April 4, 2022
Three South Burnett projects will share $22,000 in Federal Government funding under Round 7 of the Stronger Communities Program.
The Nanango Sporting Association will receive $12,100 to buy a portable disabled unisex toilet block for use by families attending events held at the Alan Downie Sports Fields.
“With no disabled amenities currently available at the sports ground, this project will help make the sports fields a more inclusive environment,” Member for Maranoa David Littleproud said.
The Kumbia branch of the QCWA will receive $7010 to upgrade bathroom facilities and access to their building.
And the Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland will receive $2973 for a new water tank at the Maidenwell Rural Fire Brigade shed.
“Installing a new 5000 gallon tank at the fire shed will provide a reliable source of water and upgrade the water system for use in the fire shed, which is solely reliant on tank water,” Mr Littleproud said.