January 27, 2025
Blackbutt Memorial Hall was packed on Saturday afternoon for the South Burnett Regional Council’s annual Australia Day awards ceremony.
The awards are always presented before January 26 to allow recipients to also take part in their local town activities on Australia Day.
The major award – South Burnett Citizen Of The Year – was awarded to Murgon Rotarian Ross Wessling for his years of service to the town.
The award was accepted on Ross’s behalf by his daughter, Rowena Sander.
The 2025 South Burnett Young Citizen Of The Year award was presented to Tiarna Petersen-Jiamtsu, a 2024 Kingaroy State High School graduate who also rose quickly through the ranks with 135 ACU Wondai Cadets to Regional Cadet Under Officer with the South Queensland Brigade.
The awards ceremony began with a flag parade by students from the local Blackbutt and Benarkin State schools.
Compere Rod Morgan then took over, welcoming guests and introducing guest speaker, Dr Tim Baker.
Dr Baker said people were free to celebrate being Australian in all sorts of ways.
“We can catch up with friends and family; we can have a picnic; we can enjoy our favourite pastime or sport; we can also be patriotic raising the flag, singing the anthem … and think about what unites us as a nation.
“We can also be a bit silly and wear funny clothes, paint our faces green and gold. There is no one way to enjoy being Australian.
“We live in a democracy where we have choices and where we can have fun, and fun is a good thing.
“That’s why I am proud of our country. We should never take out freedoms for granted.”
Dr Baker said it was also a day to think about what it actually means to be Australian and to reflect on our vibrant and robust democracy.
“We come from many backgrounds, cultures and faiths. Our identities as Australians, however, is not about a physical or ethnic identity,” he said.
“It’s about being a part of a big, noisy and robust family.”
(Edited award nomination details, as supplied to the SBRC, below)


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Citizen Of The Year

This award recognises a South Burnett resident who has made a valuable contribution to their community and/or given outstanding service to the South Burnett community over a number of years. The nominees are:
- Ross Wessling – WINNER
Ross has been a key member of the Murgon community for most of his life, consistently demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the betterment of his surroundings.
Known for his selflessness and dedication, Ross has continuously offered his help throughout the years, making significant contributions to various community projects.
Ross first became involved in club commitments in 1998 when the Neighbourhood Watch program was established in Murgon. This program aimed to create a safer and crime-free environment.
Ross volunteered his time and efforts to aid in the success of this initiative.
Ross’s community service extended when he joined the Rotary Club of Murgon. He held various Board positions, showcasing his versatility and leadership capabilities, especially as treasurer. His meticulous financial oversight contributed to the smooth operation of the club’s many projects and events.
However, it was his role as Youth Director that Ross found particularly fulfilling. He played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Rotary “Early Act Club” at Murgon State School and the Rotary “Interact Club” at Murgon State High School.
Ross is an exemplary individual who consistently demonstrates his dedication and generosity through his volunteer efforts. He is always the first to put his hand up to help and participate in everything possible, including barbecues, bars and raffles at various events.
Ross’s life-long dedication to the Murgon community is a testament to the power of selfless service. His contributions have left an indelible mark on the community, improving the lives of countless individuals and inspiring future generations to engage in meaningful community service. The Murgon community is undoubtedly richer for having Ross as one of its most cherished members.
- Charles & Carol Kemp (individual nominations)
Charlie and Carol Kemp have supported the greater South Burnett community for almost 20 years through their tireless work at the Nanango RSL Sub-Branch, Nanango Services Club and through the Leukaemia Foundation’s “Shave for a Cure”
Charlie has worked tirelessly, often at his own expense, to support the greater South Burnett veterans’ community, especially in Nanango, but that work carries over to the entire South Burnett.
Charles is president of the Nanango Services Club while Carol is treasurer.
Through their support to Shave for a Cure projects, they raised $10,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation.
- Steve Langton
Steve Langton is the Head of Department Science and Agriculture at the Kingaroy State High School (KSHS).
Steve began teaching in 1988 at KSHS. In 1990 he received an involuntary transfer to Murgon State High School where he served for a year before returning to KSHS in 1991 where he remained for the rest of his teaching career.
Steve became an enthusiastic member of the Science Department, serving with the Board of Secondary School Studies and then the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority as a Biology panellist.
In the early 1990s, he founded a lunchtime science club which inspired a young Kristofer Thurecht who went on to become a professor at the University of Queensland. It was this relationship that Steve used to organise the current KSHS/UQ partnership.
Steve also helped develop the rainforest area near G Block so students had samples at hand and coached the senior girls’ soccer team for nearly 20 years.
After several terms acting in the role, Steven was appointed Science Head of Department in 2007, only the second person to hold that position since it was created in the 1970s.
One of the jobs he inherited, was being the school’s Data Capture expert. He had the job of ensuring that all the school’s data was up-to-date and that QCAA data was submitted on time correctly. He was not sorry to see the system phase out in 2019.
His Science Week activities were the stuff of legend, producing lots of loud bangs, bad smells and enthused students.
Steve was “forced” to become the Agriculture Co-ordinator after a series of incumbents left the job in rapid succession in 2019-20. The job had to be done so he knuckled down and did it. He never considered cancelling the program as he knew how many students gained from the experience.
- Darryl Robinson
(see nomination details in the Local Achiever Awards, below)
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Young Citizen Of The Year

This award recognises an individual under 25 years of age at January 26, 2025, who displays ongoing excellence in their field and in the community, demonstrating leadership and innovation whilst contributing to the development of the South Burnett region. The nominees are:
- Tiarna Petersen-Jiamtsu – WINNER
Tiarna has shown leadership qualities from a young age. This was recognised when she was elected as Taabinga State School’s vice-captain in Year 6 where she had the opportunity to work with the whole school community.
The same year she attended Queensland Parliament House as a recipient of the Fred Hollows Humanitarian Award.
Tiarna started learning the recorder and euphonium at Taabinga State School and throughout her high school years she has been a member of the KSHS Symphonic Band. Tiarna attended early morning lessons before school and has participated with the band in school and public performances including Anzac Day and eisteddfods. She was a member of the band when it was a regional finalist at Fanfare in 2024.
Tiarna was also a member of KSHS’s Dance Krew, participating in many performances including Flair and BaconFest before succumbing to a knee injury. She was elected in 2024 as the KSHS social committee chairperson, organising events which involved meetings with the principal, teachers and committee members, consulting with students and speaking on parade.
She also participated in the Lions Youth of the Year contest in February 2024 and was an active participant in her school’s team at the South Burnett Relay For Life for many years.
Tiarna has been an Army Cadet from the age of 12 through to 17 and has risen quickly through the ranks: Lance Corporal (in charge of a group of 10 cadets), Corporal, Sergeant ( head Cadet at the Wondai Unit in charge of 30 cadets); Warrant Officer Class One, Regimental Sergeant Major of the 14th Battalion (encompassing the units at Wondai, Nanango. Kilcoy and several Units from the Sunshine Coast); and in 2024 was appointed Cadet Under Officer to the Adjutant position of the South Queensland Cadet Brigade. This involved being part of the leadership team managing the training, wellbeing and activity planning for more than 2200 cadets.
Tiarna has gained early entry to a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Her ambition is to become a nurse, working in rural and remote regions of Australia.
- Tristan Waldock
(see nomination details in the Local Achiever Awards, below)
- Emma Lindholm
Emma is vice-captain of Kingaroy State High School for 2025. She has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership, dedication, and service to her school and community.
She is also the Nanango Youth Parliament representative and an active member of the Department of Education Youth Advisory Committee, proving her commitment to representing the voices of young people.
Emma embodies the values of respect, resilience, and responsibility in all aspects of her life. As a leader within her school, she is a role model to her peers, always showing respect to both staff and students, while promoting a positive and inclusive school culture.
Her resilience shines through in the way she balances her academic commitments, extracurricular activities and community involvement, demonstrating an unwavering determination to succeed in every endeavour. She approaches challenges with a positive attitude and a solutions-focused mindset, making her a source of inspiration for others.
Emma is a remarkable young citizen, dedicated to service, advocacy and leadership.
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Volunteer Community Organisation / Event Of The Year

This award recognises an outstanding achievement by a group, club or organisation that has made a notable contribution to the community during 2024. The nominations are:
- Queensland Bike Championship At Gordonbrook Dam Trails – WINNER
The South Burnett Mountain Bike Club has done a huge amount of work in designing and building mountain bike trails at Gordonbrook Reserve.
This involved applying for and acquitting grants and using a bobcat to clear land and move rocks to make challenging trails for the bikes. This was rewarded when the State Mountain
Bike organisation asked the club to host the Queensland championships.
This was a hugely successful event over the first weekend in October with more than 250 entries, from young children up to elite competitors.
The club has worked tirelessly to develop and progress Mountain Bike riding in this region and host events that bring visitors from outside the region to the South Burnett.
- South Burnett Orchid Society
The South Burnett Orchid Society is a very small group that holds an Orchid Show each year, attracting visitors from Bundaberg to Bribie Island, Caboolture and areas in between.
The visitors drop off their plants in the show, which boosts the floral display, then go and visit local places of interest until it is time to collect their plants and head home.
The show is a one-day show but some visitors also choose to stay overnight.
- Nanango & District Netball Association
The Nanango & District Netball Association is a not-for-profit community-based sporting organisation which has been providing girls and boys (aged 5-17) and men and women (aged 18+) with fun, fitness and a safe and professional environment to foster, develop and promote netball for more than 40 years.
It includes members from the many small towns/districts in the local and wider community, including Nanango, Benarkin, Blackbutt, Yarraman, Maidenwell, Coolabunia, Goomeri and Kingaroy.
The club is proud to have provided initiatives that specifically focus on providing a safe and healthy environment for participation, a positive and inclusive culture, as well as providing development opportunities for players, coaches, officials and administrators to ensure the continued growth and development of the club and netball participation in the South Burnett as a whole.
The club has also been successful in securing grant funding for a number of important initiatives and infrastructure improvements.
In 2024, the Nanango and District Netball Association won Netball Queensland’s prestigious awards: Community Organisation Of The Year and Woolworths NetSetGo Centre Of The Year.
Committee members were present to accept these awards on behalf of the entire organisation, giving thanks to every single one of the players, coaches, umpires, volunteers, committee members, parents, family and community supporters.
- Kingaroy Netball Association
Kingaroy Netball Association (KNA) has made an outstanding contribution to the South Burnett by offering a large variety of netball programs to the community.
KNA has been a leading netball provider in Kingaroy for more than 20 years and in 2024 had 533 playing members, the largest membership to date.
Significant progress has been made in the Junior Competition which is for players aged 5-17 years. There has also been a significant increase in the 13-17 years age group from five teams to eight. This is a huge achievement for the club and is a result of the inclusive and supportive environment created for teenage girls to continue physical activity throughout adolescence.
As a further testament to the increasing reach and inclusion at KNA, a new junior mixed competition for boys and girls in Grades 7-10 provided an opportunity for boys up to age 15 to play netball.
The Little Nettys program, for players aged 3 or 4, also began in 2024 which provided playing opportunities for younger netballers as well as providing another valuable coaching opportunity for our younger members starting their coaching journey.
At the higher competitive level, KNA also returned to the State Age Carnival this year with six teams: U12, U13, U15, U18, Junior Boys and Senior Boys.
These annual carnivals, run by the State body, allow teams from all over Queensland to compete. The carnivals provided higher level competitive opportunities for our players, coaches and umpires.
- Nanango AP & M Society
The Nanango Country Market, run by the Show Society, has been operating since the 1980s with Roslyn Halling as the inaugural market co-ordinator.
More than 40 years later, the markets are still operating on the first Saturday of every month.
Between 216 and 384 stall sites were occupied each month during 2024.
Community organisations within the local area are provided with a free site to advertise and fundraise for the community eg. the CWA, Nanango & Kingaroy Hospital Auxiliaries, and Men’s Shed.
This is a regular community event that brings stall holders from the local area and from the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Toowoomba, Bundaberg and Central Queensland. One particular fan
drives up from Sydney at least once a year for the markets.
South Burnett residents are regulars and often meet up with extended family and friends at this event.
The canteen, staffed by a regular crew of volunteers, sells a variety of food, and families are able to relax in the canteen area while listening to live music.
Local businesses benefit from the markets every month. Retail outlets have expressed how the influx of people into Nanango has increased their bottom line.
- Ride 4 Relay
Jason Wyeth, a keen bike rider, started the annual four day “Ride 4 Relay” eight 8 years ago and since then the group has raised more than $220,000 which all goes to Cancer Council Queensland to support families during cancer treatment.
Each Ride 4 Relay involves a huge logistics exercise, planning routes, organising accommodation and support vehicles, encouraging riders to join, sourcing sponsorship and planning the catering for the four-day event for up to 20+ riders.
A fantastic event has become a major contributor to this region’s support of the Cancer Council and those undergoing oncology treatment.
- Mapleton Men’s Shed
Over the past few years, Mapleton Men’s Shed have donated their time to the Proston community, upgrading equipment/buildings for non-for-profit committees, including the Proston Pony Club.
In 2024, 16 men and their wives drove three hours to Proston for a week to donate their valuable time. They welded and installed shutters on the bar area and painted the newly refurbished club house at the Proston Showgrounds.
They also sheeted and prepared a disabled amenities block at the Proston Golf Club.
The painting of the clubhouse for the pony club was a huge effort. The work they completed was second to none, all with a smile on their face.
In other years, they have helped the Proston Campdraft Committee by refurbishing the announcer’s box and secretary’s building, painting them inside and out. They also had the skills to install air conditioning to have the workers of the committee comfortable when running events for the Proston area.
The Proston community and committees are extremely thankful for their support.
- Western Stars Calisthenics Dance Studio
Western Stars Cali Dance Studio brought the inaugural Calisthenics Kingaroy Eisteddfod to a regional area.
This has not only been a notable contribution to the State’s calisthenics community but also a significant economic boost to the South Burnett.
It was the first calisthenics competition in Kingaroy and ran over three days in July. The competition brought more than six clubs from across the State to Kingaroy. Two interstate
adjudicators were also flown up for the competition.
The event was run at the Kingaroy Performing Arts Centre with the help of many volunteers.
The first Calisthenics Eisteddfod was a resounding success and future competitions will likely continue to bring an economic boost to the South Burnett.
- The YAG Shop
The YAG Shop is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering Indigenous-owned micro-enterprises and fostering community development.
It provides a vital platform for young Indigenous entrepreneurs in the South Burnett to sell their unique products, including floral arrangements, candles, jewellery, art, and even lawn care services. Beyond sales, the shop offers invaluable resources, marketing support and business development training, helping these micro-enterprises thrive and sustain long-term growth.
The YAG Shop has become a community hub where creativity flourishes, bringing people together through workshops and learning opportunities.
These events inspire cultural expression, skills development, and collaboration, fostering unity and shared purpose.
The YAG Shop exemplifies the power of social enterprise, supporting young people in achieving business success while strengthening cultural connections and community bonds. This nomination celebrates The YAG Shop’s commitment to supporting Indigenous entrepreneurship, community empowerment, and cultural preservation.
Their dedication to building a brighter future for Indigenous youth and creating a welcoming space for all deserves recognition on Australia Day as a model of community strength, resilience, and positive impact.
- BP Dam Fish Management Committee
Following the completion of the Bjelke-Petersen Dam in 1988, a dedicated group of local fishing enthusiasts came together to form what is now known as the BP Dam Fish Management Committee.
Their primary objective was to stock the dam with fingerlings, ensuring the sustainability and health of native fish populations.
Regular competitions have been running since 1993. The Bjelke-Petersen Dam Inland Fishing Classic competition, held on the long weekend each October, was once again a great success in 2024. This was followed by the Sunwater Open Day at the dam in October 2024, further highlighting the club’s commitment to community involvement and environmental awareness.
Competitions for both Senior and Junior competitors have been held by the club each year. Junior casting and fishing days have also been held by the club and were well attended by locals and visitors.
The club is actively working towards organising more junior and special fishing days, fostering a love for fishing and nature among the younger generations.
About 18 months ago, the club acquired a lease on the original Sunwater sheds at the dam. These sheds now serve as meeting rooms, a storage facility and a venue for the annual fishing competition.
The Bjelke-Petersen Dam Inland Fishing Classic competition is held on the long weekend each October and was a great success again in 2024.
This event not only brings together fishing enthusiasts but also serves as a significant fundraising opportunity for the club.
The primary source of funding for fingerlings comes from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries through the Fishing Permit Scheme. Additionally, fundraising efforts through the fishing competition and other donations contribute to the number of fingerlings released into the dam each year.
- South Burnett Speedway Club
The South Burnett Speedway Club has been running the famous Kings Royal at the Kingaroy Speedway since January 2013.
In January 2019m they added the Queens Royal event to the program. This has put Kingaroy Speedway on the map as one of the few tracks that puts on a show for one night a year to allow and celebrate the women in the sport and give them the opportunity to showcase their skills.
As if the weekend isn’t big enough, they added another showstopper in January 2022: the Annual Production Sedan Stampede. This event brings an average attendance of 71 Production Sedans, creating a total car count of more than 250.
The Kings Royal brings the speedway community together on the Australia Day weekend to catch up and celebrate the sport. Not only is this a way to celebrate the sport but also provides
some good hard racing across three massive nights.
The Kingaroy Speedway’s constant focus is to provide a family friendly event that not only benefits the Kingaroy community but the South Burnett as a whole.
You can see the benefits across the town of Kingaroy and the whole South Burnett region as the event continues to grow. This is highlighted by the increased number of people coming to town to support the event. This is very easy to see by the number of team speedway shirts that you will see downtown.
Racers and visitors come from across Australia to take in all that the South Burnett has to offer, spending money on accommodation, food and activities such as golf, clay target shooting and tours of our local wineries.
This event would not be as successful as it has become without the support of the committee, community partnerships, sponsors and hard-working club volunteers.
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Junior Cultural Award

This award is presented to an individual 17 years of age and under at January 26, 2025, who is making a significant contribution to the cultural life of the South Burnett. The nominees are:
- Paige Nilon-Brown – WINNER
Paige has made an outstanding contribution to the South Burnett by being an exceptional individual who consistently demonstrates qualities that make her stand out as both a leader and a compassionate peer.
Her commitment to education is unwavering, and she prioritises learning, not only for herself but also for those around her. She values knowledge deeply, and her enthusiasm for sharing what she knows is evident in her everyday actions.
Paige consistently shows care and empathy for others, taking the time to listen to their concerns and offer support. This quality makes her not only a great peer but also a trustworthy mentor.
Whether it’s offering encouragement to a student who’s struggling or simply lending a kind word to others, Paige’s actions reflect a deep understanding of the importance of kindness and support in any community.
Paige approaches every task with a level of diligence and professionalism that sets a high standard for everyone around her. Her ability to balance multiple responsibilities while maintaining a positive attitude is truly remarkable.
Paige’s willingness to help both staff and younger students, further underscores her role as an invaluable member of the community. She never hesitates to offer her assistance, whether it’s answering a question, helping with a project, or providing guidance to someone in need.
This selflessness has earned her the respect and admiration of both her peers and students alike.
- Tahnie Hauritz
Tahnie is a student at the Western Stars Calisthenics Dance Studio but is also an integral part of the organisation.
She not only supports junior teams she also volunteers at competitions both in Kingaroy and abroad, all while still competing in solo and team events.
Tahnie is also a student teacher helping in three of the grade levels below her. This requires her to not only attend her training but three other trainings as well. She supports, encourages, assists and helps develop the students in these younger classes. She always displays professionalism, organisation and passion for the sport of calisthenics.
As part of her continual commitment to the calisthenics community of the South Burnett, Tahnie also involves herself in fundraising efforts for the club and helps out volunteering at speedway events to gain funding to support her club. She sells raffle tickets and helps with other fundraising ventures.
Tahnie is a young resident of our community making a wonderful contribution to the cultural life of the South Burnett.
- Taring Wangan Dance Group
In 2019, the Taring Wangun Dance Group emerged as a community project in collaboration with Bangarra Dance Company.
Over the past six years, it has evolved into an exciting annual event, comprising talented Indigenous girls. The group’s moving performances are choreographed and performed on stage at “Creative Generation: State Schools Onstage” in Brisbane, where they blend traditional and contemporary Indigenous dance, celebrating the school’s rich cultural heritage in a statewide showcase.
Creative Generation is a prestigious four-day showcase, featuring some of the most talented dancers, singers, and performers from Queensland’s State education system. For the past six years, Murgon State High School has proudly been part of this spectacular event, participating in the opening performance each year.
In 2019, through a powerful collaboration with Bangarra Dance Theatre’s Re-Kindling program, Murgon State High School told the story of the domestic workers and the rationing at Cherbourg during the era when the community was governed as a mission. This was an important and moving tribute to a significant chapter in our local history.
Since then, the Indigenous girls’ dance group has continued to shine, performing pieces that express their deep connection to Country, the importance of respecting Elders and communities, and, most recently, the theme of keeping the fire burning, which connected to last year’s NAIDOC theme.
The dedication, spirit, and resilience of these young women is truly inspiring. Their performances not only showcase their incredible talent but also their commitment to carrying forward the stories and traditions of their communities. They are already looking ahead to Creative Generation 2025 hoping to leave an even bigger footprint on the stage and continue sharing the stories of the community with pride.
- Mattison Van Schyndel
Since the inception of the Kingaroy BaconFest, Matti has been an invaluable member of the festival’s committee, demonstrating dedication and support across various roles.
Matti has become a crucial asset to the festival … from running errands and assisting at BaconFest headquarters to welcoming visitors and handling countless other tasks.
This year, Matti took her commitment to new heights by co-ordinating the “Bacon Barn,” an entire section of the festival, a demanding role for anyone, let alone someone of her young age.
Despite facing long hours, resolving conflicts and juggling multiple responsibilities, Matti managed these challenges with remarkable grace, calmness, kindness and maturity. Her leadership was evident not only in her work but in the support she provided to other committee members, often uplifting them in moments of exhaustion and motivating the team through her tireless example.
Beyond her festival work, Matti’s dedication to her education and personal growth is equally impressive. She was recently awarded Year 10 Dux, with subject awards in English, Food Specialisations, Hospitality and the Academic Excellence Award.
Matti seamlessly integrated her skills and academic passions into her contributions at BaconFest. Even after a full weekend of festival commitments, she found time to embrace the beloved BaconFest Trolley Race tradition.
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Senior Cultural Award

This award is presented to a nominee over 18 years of age at January 26, 2025, who is making a significant contribution to the cultural life of the South Burnett. The nominees are:
- Matt Phillips – WINNER
Matt Phillips is a highly dedicated and inspiring teacher at Kingaroy State High School, known for his exceptional leadership and commitment to the instrumental music program.
With an unwavering passion for music education, Matt continually goes above and beyond to create an engaging and dynamic learning environment for his students. His innovative approach to the curriculum not only challenges his students but also motivates them to strive for excellence in their musical pursuits.
His tireless efforts are particularly evident in his preparation of students for a wide range of school events, including eisteddfods, Fanfare competitions and special performances. His meticulous attention to detail and high standards ensure that his students are well-prepared and confident, ready to showcase their talents and represent the school with pride. Whether it’s organising rehearsals, providing one-on-one coaching or arranging performances, Matt is always committed to helping his students succeed.
His enthusiasm for music and dedication to his students has had a profound and lasting impact on the school community. Under his guidance, the Instrumental Music Program has flourished, enriching the school’s extracurricular offerings and fostering a genuine love for music among his students. Matt not only teaches music; he inspires a sense of creativity, discipline and teamwork that extends beyond the classroom.
- Andrew Maddern
Andrew is undoubtedly an unsung hero of the cultural life within the South Burnett. His passion is the Arts and as a result he contributes in various ways across a number of arts-related areas within the district.
He is a member of the South Burnett Community Orchestra and assisted with the fundraising concert for the LifeFlight Foundation in memory of a band member Sonya Pearson. Andrew and his team were able to raise more than $16,000 for the worthy cause with their performances.
Andrew is also a member on the Regional Arts Development Fund committee that allocates arts-related funding across the region on behalf of Arts Queensland and South Burnett Regional Council.
When Andrew is not involved in community-related arts activities, he is supporting Kingaroy State High School students in their arts journey in a number of ways: assisting in school musicals, running the sound and lighting at KPAC, building and helping with sets for stage performances and being a member of the KSHS stage/concert band,
Andrew is the unsung hero behind the scenes bringing the arts to the school community.
If that wasn’t enough Andrew has also supported and assisted many other community groups using the KPAC facility. Andrew will give up his own personal time to help out community arts-related activities. For example, KSHS does an end-of-year concert at the KPAC facility. Andrew with his expertise in sound and lighting would always ensure that the performance went well, even though his own children do not attend this school and the assistance was provided additional to his own working commitments.
- Rockin Our Abilities
Rockin Our Abilities is an exceptional music and drama program dedicated to enriching the lives of people with disabilities operated by Sonia McMahon and her dedicated team in Murgon.
The program has been a beacon of inclusivity and creativity since its inception in 2021.
Rockin Our Abilities is held every Monday during school terms. The program culminates in a free community concert twice a year, showcasing the talents and hard work of its participants.
There has been a growing number of attendees, with about 26 members along with their support workers/carers participating each week.
The reach and impact extends beyond Murgon, also drawing participants from Nanango, Kingaroy, Wondai and Gympie.
The program has fostered a strong sense of community and support, providing participants with invaluable opportunities to develop their social skills and confidence.
In 2024, the program received a generous donation of a bus from the Murgon Services Club, enabling the group to perform at various local events, including the Blackbutt Avocado Festival. The ability to take their show on the road has significantly broadened their audience and impact.
They have also had the pleasure of performing several times on-air with their own theme song at CROW-FM 90.7, further extending their reach and influence.
Rockin Our Abilities is not just a program; it is a source of joy, empowerment, and community spirit. It provides a platform for individuals with disabilities to express themselves creatively, interact with others and build self-confidence through public performances.

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Volunteer Of The Year

This award recognises a volunteer community member who has made a valuable contribution to their community, club or organisation and/or given outstanding service over a number of years. The nominees are:
- Bruce Jay – WINNER
Bruce has been an outstanding secretary for the Kingaroy Lions as well as a past president for many years.
He has also served on the board of South Burnett Care for quite a few years.
He is an active member of the Kingaroy RSL Sub-Branch and also acts as a volunteer for Wondai park run.
Recently he has helped many South Burnett not-for-profit organisations with their tax exemption status.
- Ashley Rewald
Ashley has been a dedicated and selfless volunteer in his local community of Murgon for many years, contributing to various organisations with unwavering commitment.
Ashley was an active member of the Apex Club of Murgon from 1987 to 2009. During his tenure, he held several key positions including treasurer, secretary and president.
His contributions to the club were manifold and included roles such as water meter co-ordinator, rural and town address numbering co-ordinator, Murgon Markets barbecue co-ordinator, Blood Bank volunteer and donor, Mud Bash committee member and Gympie Music Muster volunteer. He also attended the National, State and District conventions.
Ashley was instrumental in reviving the Murgon Hospital Auxiliary, being a founding member when it was restarted in 1997. Since 1997, he has served as the Treasurer, ensuring the financial stability and success of the Auxiliary.
He also played a significant role in the Palliative Care Committee for the new extension to palliative care, showcasing his commitment to improving healthcare facilities in his community.
In 2024, Ashley expanded his volunteer efforts to the 55 Million Years Ago museum in Murgon. His passion for community service saw him not only become a volunteer but also being voted onto the Board in 2024. His involvement in the museum highlights his diverse interests and his dedication to preserving and promoting local history and education.
- Roley Fennell
Roley has been an active member of the Apex Club of Murgon for seven years. During his tenure, he made significant contributions to various projects, including Ficks Crossing, Girl Guide Hut, Kapernick Park and firewood for pensioners.
Roley played a pivotal role in the success of the “Do in 82” Apex convention held in Murgon which was a huge success for both the town and the club.
Over the years, Roley has held numerous portfolios, including service director, interclub visiting, social director, commissariat and dinner notice. He also served as the editor, overseeing the printing and publication of the club newsletter. In 1982 and 1983, Roley served as president of the Apex Club, marking his final years with the organisation. His leadership and commitment left a lasting impact on the club and the community.
Additionally, Roley used his building skills to contribute to the Palliative Care Community project in Murgon, demonstrating his versatility and dedication. As his children became involved in various sporting clubs and organisations, Roley continued his volunteer work. His contributions included: maintenance work on the Girl Guide Hut, volunteering as a bus driver for the Guides, assisting at swimming carnivals and setting up fields for junior soccer.
Roley was also responsible for upgrading the area in front of the canteen at the soccer club, ensuring a better environment for the community. Since his retirement nine years ago, Roley has been a dedicated volunteer at the Queensland Dairy And Heritage Museum in Murgon.
- Helene Wessling
(see nomination details in Lifetime Achievement Awards, below)
- Ross Wessling
(see nomination details in Citizen Of The Year Award, above)
- Chris Wenner
Chris has been volunteering at the Rockin Our Abilities music program for people with disabilities as is now musical director.
He also plays the bass guitar in the band and comes with the group for all live acts, donating his time to play with them.
During the last year, Chris has also written, directed, produced and recorded a new theme song for Rockin Our Abilities. He brought all his recording gear in to record the participants for the song and had some come to his house to play and sing on the track.
He is always helping them all out and they all love him. The smiles, a mile wide on their faces, show how much they all love him when he plays music with them.
- Aimee Freeman
Aimee provides an outstanding contribution to the South Burnett in her role as a sports coach.
In 2024, Aimee volunteered many hours with the Kingaroy Netball Association and South Burnett Little Athletics. At Kingaroy Netball, Aimee has held multiple coaching roles. At the Interdistrict Netball level she coached in five carnivals across the Darling Downs.
Part of coaching the team involves organising and running regular training sessions and then coaching the team on the day of the carnivals. Coaching involves much more than trying to win games, it involves making sure all players and parents have a positive experience, and Aimee is able to achieve this in her coaching style and communication skills.
Aimee also was the co-coach of the 5-6 year old Net program. She again ensured that all the children enjoyed the netball program with her enthusiasm and communication skills.
In 2024, Aimee managed a State Age netball team that was involved in four months of training and then attended a four-day carnival. She ensured that all players, parents and the coach were organised and again ensured that it was a positive experience. The coach continually said that Aimee was a vital part of the success of the team.
Aimee was recognised at Kingaroy Netball as the Senior Volunteer of the year.
Along with the contribution at netball, Aimee is an integral part of South Burnett Little Athletics. She has been part of this club for more than 10 years. Aimee is the person that helps with the registrations for the season and for all the extra carnivals that members have the opportunity to compete in.
- Charles Kemp
(see nomination details in Citizen Of The Year Award, above)
- Helen Charity
(see nomination details in the Local Achiever Awards, below)
- Alice Hauritz
Alice is an integral part of the Western Stars Cali Dance Studio family, taking the main key volunteer role supporting owner Jessica Welch.
Alice has been actively involved in a volunteering capacity in all aspects of the clubs’ operation. From assisting at rehearsals to costume organisation, mending, sewing, washing of costumes, ensuring calisthenics equipment is all in order … Alice does it all!
The dance studio could not function the way it does without the volunteer support of “Miss Alice”. She organises the fundraising events, assisted and helped at the Kingaroy Eisteddfod this year, takes on volunteer roles at other calisthenics competitions around the State and gives up her time at speedway to help gain funds for the club.
Alice has her own daughter dancing at the club but takes on a far-reaching effect for all students, especially when it comes to competitions and performances. She not only assists with costume creation and preparation but also ensures that the costume boxes, props, headpieces and apparatuses are ready to go for competitions which allows Jessica to focus on the students and their callisthenic skills.
The number of hours external to her paid work is astronomical. She is an integral part of the club and without her volunteering hours, the achievements that have taken place this year would not have been achieved.
- Martin & Therese Woodward
Martin and Therese volunteer for numerous organisations around Nanango.
They both volunteer for the Local Ambulance Committee collecting money at the gates on market days for donations. They have also organised and run numerous fundraising events for the Local Ambulance Committee, including Bogan Bingo which has been a crowd pleaser two years running for all those who attended.
Martin and Therese have also raised funds year after year for Relay For Life. Martin has volunteered his time making things for the team and Therese has volunteered her time walking, raising money for this wonderful cause.
Another big thing they have made come to life is the Ros Gregor parkrun where they have been event organisers for about four years and are still volunteers. They fought hard to get the parkrun up and running with many hours of their own time.
Martin and Therese are always willing to help whoever calls on them. They are both wonderful people and are always willing to help when asked. They both have lovely hearts and are people that everyone looks up to with what they have achieved as volunteers in this lovely community.
Wherever Therese is volunteering, you will find her wonderful husband Martin backing her and joining her 100 per cent of the way.
- Mark Beil
Mark is an outstanding citizen of the community. As well as being part of the Stuart River Rural Fire Brigade, Mark is the First Officer of the brigade and has dedicated a lot of his time to keeping the station at a high level of professionalism.
Mark organises volunteer community burns and alongside his fellow fire fighters completes the jobs voluntarily during the week.
He has responded to multiple wildfire calls this year, taking the time out of his busy day to help the needs of others.
Mark puts others before himself, participating in the firefighters’ annual men’s mental health Postie Bike fundraiser.
Mark Beil is an exceptional citizen and helps this community with compassion and dedication to the QFD service.
- Tamara Geritz
Tam Geritz has devoted herself to the Kingaroy Speedway club for the past 30 years and the club would not be able to run smoothly during each season without her.
Without fail, Tam can answer and co-ordinate any speedway matter for the club. She leads by example and has no problem with communicating with her peers, the community groups that help serve at the canteens and bars, plus crowds and emergency services.
Tam is the “go-to girl” because she has spent many years building relationships across the speedway community and her depth and breadth of knowledge is incomprehensible. Tam does not currently hold a committee position but that has never stopped her from doing this enormous role in the club.
She is the heartbeat that helps keep the club pumping during many previous seasons and all the seasons yet to come.
Tam is Kingaroy Speedway’s living legend and everyone knows who she is. Tam is the first one to be setting up and last one to be packing up no matter the time of day or night, in the heat of summer or the chilly nights at the end of the season.
- Leanne Dowdle
Leanne has exhibited unwavering dedication to the Murgon community throughout her life, particularly through her significant contributions to the Murgon Golf Club.
Her commitment and leadership have made her an indispensable figure within the club, where she currently serves as the Ladies Golf Club president and vice-president of the entire club.
She previously held the position of treasurer for many years and transitioned seamlessly into the vice-president role, essentially operating as the general manager of the club. Her efforts ensure that all committee members stay on task and that the club runs smoothly.
Leanne’s list of tasks and responsibilities have included preparing the annual playing program; managing weekly events; and training and managing other volunteers in the handicapping of players’ scores after competitions.
She aids the clubhouse director and kitchen staff with bookings for parties, weddings, wakes, Friday night meals, social club bookings and clubhouse maintenance. She assists the secretary in monitoring all email correspondence and ensures that any required actions are taken promptly.
Leanne manages the club’s Facebook page and website, keeping members and visitors well-informed.
She frequently runs back and forth to the club to hire out carts and clubs to social golfers who book through social media as the clubhouse is only open for members’ competitions. Leanne also takes on the role of full-time cleaner of the clubhouse on a weekly basis, with assistance from another lady member.
In addition to her roles within the Murgon Golf Club, Leanne serves as a delegate to Wide Bay Ladies Golf and is a committee member of the SBG Golf Masters committee which organises events across the South Burnett, Sunshine Coast, and Glasshouse regions.

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Junior Sportsperson

This award is presented to a nominee aged 17 years and under at January 26, 2025, who made a notable achievement in sporting endeavours. The Junior Sportsperson will also receive a $1000 bursary. The nominees are:
- Mia DeJong – WINNER
Mia has had an amazing year in sports starting in January 2024 where she competed at the Colgate Games in New Zealand.
She has competed in countless sports, representing Nanango, the South Burnett, Nanango State High School, clubs, region, State and country as well as helping to train other athletes.
Mia is an inspiration. She battled injuries throughout the end of last year, testing her resilience in a time when most kids would give up. Mia kept pushing through and still managed to medal in regional events and get top 10 at State athletic events.
She is club captain of Nanango Little Athletics and helps warm up and coach kids from as young as five, trains at least four times a week and travels to a sprint coach at the Coast as often as possible in between carnivals.
Mia’s had a huge year of sport in 2024, including representing Queensland / Australia for Little Athletics Queensland; representing Nanango at Little Athletics Regionals (Suncoast), medalling in all of her events and making it to State championships.
Mia also competed in various netball comps, including at State level.
She is already getting personal best times in the new athletics season and is booked in for another six competitions this year.
- Chloe Dennis
Chloe has many athletic achievements.
These include Girls U13 cross country age champion, Girls U13 athletics age champion, Girls U13 swimming age champion, Girls aggregate swimming age champion, Half Colours Wide Bay U14 rugby league; Sportswoman of the Year Murgon State High School 2024.
- Jake Roberts
Jake started 2024 with official acknowledgement from Little Athletics Queensland of his Queensland Best Performance which he achieved with his teammate in the U12 mixed long jump at the Little Athletics Queensland State Relay Championships (held in December 2023).
Other achievements include: Cross Country KSHS age champion, South Burnett age champion, Wide Bay age champion, placed 38th at States track & field, KSHS age champion, winning all eight events and breaking four records; South Burnett age champion, winning six out of his seven events and placing second in the other; Wide Bay age champion, winning six out of nine events and second in the seventh.
Jake also broke a seven-year record for the tetra event.
Jake competed in the tetra and 200m at the Queensland School State Championships. He was named the Wide Bay team captain, placed 6th overall in the 200m semis (but withdrew from the final) and won gold in the tetra.
He is kept busy with training and sport most days of the week. He is a member of the Junior Redbacks Touch Football team and plays in the Monday night competition as well as travelling to touch carnivals throughout the year.
He trains with his running coach (Darren at Pinnacle Running) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he has Little Athletics each Wednesday and has just started parkrun on Saturdays.
Jake was also honoured to be one of five finalists for the KSHS Bass Blue award.
He also competes in various Little Athletics Queensland carnivals when possible, most recently the State Spring carnival in September where he won five medals and recorded five PBs from his five events.
- Madison Holding
Madison has many athletic achievements.
She is Girls U16 cross country age champion, Girls U16 athletics age champion, Girls aggregate athletics age champion and was named captain in the Half Colours Wide Bay U16 rugby league team.
- Jack Webber
Jack Webber is an exceptionally smart and sports-orientated student, both at school and in the community.
His dedication and perseverance is proven as he attends every training session and every game both in football and cricket.
Jack plays for the South Burnett Eagles U17 Team, Murgon District A Grade cricket team, Murgon SHS Open Rugby League Team and in many other smaller teams such as netball and touch.
He was also chosen out of 40 boys to attend the 1440 North Devils Program Camp based in Brisbane for a week, to not only gain skills but also his potential. This camp not only provided Jack with expert knowledge about the professional rugby league industry but was also a great opportunity to be noticed by bigger legends. This program was able to change Jack’s mindset and determination towards the games he played; especially when he was chosen as captain of the Schoolboys Rugby League team. He took great pride in his role and represented Murgon SHS with dignity.
He encourages every student / player, both at school and his club, to participate and join in on the team runs and training sessions. There’s never a kid left out in Jack’s eyes, he sees potential in every child.
Jack continues to be a role model everywhere and with everyone. We look forward to seeing where Jack goes!
- Abbie Laherty
Abbie, 16, attends Kingaroy State High school.
She has represented KSHS in a number of running events at regional, State and national championships.
In 2024, Abbie travelled to Maryborough, Bundaberg, Brisbane (twice) and Melbourne to compete. She became the 16 Years Multiclass National Cross Country Champion when she competed in the School Sport Australia Cross Country Championship in Yarra Glen, Victoria.
Abbie also competed in the Queensland Representative School Sport Track and Field State Championships where she came away with two gold medals, one silver and a fifth place.
She smashed her personal best in the 1500m by one minute and 26 seconds in the 800m.
Abbie also shows great sportsmanship by cheering and congratulating all her fellow competitors. She is a great role model and proves that anything is possible, even if you have a disability. Abbie has Down Syndrome and continues to amaze every day.
- Ziggy Pidgeon
Ziggy has also had a big year.
He broke two school records in 2024 that were set in 1971 by Chris Braithwaite: Boys U17 years 100m: 11.24sec (former record 11.30sec); and Boys U17 years 200m: 22.93sec (former record 23.10sec).
He was also Boys U17 cross country age champion; Boys U17 athletics age champion; Boys aggregate athletics age champion; Open rugby league Most Valuable Player; Half Colours Wide Bay U18 rugby league; Sportsman of the Year Murgon State High School 2024.
- Byron Kratzmann
Byron has demonstrated exceptional dedication to sports throughout 2024.
He has shown a high level of commitment by participating in many cricket and rugby teams, including representing Nudgee College, Lakes Knights and Moreton Magic, as well as preparing for an international cricket opportunity in Sri Lanka.
His continuous involvement across different sports and levels showcases his athletic versatility, perseverance and enthusiasm.
Byron comes from a farming/country background and when not at Nudgee, he is playing for the Murgon Crusaders.
Byron is a great role model for future generations.
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Senior Sportsperson / Sports Administrator / Coach / Official

This award is presented to a nominee aged 18 years and over at January 26, 2025, and recognises a person in the community who has achieved significant recognition in sport or a significant contribution to sport and or the community as a coach, official or administrator. The nominees are:
- Jason Wyeth – WINNER
Jason is a wonderful advocate for our region.
As an executive of the South Burnett Mountain Bike Club and the South Burnett Rail Trail Users Association, he works tirelessly for these clubs, supporting and encouraging bike riding and the South Burnett Rail Trail.
Jason was instrumental in developing the Gordonbrook Dam mountain bike trails and hosting events including the Queensland State Championships.
He is a great advocate of the Rail Trail and is passionate in promoting it to the wider community, including the ABC-TV Back Roads episode which was valuable in bringing the world to our back road.
- Sam Davis
The students from Murgon State High School wrote this nomination for Sam:
Our school is pretty amazing and so are the students and teachers. We believe coming together as a community is what builds relationships and trust. We would like to recognise Mr Davis.
Mr Davis arrived in Murgon at the end of 2022 to start a new chapter in his book. From day one, he has included every single student in everything from a touch footy game to a maths class, to then a cricket game and a lunch time meeting.
He always allows every student to participate in every activity and always motivates them to do their best. But it doesn’t stop there. He then signed himself up to becoming the footy coach for our entire school. He was now the coach for a Year 7-8 team, Year 9-10 team and Year 11-12 team. Every year level group also had a separate girls and boys team, so he was really coaching six teams at the one time. This didn’t stop him; this motivated him and he also took on another role as a coach of three netball teams.
During many time of the year; footy and netball clash in the same week but that didn’t stop him from continuing to run training sessions and open his classroom up to students who may have missed out on a class due to other commitments. This makes him even more determined and motivated to make sure every student in our school gets a willing and fair chance.
We, as a school, would like to nominate Mr Davis as not only our teacher but someone we can look up to and someone we can go to! We hope you share our love for Mr Davis!
- Taylah Hancock
Taylah played rugby league for the Wondai Wolves in 2024 in the Senior Women’s side.
Taylah hadn’t played for eight years which was for the under 12 Wondai Team. She stopped playing as back then girls couldn’t play with the boys and there were no girls teams.
The Wondai team made the finals but unfortunately lost.
They travelled extensively around the Wide Bay with only have one home game. The season finished mid-June so Taylah then made the decision to play in the Toowoomba competition for Highfields club which entailed a lot of travelling to training and games. They made the finals and won against Gatton (which had won the ladies competition for the past three years).
Then Taylah put her name down to play in the very first Queensland Ladies university team. Out of 90 players, Taylah was named in the side to play on the Gold Coast. She had to attend training sessions in Brisbane.
The Queensland side won against the women’s PNG Side.
Taylah Hancock is a role model for other women in the South Burnett, demonstrating that you can live and work full-time in our lovely shire and still excel at the sport you choose.
- Kyle Venz
Kyle has been involved in soccer for about 29 years as a player.
He has been a referee for about 20 years and is currently a referee co-ordinator and mentor, local junior coach and has been the Kingaroy Junior Soccer Club president for two years.
As president he dedicates a significant amount of his time to the club, on site for every coaching session and game, setting up and packing up the fields and organising opportunities for the junior players.
This year the club brought home the U13 and U15 competitive premierships which is a testament to the dedication and support he provides to coaches and teams.
Kyle is well-liked across the board and would be a worthy beneficiary of this award.
- Leanne Dowdle
(see nomination details in Volunteer Of The Year Award, above)
- Mick Astill
Mick has made a significant contribution to the South Burnett sporting community.
He is the current president of the Wondai Proston Wolves Rugby League Club, a role he has held for the past three years.
As a strong leader, Mick has been involved in many aspects of the club, coaching, refereeing and playing.
In 2021, when Mick began his role as president, the club was struggling financially with more than $10,000 debt and the club’s fields and facilities were in urgent need of upgrades. The club had also only been able to field two teams in the previous year: U6s and Seniors.
In the first year of Mick’s leadership, the club achieved many new milestones: recruiting enough new members to form five teams (U6, U8, U10, U12 and Senior men), gaining funding for new field lighting and facility upgrades, and recruiting 24 club sponsors on three-year agreements, totalling more $50,000 annually.
Mick has also made a huge contribution as a junior coach. In 2024, he coached the U14 team, the first time in many years the club had enough members to nominate in this division. While the team was not successful on the scoreboard, the difference he has made to the young men in this team has been exceptional. It is hard to articulate the importance and pride in these young men at being able to represent their town and be a part of the club.
Over the year, Mick worked hard to instil important skills of resilience and sportsmanship and has been a strong role model for the players. He encourages players to give back to the club and is happy to work alongside them in volunteer roles.
The difference that Mick has made within the Rugby League club has meant that a club in need is now able to offer grassroots rugby league long into the future, in a safe and fun environment.
- Glen Trevor
Glen Trevor has been an invaluable member of the Murgon Bowls Club since he joined in 1996.
Over the years, Glen has distinguished himself not only through his impressive achievements on the greens but also through his dedicated service and commitment to the club.
Glen’s bowling career is marked by numerous championships and accolades. He was the B Grade champion in 1999 and has secured the Pairs champion title in 1998, 2004, 2011, 2012, 2018 and 2020. His prowess in Triples is evident with championships in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016 and 2024. He also won the Mixed Triples in 2023 and 2022 and the Mixed Pairs in 2010 and 2023.
His excellence in the A Grade championship was highlighted with victories in both 2023 and 2024.
Beyond his achievements in competition, Glen has served the Murgon Bowls Club in various capacities. He was the club president in 2000, 2012 and 2013, demonstrating strong leadership and a commitment to the club’s growth and development.
His roles have also included games director, selector and assistant in green maintenance/marking, showcasing his versatility and dedication to all aspects of the club’s operations. Currently, Glen serves as the bar manager where his efforts continue to benefit the club and its members.
Glen is known for his willingness to share his expertise with others, offering coaching advice and helpful tips to fellow bowlers. His encouragement and support have been instrumental in the development of many bowlers at the club.
His contributions extend beyond the club’s premises as he has also won numerous “away” competitions, further enhancing the club’s reputation.
For many years, Glen has been a mainstay of the Murgon Bowls Club. His unwavering support and dedication to both the club and its patrons deserves significant recognition.
Glen Trevor embodies the spirit of the club, and his tireless efforts and achievements have left an indelible mark on the Murgon Bowls Club community.
- Jason Webber
Jason is an exceptional leader; his dedication creates an impact both on and off the field.
His tireless commitment to developing players’ skills, fostering teamwork, and promoting a positive, inclusive environment has transformed the team and inspired everyone to reach new heights.
Beyond coaching, he actively engages with the community, supporting local initiatives and serving as a role model for aspiring athletes.
Jason’s contributions extend far beyond the game, making him a deserving candidate for this honour. Not only is footy on his mind, but also cricket is a top priority, too.
In the off season of footy, he rarely gets a weekend off due to his contributions to the community and his love of cricket.
Both footy and cricket are two sports that bring this community together as a family and he is very invested in both.
Jason is both an exceptional cricket and footy player and a great contributor to our community.
- Greg Nord
Greg Nord has an extensive history of volunteering for the golfing community both locally at Kingaroy Golf Club, in the South Burnett Amalgamated Golf Zone, and for SBG Golf (Sunshine Coast, Burnett and Glasshouse men’s golfing district).
Greg’s voluntary duties have involved working at the Kingaroy club over many years in a variety of roles, working in the wider South Burnett and Sunshine Coast golfing communities through representative positions, and most recently growing Kingaroy Golf Club through the co-ordination of an excellent junior program.
In 2024, Kingaroy Junior Golf experienced a year of extraordinary growth. As a Golf Australia MyGolf facility, Kingaroy Junior Golf has seen junior nominations grow from eight juniors in 2019 to 42 registered juniors (and growing) in 2024.
This is partly because of Kingaroy’s wonderful new Junior Development Centre but also because of Greg’s friendly and welcoming manner with juniors and their parents and his very competent handling of the junior co-ordinator’s role. This includes following junior policy, keeping updated with Community Coaching Accreditation, co-ordinating Kingaroy’s other coaches, running coaching clinics for the juniors, sending out the junior competition fields, finalising competitions and awarding prizes, and fundraising for the junior program through the running of barbecues on major sponsored days at Kingaroy Golf Club.
Greg takes each of these responsibilities very seriously, and carries them out with commitment and enthusiasm.
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Lifetime Achievement Awards

This award is presented to residents aged over 60 in recognition of their outstanding achievement. Nominees display ongoing excellence in their field and in the community, demonstrating leadership and innovation while contributing towards the South Burnett region.
Everyone nominated for a Lifetime Achievement Award is a winner!
- Helene Wessling
Helene Wessling is a remarkable lady who has spent a lifetime volunteering and helping others in the community.
In the late 1970s and 1980s, when her children were young, Helene was actively involved in local sports, particularly basketball and netball around Murgon.
She has dedicated countless hours to assisting and volunteering by transporting children and their teams to games and carnivals, umpiring and the general management of fixtures. Throughout the years, Helene has also been an invaluable volunteer within the Catholic Church. She has assisted with fundraising functions, tuckshop duties, and craft lessons at St Joseph’s.
Her dedication continued at St Mary’s Catholic College in Kingaroy where she participated in her grandchildren’s classes. Helene’s generosity extends to numerous individuals and organisations. She is well-known for her sewing and mending skills, often helping residents at Castra Aged Care by mending and altering their clothing. Moreover, she has been running a monthly craft class for Castra residents for the past 15 years, providing joy and engagement to the elderly community.
Her contributions to the Murgon Show Society are noteworthy where she has worked alongside her husband, Owen, for many years. Helene has assisted in the canteen, dining room, and other areas as needed. She continues to volunteer for the society, helping with the monthly Sunday barbecue at the local markets.
For the past 17 years, Helene has also been a dedicated volunteer at the local Lifeline store, committing 2-3 days a week supporting this vital community service. Helene exemplifies a community-minded spirit, always willing to offer her help wherever needed.
Her philosophy is simple: if she can help, she is happy to do so. Helene is highly regarded and deeply appreciated in our community for her unwavering dedication and selflessness. Her tireless efforts and enduring legacy of service are truly commendable.
- Vernon James Clark
Vernon Clark is a pioneer in the manufacturing of machinery for the peanut industry.
He was self-taught, using manuals given to him by an uncle who went to World War I and never returned.
Vern came from humble beginnings. His father travelled around getting work, so Vern was home-schooled by his mother. He only had about 12 months schooling in Toowoomba but Vern had a thirst for making things, which he got from those manuals, and saw an opportunity in the peanut industry.
He built and set up the Kingaroy Engineering Works (KEW) in 1956 and began making harvesting equipment for the agriculture industry. He designed and built plot harvesters, exporting them to America, Fiji and New Zealand.
Over the years, KEW has manufactured more than 200 commercial peanut threshers and self-propelled headers, 250 commercial maize fronts and various other specialised machinery and equipment.
It has also supported local businesses and farms with general engineering and maintenance. These included the Peanut Company of Australia, Bean Growers Australia and the DPI.
KEW has employed up to 20 people at any one time over the years.
Until today, Vern has never been recognised for his work in the peanut, maize and bean industries.
- Barry Richardson
Barry, 78, has lived his whole life in Blackbutt. He loves this town and over the years has done so much to promote it.
He is a hard-working, devoted community member who gives back to his town. Barry has been an active volunteer in the community and has spent his life contributing.
There are so many areas in which he has volunteered. Some of these include many years volunteering at the Timbertowners rugby league club where he has been president, secretary, first aid
officer – and a grandfather watching his grandson play.
Barry received a Volunteer of the Year award from the Queensland Golf Union for more then 30 years of service assisting the Blackbutt & South Burnett golf clubs. Over this time he was president, secretary, captain and providore.
Barry was a local councillor for one term, making significant changes in the community. He also volunteered with Correctional Community Services for 30 years, taking participants to
mow, paint, garden and tidy Blackbutt.
Barry is still involved in local pool competitions which he ran for more than 20 years.
Other involvements include secretary of the Progress Association and involvement with Nukku Nook, the Bunny Pearce life story and Roy Emerson statue.
Barry is always up for a chat, helping people that need pets fed, papers delivered or lawns mowed.
Having grown up in a small town, Barry knows the importance of involvement. He has contributed hundreds of hours to the South Burnett district without expectations of a “thank you” or recognition, which is truly inspiring.
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Local Achiever Awards
These awards are presented to residents in recognition of their outstanding achievement / contribution. Nominees display ongoing excellence in their community.
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Proston/Hivesville nominees are:
- Helen Charity – WINNER
Helen is the quiet achiever. She works consistently in her community never asking for any recognition.
Helen volunteers on countless community organisations and event committees. She has been a huge contributor to the progress of the Proston Community Shops project. She has been instrumental in the renovation of these shops to ensure they are up to standard. She also volunteers her time every week to run the community shop.
She volunteers at the Proston Information Centre and organises the volunteer calendar each month to ensure it is open. You will also find Helen volunteering at the Back to Basics Music Muster twice a year.
Recently, Helen saw a need for counselling services and other emergency support in the community so she organised Graham House to come to town once a fortnight to provide this service.
Helen also attends Proston Round Table Meetings once a month, assists the Proston Golf Club and plays a huge part in the Coverty community. She also organises monthly social events to foster the mental health of those who are geographically isolated.
Aside from all of Helen’s “official volunteer” titles, she also is a great assistance to community members. You will often find Helen collecting shopping for the elderly or those who can’t make it down town, doing their washing for them and taking them to appointments in town.
Helen has the biggest heart and is willing to help anyone. She is more than deserving of this award.
- David Hunter
David moved to Proston in 2015 and since then has been totally committed to our local community.
He attended the inaugural meeting of the Proston Men’s Shed, becoming a member and then secretary. He is a member of the District Lions, attending glass crushers and selling raffle tickets at the Christmas carnival.
David is also a member of the Proston Gold Club and is also the secretary/treasurer and providore. During this time, he negotiated a long-term lease with the SBRC; had the sewage ponds excised from the golf club land and fenced; had the liquor licence extended to include club grounds instead of just the clubhouse; introduced appropriate insurances and much more.
David supported Proston Village, sold horse nominations at the Proston Show and joined the Local Ambulance Committee. In 2018, he became president, taking the club from five members to 18.
This is only a summary of David’s achievements, he has proved to be a true local achiever.
- Wayne Charity
Wayne has made consistent contributions to our local community over many years, including providing meals all weekend at the campdrafts.
He has helped the Proston Show for many years.
Wayne spent five years doing greens at the Proston Golf Club and working behind the bar on Friday nights as well as doing the travelling to stock up the bar.
Wayne, along with his wife Helene, are referred to by friends as the “dynamic duo”, always lending a helping hand.
- Rhonda Gadenne
Rhonda has been a strong local achiever for many years. She created the Carols in the Park which should have taken a whole committee of people to bring to fruition but Rhonda, with the assistance of others, arranged the whole event.
Despite battling health issues, Rhonda has continued to support her community in every way she can.
A huge part of the event could not have happened if not for Rhonda, she pushed for lots of gifts from businesses as far reaching as the Sunshine Coast. With support from businesses
she was able to ensure Santa’s sack was full for the children.
- Denise Steinhardt
Denise is the classic example of a community-minded volunteer.
Over the years, Denise has been involved with many organisations, including the Wondai and District Tennis Club, Parents and Citizen Associations at local Schools (Proston State School K-10 through the 90s), Lutheran Church groups, Wondai and Proston Show Societies, Garden Club and the Rural Fire Service, to name but a few.
Denise remains heavily involved with the Wondai and Proston Show Societies, spending long hours in the pavilions.
Denise was secretary/treasurer of the Keysland Rural Fire Brigade until its merger with Mondure District RFB, where she remains involved with fundraising.
Denise also assists her husband Wayne with his role as Fire Warden for Keysland.
During 2023, Denise – in her role as president of the Wondai and District Tennis Club – assisted with a successful grant application through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, ie. $96,610 to upgrade the Wondai Tennis Courts. This tennis club includes courts at Wondai, Tingoora, Chelmsford and Mondure where Denise is a player as well as a volunteer.
Denise’s involvement with the garden club sees her assisting with the Wondai Garden Expos.
She is a strong supporter of the Hivesville Progress Association at their main catering events and plans for Hivesville.
Denise continues to go above and beyond with her volunteer roles. This is a very short overview of the service Denise Steinhardt has given and is giving to our community.
- Linda Rea
Linda has lived here her whole life and as the daughter of an esteemed local councillor, learnt through her lifetime the importance of being committed to her local community.
Since retiring from working full-time at Proston State School, Linda has been actively involved in many community groups, her greatest commitment being to the Proston Heritage Society.
Linda has been this committee’s treasurer since its inception and last year was instrumental in the success of Proston Centenary celebrations.
Her concept of naming our book, “Proston 100 Years Down The Track”, urged many people to write their story about living in Proston.
Since the celebrations, the Heritage Society has upgraded the Proston Lookout with barbecue facilities.
As our local Men’s Shed has few members, Linda has been a support when they run their sausage sizzle at different events, one of these being biannual Movie Nights in the Park (another one of Linda’s ideas).
Linda has been responsible for many initiatives in Proston and continues to work tirelessly for our community.
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Murgon nominee is:
- Tristan Waldock – WINNER
Tristan has been a dedicated and active member of his community since the age of 10 .
His eagerness to contribute led him to join Apex and the Rural Fire Brigade as soon as he was old enough. At the age of 18, he became the manager of the Murgon Sale Yards and also joined the Tableland Brigade.
Tristan’s volunteering efforts are extensive. He participates in community events such as local shows and wherever help is needed.
Currently, he serves a fireman at the Murgon Auxiliary Station and is secretary of the Apex Club of Murgon for the 2024-25 year.
He has amassed an impressive 237 hours of service for Murgon Apex, assisting at various events.
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Kingaroy nominees are:
- Belle Freeman – WINNER
Belle Freeman has contributed to the local community in many ways.
Belle has been involved in the Kingaroy Netball and South Burnett Little Athletics community for many years. In 2024, Belle started to give back to both of these associations by beginning her coaching journey at the Kingaroy Netball Association.
She began coaching the 5-6-year-old age group. Belle showed up every week and was well organised and provided an engaging and fun session for these members. This program ran for 18 weeks in two blocks and Belle happily volunteered for the program.
As part of coaching, Belle has completed all relevant training to ensure that she continues to build the skills to improve her coaching.
Along with coaching, Belle also umpires across many competitions. On Friday nights after she has finished coaching, Belle would volunteer to umpire our Junior competition games. This contributed to the success of this competition as, we all know, games need officials. This shows Belle’s outstanding contribution to Kingaroy Netball which earned her the Junior Volunteer of the Year for 2024.
At South Burnett Athletics, Belle has also started her coaching journey after being a member for more than 10 years. The athletics season runs for about six months and Belle volunteers her time and skills every Wednesday afternoon to support all the athletes that want to learn athletics in the area.
She is a great role model for younger athletes, showing that you can give back to the community as you get older but still enjoy the sports you play.
Belle has made an outstanding contribution to the community in 2024.
- Jessica Welch
Since 2019 Jessica has been building the Western Stars Calisthenics Dance Studio in Kingaroy, bringing skills and experience from 20 years plus within the sport.
In 2024, Jessica decided to bring a calisthenics competition to a regional area, hosting the inaugural Kingaroy Eisteddfod in June. This brought six competitive teams from around the State to the South Burnett Region. Not only was the competition an immense success, but the economic benefits for our region cannot be overstated.
Until this year, studio members had to travel to metropolitan areas to be able to compete. There had been no regional opportunities for competition.
Jessica is not only trying to build the sport within our region but also give other like-minded persons more opportunities to practice, enhance and compete in the sport they love.
Jessica’s coaching ability is second-to-none, with some of her teams competing at their first ever competition in Kingaroy and at the State titles in Redcliffe.
The development of all teams that competed was commended highly by interstate judges at each event.
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Wooroolin / Memerambi nominee is:
- David Goddard – WINNER
David has been a long-serving and very active member of the Lions Club who is passionate about the local community and the projects undertaken, sometimes using his own funds for the betterment of projects.
He has also held the position of president for the club.
Apart from the Lions Club, David is also an active member of a local Rural Fire Brigade where he took on the position of the Brigade Training Officer. David puts in 110 per cent to this role and the fire service and the local community are the beneficiaries of his efforts.
David’s strong work ethic, attention to detail and his generous nature has greatly enhanced the local community.
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Kumbia nominees are:
- Bill and Sandra Steffensen – WINNERS
Bill and Sandra Steffensen have been stalwarts of the Kumbia area for many years.
They have been involved with the Kumbia Pony Club and South Burnett Pony Club where they were involved in instructing, fundraising and all aspects of running a pony club.
They donate their time to help raise funds for many organisations, including using Bill’s skills as an auctioneer for the Melbourne Cup calcutta at the Kumbia Race Club.
They have been very supportive of the Kumbia Sport and Recreation Association and great supporters of the Kumbia Kindy.
They have taken on the role of project managers for the restumping of the Kumbia and District Memorial School of Arts Hall.
This is a well-utilised hall and part of the Kumbia social scene, hosting events such as concerts, dances, markets and community meetings.
Their hard work and dedication have paid off with a majority of the hall being restumped. Recently they had a dolls and teddy bear exhibition and quiz nights, all being part of the fundraising and lifestyle of the Kumbia Hall.
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Blackbutt/Benarkin nominee is:
- Cameron Redlich – WINNER
Cameron volunteered to help with the start of the Community Supporting Community meals program through the Blackbutt Benarkin Lions Club.
He is willing to help in all aspects of the work needed. From serving, taking orders, washing up and helping with deliveries.
Cameron’s gift, though, is front-of-house. He welcomes patrons and makes them feel special. Everyone comments on what a delight and what a hard worker he is.
At the moment, his mother is going through some major health issues, yet Cameron is still willing to come and help out: “I don’t want to let the team down” he says.
Cameron has also helped out at the Avocado Festival and the Lions markets.
Now that he is 18, he wants to join the Blackbutt Benarkin Lions Club and should be a member within weeks.
Cameron also works at the local SPAR supermarket where again people comment on how delightful he is and a hard worker.
Cameron went to Benarkin State School and has just finished at Nanango State High School.
It is an honour to nominate this young man.
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Nanango nominees are:
- Darryl Robinson – WINNER
Darryl has been an outstanding volunteer for a long time. He has worked for the Rural Fire Brigade as well as being a local snake catcher and has helped countless people in their time of need.
Darryl endlessly goes above and beyond, helping out people of the South Burnett whether it be helping them with wildlife rescues or taking on the terrible job of euthanasing injured kangaroos on the side of road at all hours of the night or taking injured reptiles.
He is always willing to go above and beyond to help out, no matter what time of day or night. He’ll put his life in danger to rid a property of a dangerous snake.
He truly is a kind and courteous man who will give the shirt off his back to anyone who needs it.
He volunteers for various community functions wherever possible.
Darryl has been a giver to the community for well over 10 years.
- Therese Woodward
Therese volunteers at numerous things in Nanango, including the Local Ambulance Committee collecting donations at the showground gates on market days.
She has also organised and run numerous fundraising events for the Local Ambulance Committee, including Bogan Bingo which raised funds once again this year for the Ambulance Committee and was definitely a crowdpleaser for everyone who attended.
Therese has also raised funds year after year for Relay For Life.
Another big thing Therese has made come to life is the Ros Gregor parkrun where she was the event organiser for about four years and is still a volunteer. Therese fought very hard to get the parkrun up and running with many hours of her own time. Therese is always willing to help whoever calls on her.
Recently she was invited to a breast cancer ladies lunch but unfortunately she couldn’t make it. So Therese put on her thinking cap and raised some funds for the woman who had been diagnosed with breast cancer (someone that Therese doesn’t even know) and sold two money boards with funds raised donated to the cause.
Therese is one of these beautiful women that is always willing to help when asked.
Therese has a lovely heart and is one of these people everyone looks up to with what she has achieved in this community.
- Dale Marjorie Hammond
Dale has been a member of the Nanango Golf Club for more than 20 years.
She has been appointed ladies captain and president many times over the past 20 years. Dale also helps co-ordinate the Thursday afternoon mixed competition. She also lends assistance with the men’s major competition on Sundays as well as catering for these events.
Dale does so much more for the club than just hold positions. She is also the club providore, ordering and purchasing food for functions and club competitions. She also runs the club kitchen and co-ordinates all functions at the club.
Dale is also an avid gardener. She helped establish many of the original club gardens. She has maintained these over many years, which has been a labour of love.
She also helps inside the clubhouse by vacuuming and cleaning. She applied for grants to get equipment to help volunteers complete these cleaning jobs with her. No job is too small for
Dale. She spends many hours every week at the club, all as a volunteer.
She also completes many “unseen” things for the club and its members. She organises sympathy cards, flowers, birthday cakes and support for many members and families. She
is a very caring and empathetic person who helps so many people compassionately in their time of need.
Dale is the glue that holds the Nanango Golf Club together.
- Charles Kemp
(see nomination details in Citizen Of The Year Award, above)
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Wondai / Tingoora nominees are:
- Julie Lohmann – WINNER
Julie finds it very rewarding to assist others in our community and is a very enthusiastic, energetic and willing volunteer.
She is a great supporter of Lions for several years. She assisted in arranging an South Burnett Regional Council grant for the purchase of a refrigerator and freezer. This made the venue more suitable to hire out.
Julie has assisted with advice on formatting minutes suitable for SBRC grants and banks and other administrative matters.
She also assists at markets, GemFest, Wondai Garden Expo, barbecues, races and any other area of need.
Julie is the site manager and roster co-ordinator for this Lions Club project and now has 48 very willing volunteers on her books.
She generously volunteers her time, telephoning volunteers and preparing rosters prior to school holidays.
Along with normal secretarial duties Julie is very involved with arranging the yearly Melbourne Cup luncheon and festivities at the Diggers’ Club. She arranges sponsorship from many
Julie’s assistance is of incredible value to the clubs and to the entire community.
- Mick Astill
(see nomination details in Senior Sportsperson / Sports Administrator / Coach / Official Award, above)
- Claire Kapernick
Claire is an amazing and enthusiastic advocate for the region and especially events in Wondai.
She is one of the Wondai parkrun and Wondai Country Running Festival organisers. Both these events have contributed hugely to our region and to our residents’ physical and mental wellbeing thanks to Claire’s enthusiasm and hard work to make these events happen.
Claire is Regional Ambassador for parkrun and supports a number of parkruns in the region.
She is endlessly supportive and encouraging of people getting out and enjoying our region and especially on the rail trail. Claire regularly contributes to ABC talkback and will always take the opportunity to promote our region to the wider world.
- Pam McAllister
Pam is a well known volunteer at Wondai Regional Art Gallery and has recently been the instigator of a new aged care model called “Wondai Cares”.
Although still in its infancy, this promises to be a revolutionary way to deliver client-focused, flexible care to the aged in Wondai.
Pam has worked tirelessly to bring this new program to fruition to benefit many people in Wondai.
- Graham Mitchell
Graham was raised in Wondai and his parents still reside in the area. In 1998 Graham purchased an historic house and moved it to land that was owned opposite the art gallery.
This was transformed into the wonderful restaurant that is known today as Dimities Cottage.
Thanks to Graham, the cottage has been used through the years by many volunteer groups, eg. church, quilters, Lions, masonic group, ladies lunch, musical groups and many more.
Graham was a founding member of the Wondai Chamber of Commerce and is now president of the Wondai Business and Community group that meets monthly to support Wondai businesses and community groups.
Graham also writes for the Australia Salvia group and with his other business, Clouds End Farm, sends cuttings all over the country. Graham is also our florist and for a very reasonable cost makes wreaths for Anzac Day, flowers for weddings, funerals, birthdays and many other occasions.
He also provides his front room for many residents who want to have a special occasion or small get togethers.
Graham is a quiet achiever who has provided the community with support over many years. For example, he saw a need and Dimities is one of the few places which provides a Christmas Day lunch for our residents who are on their own on Christmas Day. This lunch is booked out from year to year.
Graham is also a very accomplished pianist and is the concert master for the CWA and Community Choir which rehearses every week. Graham also plays the piano on opening nights in the gallery and when the choir holds concerts.
He is also a founding member of the Wondai Garden Club and the Wondai Garden Expo which attracts thousands of people to Wondai twice a year.
He is also a social support for spreading the word on these activities. Graham is also a very accomplished artist and has entered in many competitions that the gallery has held. At the moment he has craft groups that meet to learn how to arrange wreaths and flower arrangements for Christmas.
- Lynda Connolly
Lynda, a recent arrival to the region, is a avid permaculturalist and supporter of local produce.
She started the Wondai Community Share which supports locals to grow and exchange produce and share education around all things in the garden.
She is always an enthusiastic supporter of sharing skills, knowledge and produce and support organic and permaculture techniques.
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Maidenwell / Bunya Mountains nominee is:
- Lynne Downes – WINNER
Lynne exemplifies dedication to the Bunya Mountains community through her selfless service and various volunteer roles.
She has become an integral figure in the area, fostering a sense of unity, resilience, and hope among the community members.
One of Lynne’s most significant roles is secretary of the Bunya Mountains Rural Fire Brigade. In this critical role, she manages administrative tasks and actively supports the brigade’s mission
to protect residents and property. Her involvement helps ensure the brigade’s readiness to face emergencies, offering the community peace of mind and a dependable response during
the ever-present threat of bushfires.
Lynne’s efforts reflect her commitment to safeguarding her community and promoting safety in the region.
She also extends her support to individuals and families in meaningful, compassionate ways. She has provided meals and arranged a roster to support community members during illness and challenging times. Through this and other acts of kindness, she helps to foster a spirit of generosity and support that uplifts those around her, especially during difficult times.
Additionally, her sewing skills provide a valuable resource to many, allowing her to assist with everything from clothing repairs to creating specialm handmade items.
This nurturing presence within the community not only meets immediate needs but also serves as a symbol of mutual care and interdependence that enriches the lives of many.
Lynne is also a valued Bunya Mountains Dingo Public Education Working Group member. Her involvement demonstrates her commitment to environmental education and wildlife preservation, helping to foster a positive relationship between the local community and the native dingo population. Through her work with this group, Lynne contributes to educating others on the importance of coexistence with native species and promoting ecological awareness that benefits the broader ecosystem.
Lynne Downes embodies the qualities of an outstanding community leader, bringing warmth, care and a steadfast sense of hope to the Bunya Mountains. Through her multifaceted
contributions, she fosters unity, promotes safety, and enriches the live of those around her.

Thank you southburnett.com.au for the outstanding coverage of this event! So much detail re the nominees; complemented by great photographs! (Love the one of local larrikin Leister Janetzki, from Pro-Tec Light & Sound.)
Thank you to the citizens of the South Burnett for the warm welcome you gave me and my wife Carol. – Dr Tim Baker, Australia Day Ambassador