
Mini Games With Maxi Fun

Mini Games With Maxi Fun

There were proud parents, coaches, colourful gazebos, spectators dodging footballs on the sidelines … and lots and lots of very happy youngsters running about.

Lease Ends At Manar Park

Lease Ends At Manar Park

Manar Park managers Frank and Cathy Blinco have announced that their lease of the popular off-road recreation park at Boondooma has not been renewed.

47th Battalion: Photo Galleries

47th Battalion: Photo Galleries provided a wrap-up of the 47th Battalion rugby league carnival in Kingaroy last Monday … but we didn’t have an opportunity then to share photos of the local teams in action.

League Brings Smiles To Town

League Brings Smiles To Town

The Burnett Brahmans were celebrating after their efforts in the 47th Battalion rugby league carnival were rewarded at the weekend … but all the South Burnett should be happy with the results. .

What Is The 47th Battalion Trophy?

What Is The 47th Battalion Trophy?

Rugby league teams from across the QRL Central’s Division will be competing in Kingaroy this weekend for the prestigious 47th Battalion Memorial Trophy … but what is it exactly?

Alan’s Memory Lives On

Alan’s Memory Lives On

The Nanango Panthers soccer club hosted a friendly game at Alan Downie Sports Fields last Sunday to honour the man after whom the grounds have been named.

Saints Captain Injured

Saints Captain Injured

South Burnett Saints AFL player James Packer – who recently represented South Queensland in an intrastate rep game – has suffered a serious injury during training.