will be competing in the 2024 Under 16s 125cc Australian Championships today and tomorrow. PeeWee riders will also be riding as a support class. Gates open at 8:30am, with racing from 11:00am on both days. Entry for spectators is free. More details? Phone Simon on 0439-716-742.
Nanango Men's Shed
- The Nanango Men's Shed at the corner of Mt Stanley Road and Heathermore Lane, Nanango will be open from 8:30am to around 12:30pm today for its regular Saturday get-together. The Men's Shed meets most Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome! More details? Phone 0491-102-087
Goodger Farmers Market
- Kingaroy Country Meats at 207 Stuart Valley Drive in Goodger will be running a Farmers Market featuring foods, arts and crafts from 8:00am to 1:00pm this morning. This market runs on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. More details? Phone Tom on 0418-744-331
Murgon Men's Shed
- The Murgon Men's Shed will be holding a meeting at their shed in Macalister Street, Murgon (the shed next to the former Murgon Railway Station) today. The Men's Shed meets every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday to work on projects and new members are always welcome.
Car Boot Sale - Kingaroy
The Kingaroy Men's Shed will be holding another of their regular Car Boot Sales at their premises in Geoff Raph Drive near Kingaroy Airport from 8:00am to noon this morning. Stall holder fees are just $5 and everyone is welcome to browse for bargains.
Kingaroy Men's Shed
- The Kingaroy Men's Shed will be holding their regular Saturday morning meeting at the old Motor Pool building off Geoff Raph Drive at Kingaroy Airport from 9:00am to around noon today. The group meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday morning and new members and visitors are always welcome.
Come & Try Dragon Boating - BP Dam
The Barambah Dragons dragon boat club is inviting people to try out the ancient Chinese sport of dragon boat racing at Bjelke-Petersen Dam from 10:00am (for a 10:30am paddle-off) this morning. Paddles and gear will be supplied but participants should wear closed shoes that can tolerate getting wet and bring along sunscreen, water, a towel and warm clothes for afterwards. The event is free and will be followed by a gold coin donation sausage sizzle. Everyone is welcome!
Country Music Social - Widgee
- The Widgee Country Music Club will be holding a social evening at The Bushman's Bar, 22 Upper Widgee Road, Widgee, from 6:30pm this evening. There'll be meals available, walk-ups from 7:30pm, and a multi-draw raffle. The licensed bar will open at 5:00pm. This is the club's second last social for 2024. Camping inquiries to 0493-563-862.
Yarraman Men's Shed
- The Yarraman Men's Shed at the end of Mill Street, Yarraman will be holding one of its regular get-togethers from 7:00am to 1:00pm today. The Men's Shed is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and new members are always welcome. More details? Send them an email
Wondai Parkrun
The Wondai parkrun group will be holding their weekly 5km timed runs at Coronation Park in Wondai at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the South Burnett Rail Trail and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event. More details? Send an email.
Ros Gregor Parkrun - Nanango
- The Nanango parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run along the Ros Gregor Trail at Tipperary Flat next to the D'Aguilar Highway south of Nanango at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the trail and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Railway Parkrun - Proston
The Proston parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run at Railway Park in Rodney Street, Proston at 7:00am this morning. Runners follow a course along the former railway line and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online at parkrun.com.au and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Parkrun - Blackbutt
- The Blackbutt parkrun group will be holding its weekly 5km timed walk/run along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail at Blackbutt from 7:00am this morning. The starting line is adjacent to the Roy Emerson Museum, off Bowman Road. Runners follow a course along the former railway line and the parkrun group is free to join. All you need to do is register (once) online (it's officially called the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail parkrun) and bring the printed barcode to any parkrun event.
Saturday, 28 September 2024
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