Storms Cause Long Blackout
Storm damage caused major damage to the electricity network in the Kinbombi and Tansey areas on Thursday night, leaving some residents without power until late on Friday afternoon.
Storm damage caused major damage to the electricity network in the Kinbombi and Tansey areas on Thursday night, leaving some residents without power until late on Friday afternoon.
Could your community group do with $10,000? The Ergon-Energex Community Fund is now open for applications from not-for-profit groups across Queensland.
Time is running out for Queenslanders to tell the State’s electricity networks about their energy needs and wants.
There’s just nine days left to vote for the Nanango RSL Sub-Branch Auxiliary in the 2024 Ergon Energy and Energex Community Fund.
Ergon is appealing to residents to be more understanding if meter readers refuse to enter a property for safety reasons.
Applications close on Friday (November 18) for community groups seeking grants of up to $10,000 from the 2022 Ergon Community Fund.
Ergon Energy and Energex workers are fed up with the amount of verbal abuse, physical assaults and threats of violence they are receiving while simply doing their jobs.
Many Nanango and South Nanango residents and businesses lost power on Tuesday morning after falling branches downed powerlines.
Bunya Mountains Rural Fire Brigade members sprang into action after a large tree fell across the access road to the Bunya Mountains Rainforest Estate on Sunday night.
Ergon Energy crews have been making good progress restoring power to parts of the Wide Bay Burnett ravaged by ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth.
A rise in the number of motorists crashing into green electrical pillar boxes has sparked a warning from Ergon Energy.
Ergon Energy and Energex are inviting applications for their 2022 apprenticeship intake.
The Queensland Farmers’ Federation has welcomed an electricity rebate announced by the State Government to assist farmers transitioning to new retail tariffs but has suggested they speak to Ergon Energy before the July 1 implementation.
The next generation of electricity industry tradespersons has hit the ground running at Ergon Energy and Energex training centres across Queensland.
Two Queensland meter readers are recovering from serious injuries after being attacked by dogs on the loose.
Ergon Energy is reminding customers with solar PV systems of the potential dangers they pose to crews restoring power after storms.
Ergon Energy, Energex and Powerlink are seeking participants for the Queensland Household Energy Survey – and the incentive is the chance to win a $100 gift card!
Ergon Energy is urging customers who rely on advanced medical equipment to have a plan in place for unexpected power outages, especially with a severe storm season predicted.
Ergon Energy is pleading for all heavy machinery operators to take care and stay “line aware” after four separate incidents of equipment hitting powerlines during the past 48 hours.
Applications will open on Friday for apprenticeships next year at Ergon Energy and Energex.