May 16, 2022
Anglers will be disappointed but this weekend’s Festival Of The Dams has been postponed due to all the recent inflows into Boondooma Dam.
Organiser Matthew Mott, from Fishing Freshwater Australia, announced on Sunday the decision to postpone the event had been made after consulting with the South Burnett Regional Council and dam managers.
Matthew said he had also received a lot of feedback privately and from social media saying it would be best to postpone the competition.
At 7:00pm on Monday, Boondooma Dam’s official level was 102.82 per cent.
Matthew said the dam was still rising on Sunday with a lot of dirty water coming down the Stuart and Boyne rivers.
“They’re talking about more rain … which is going to be a drama with road closures and stuff like that,” he said.
“We’re just as shattered as you are. We’ve got all the prizes. We’ve got everything in line but we’re not cancelling the comp; we’re just postponing it.”
Matthew said the Festival could be rescheduled for the start of August, but the dates had to be confirmed with Council.
The popular annual fishing competition was to have been held at Boondooma Dam on May 21-22.
It is hosted by the Boondooma Dam Caravan and Recreation Park and sponsored by Council.
Only 40 teams can take part.
“The Festival Of The Dams is one of the biggest fishing competitions in our region, as well as a weekend of family fun that’s open to the public with raffles, lucky door prizes and much more,” Mayor Brett Otto said last week, before the postponement.