
Garden Project Binds Community

Garden Project Binds Community

A new garden and public art space at the Scott Haven Independent Living Complex in Hart Street, Blackbutt was officially opened on Wednesday morning … with a tile glueing ceremony.

Creativity Returns To Nanango

Creativity Returns To Nanango

Nanango has a new creative hub thanks to the Nanango Arts Network Alliance, which has stepped in to fill the void left by the closure of the Nanango Arts Society earlier this year.

Art Helps Beat Cancer Blues

Art Helps Beat Cancer Blues

The two South Burnett artists behind last year’s quirky “From The Radium Diaries” exhibition at Wondai Art Gallery are now hoping to share their skills with other women who have been diagnosed with cancer.

All-Aussie Week At Muster

All-Aussie Week At Muster

If a musician dared to sing American country music at the annual Spirit Of The Bush Balladeers Muster at Boondooma, they’d most likely be booed (politely) from the stage …

What Would You Like To See?

What Would You Like To See?

The South Burnett Musical Comedy Society, which recently completed a successful season with Jesus Christ Superstar, is looking for ideas in regards to its next productions.

Autumn Ushers In Garden Art

Autumn Ushers In Garden Art

When the Wondai Regional Art Gallery’s walls begin to fill with floral works, visitors know the countdown to the town’s annual Autumn Garden Expo has begun.

Wood Sculptor Returns To Blackbutt

Wood Sculptor Returns To Blackbutt

Wood sculptor Shane Christensen will be making a return journey to Blackbutt this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (March 24-26) to create artworks for the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail.

Busy Month For Gallery

Busy Month For Gallery

The Wondai Regional Art Gallery has been having a busy time this month, hosting three separate art exhibitions in the main building and on Sunday, a touring workshop for children from Brisbane’s Gallery Of Modern Art.

Song Recalls Tragic Accident

Song Recalls Tragic Accident

A former South Burnett resident who was killed in a tragic workplace accident almost  50 years ago has been remembered in song by his granddaughter and her friends.

Scots Storm Maidenwell

Scots Storm Maidenwell

Visitors to the Maidenwell Hotel got a surprise treat on Saturday afternoon – a visit from the Murrumba Pipes and Drums band, who dropped in to play a four-hour gig

Superstars Ready To Hit Stage

Superstars Ready To Hit Stage

The countdown has begun for the opening night of the South Burnett Musical Comedy’s Society’s first big production for 2017 … the sensational 1970s rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar.